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ACT [Umai Neko] Fighting Girl Sakura-R (RJ183230)

Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Is it just me or the new version from AS is bugged or something? ESET instantly delete the file game.exe in the folder.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Is it just me or the new version from AS is bugged or something? ESET instantly delete the file game.exe in the folder.
Nope, not just you. Avira shuts it instantly as well. In fact 35 / 57 of antivirus softwares (on VirusTotal) find game.exe possibly trojan. So... Don't run game.exe (the game starts with the 106-107MB .exe file anyways) if your antivirus hasn't detected and killed it. Just to be safe. xD
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Also I used an old save and re-completed stage 12 but I didn't see the ending too. I wonder if I had done something wrong.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Also I used an old save and re-completed stage 12 but I didn't see the ending too. I wonder if I had done something wrong.

I think old version saves aren't compatible with the update. It's annoying, but starting over again is probably the safest bet.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

All the latest update added was an ending "sequence" of being able to exit Stage 12 after defeating the 2 horned demon bosses, and a preview picture of what most probably will be 'Fighting Girl Mei-R' with some Japanese text underneath. (though I techically only had a look at the latest version, which had the very same extra and gallery seemingly)

No 'Extra' or 'Gallery' content added. AFAIK. The save(s) should unlock the very same -all- animations.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Here you go (see attached).
Atlhough I would remiss if I didn't mention that another full unlock save's (one with the usage of CheatEngine, no doubt lol) location has just been mentioned literally above your introductory post... ;D
Just extract the contents into your game's folder, and overwrite the files.

Ohh, and welcome btw!

gallery and animations on extras are missing :/

any chance you got 100% on those?
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Just tried with a virgin most updated version (from nyaa), and worked just fine. (extra, gallery content, all 12 stages unlocked)

You do have the whole game, right (2GB+)? And did extract the contents of the 'save.zip' to your game's main folder - should ask you to overwrite files.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

So occasionally, I get multiple guys banging my character when she runs out of hp. I cant seem to find the pattern though. Oftentimes the guys will just run around and not gangbang the character. What is the trigger to cause the enemies to do this inside of the stages?
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

So occasionally, I get multiple guys banging my character when she runs out of hp. I cant seem to find the pattern though. Oftentimes the guys will just run around and not gangbang the character. What is the trigger to cause the enemies to do this inside of the stages?

iirc, there's only 2 monsters capable of gangbang. The red frog thing and the yellow lizards from the early stages. Other monsters will just stand around if you run out of hp.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

But in the gallery most of the monsters have a 2/3 animation as well. Can you just not get those ingame or something?

The numbers refer to the state Sakura is in when the animation occurs.
1 = fully clothed
2 = underwear
3 = fully naked
There should only be 2 monsters who have a 3P option, which is the gangbang.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Just tried with a virgin most updated version (from nyaa), and worked just fine. (extra, gallery content, all 12 stages unlocked)

You do have the whole game, right (2GB+)? And did extract the contents of the 'save.zip' to your game's main folder - should ask you to overwrite files.

Since you tried with the updated torrent, did you get the new ending sequence when playing from the folder with game.exe or from the one inside the folder called "base"?

I can't get the ending sequence to trigger. Savegame files transferred from one to the other have animation bugs and refuse to trigger the ending sequence. I can unlock the gallery without a problem but am not sure why I'm the only one with the ending sequence problem.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Since you tried with the updated torrent, did you get the new ending sequence when playing from the folder with game.exe or from the one inside the folder called "base"?

I can't get the ending sequence to trigger. Savegame files transferred from one to the other have animation bugs and refuse to trigger the ending sequence. I can unlock the gallery without a problem but am not sure why I'm the only one with the ending sequence problem.
Ughh, definitely DON'T go near game.exe and setup.exe. Look very much trojan... I've played the latest from nyaa with the fgs.exe in "base".

And out of curiosity, quickly ran through it again without the save - when you know what to do it can be done in an hour -, and weirdly enough, couldn't get the ending sequence. So I actually have no idea. lol
Either the ones on nyaa are not the "real" v16/09/06, or there is something hidden in my registry screaming I completed Stage 12 already, on a version without the ending. At least these are the things I can think of.

Anyways, don't be too discouraged. ALL the content is unlocked with the saves. All you are missing is her leaving S12 and a picture preview of the next game to come. I think... Supposedly. xD

EDIT: and by the save(s) I mean the ones shared here in the thread (the 'save' folder and 'savegame01' file) - should unlock the gallery and the extra, without bugs. At least they do for me.
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Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

It's precisely that ending sequence which I wanted to see for myself. Still thanks for the answer. Game.exe got removed by the overzealous AV program while the top folder one seems to have had too many bugs.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

So can anyone who knows Japanese confirm with the author if the new version on AS is really the updated one by the author, instead of some kind of malware?

EDIT: It seemed I wasn't clear, what I meant is, asking the author if the updated version has strange problem like malware detection etc. No need to mention about AS or where you got the file.
Jeez, some people really do love giving petty neg rep.
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Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Am I missing something or does the gallery generally only show the first "initial" looped animation of the sex? As it stands to see the whole loop from what I can tell you need to get raped by the enemy in the stage they are in(and lose to them)... Please tell me I'm missing some secret button/key press to show the whole loop in gallery or what not...

Pretty annoying having to go into specifc stages and lose to them to see whole loop of a character, nevermind if then want to see another characters full loop. Pretty bad oversight by the creator if there is actually not a way to see the whole loop in the gallery. >.>

Edit: Having now looked through all of the threads pages seems only the naked one shows full loop(not sure in what form though, I would do a quick check but I don't leave pc in japanese locale nor do I use that ntlea or what not)... probably didn't notice since me boner on one of the certain characters rape made me go blind so just went on journey to find the enemy in a stage for full loop. Guess will just have to make use of that F5/F6(and yup just as I thought its just a quick save/load) to make it easier however easier it actually makes it to view not fully naked full loop...
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Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

^ So yeah, could it be not pressing the left mouse button is causing the problem? (to advance the loop in the Gallery, you need to press LMB, even though it says 'Press Any Key' on the screen).

Otherwise, you need to lose to a specific enemy only once in Clothes/Underwear/Naked to unlock their respective animations in both the Gallery and Extra menus. To get the ejaculation loop ('fin') in Extra, you need to lose in Naked.

EDIT: oh okay, now I get what you mean. Guess you are right. In 'Extra' it only shows the slow loop for the Clothed (1) and Underwear (2) versions, while after losing in-game the animation alternates between 1x-1,5x-2x speeds... Indeed, might have been nice to include an option for random/alternating speeds in the 'Extra' menu. Just an FYI, the (fin) animations are the 2x speed and eventual finish animations on loop of the Naked (3) versions. (same goes for (3p) - only with 2 monsters, for the rare enemies that have 3p animations)
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Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

To clarify I don't mean the "gallery" that has that 'Press Any Key' thing but the "extra" gallery that shows the 1/2/3p and fin animations but apparently- and nope just checked not even 3p aka naked shows the full loop(might of misread someone mentioning it did) it just shows the initial loop full stop in that "extra" gallery on ones I looked at anyway(don't want to spoil myself on the magnificent animations damn it), by that I mean it doesn't show/"play" the faster "version" of the animation(not totally sure if it is just faster with no variation in animation or not) that starts showing/"playing" not long after the basically game over yes or no option to continue, if just wait will see an enemy loop not just the "normal" sex animation but also faster "version")

Gugh, you'd think people would know how to do it right after KooooN Soft showed how to do it but nope an endless stage with all enemies in it or a debug mode is too complicated for them(not specifically pointing at Umai Neko but just basically at people who make these kinds of games where such a thing would make the game as a hentai game much better). I know it probably might not be that simple but still makes me livid. Got nothing against elaborate galleries(if they show all animations/loops that is... but does annoy me if it doesn't at least give an option to automatically loop through the whole animation including "speed"/"finisher") but at least for me I'd take hands free as possible aka not having to tell the game what to do and randomness into the mix of characters who rape next any day over non-random/non-automatic galleries, if I had to choose. Though ofc having both is better...

Edit: no nevermind the fin animations are that game over animation don't know how didn't realise that so does show some in gallery... also just tried purposefully being p2/3 some stages not too hard but there are a few its just not easy at all with daft crawling enemies constantly going cross screen or just other enemies in the mix, takes a lot of tries/or just rediculously hard that gave up to get certain enemy with 2/3p. this was also with using cheat engine manipulating health to break clothes right time and put health back up etc... all gonna say was so annoying, even more annoying there is plenty good animations but cause of poor accessibility to them just ruins it... Well I'm going back to lurking after daft maybe "rant" posts... Bloody creators not doing good galleries/easy access to the hentai ruining hentai games.
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Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

Just a heads up, Umai Neko has begun working on the next game. Instead of Mei-R as I expected, it looks like a mahou shoujo version of Sakura titled "Fighting Angel Fairy Heart". Though I would've preferred something different instead of pink hair big twintails again.

Looks like the creator is also probably sticking to the formula. I guess this time since the heroine can use actual magic it might spice things up.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

He posted a video. looks like its going to be streets of rage side scrolling style (you can move up and down on the screen). He also shows the main characters combo and animation for getting hit. Still in the early stages of development though. Nice to see he switched the formula up just a little bit.
Re: Fighting Girl Sakura-R

The new game's main character has some amazing thighs and ass proportions. I look forward to buying this one as well.