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Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Alright yes I got the message loud and clear. I will make the eyes smaller thanks.
I think the eyes are fine and I don't think you should decrease the size unless you want to. Because if you change the graphics in a way you don't feel comfortable with everyone playing is going to notice it.
So do what you think is the best and what you think looks best. Then the final product might not be to everyone taste but they will be able to tell if you enjoyed working on the project or not.

Anyway I have a couple of questions.

1. Is it possible to get account activated on your forum?

2. When do you expect to release the game?

3. Is there going to be any rape in the game and if so how will it work?

I pledged a while back hoping the game would turn out nice. After testing the demo I'm impressed and looking forward to the final product. So keep up the good work!
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Didn't appreciate your post above attempting to "respond" to, or really insult most the people that gave their opinions in here. Guess what buddy, your video/demo/images are all people have to judge your game on, if they look bad, people will think that your product is bad. It's not anybody's fault but your own for not making it look good at first glance. There's a reason many games/movies/whatever else usually have their trailers seem better than the actual product is. It shouldn't be the other way around if you want to entice people to try/buy your product.

Insulting potential customers = Not a good business move. That big post of yours above was pretty immature at points in my opinion. Lucky for you most people won't read it all because it's a mess. Getting defensive about criticism doesn't help anything. If you're okay with blunt, I'm great at blunt. If you want to be a professional and make money off your work, you should start by acting like a professional.

It is amazing what art quality bar you guys compare me to in terms of art. I had this one person link me to some art that was collaborated on by 5 different people and said, my stuff should look like that.

You are probably used to seeing art ripped from games made by professional japanese studios or made a from teams of artists that draw for a living with these style games. Sorry here it is just me. And i don't draw to much for the very same reason people are commenting on here. While I very much appreciate all of the comments. I'd say I'm doing pretty damn good for myself.

The picture on the mousepad too me two whole weeks to draw. I can't draw like that for the hundreds of images required for this game.

This part made me laugh. Like there's no intermediate art skill level, just poor anatomy straight to multi artist, professional grade level.
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Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

(nice idea but this may prevent you from earning more than you could have)

how do you figure that? because kickstarter? Also I am not a world renown artist. Plus I'm trying to stay away from static still images you are used to seeing in sim games. I can do that stuff but that is not what I want to do here.

Well chances are if only a small amount of people (or no one) actually bothers to pirate your work and you chose to host it on a paysite, it's possible that you could actually earn more than the fixed price you set to develop it (even though it would take longer than asking for donations).

I've seen plenty of sim games using animations. Most of them however are in Japanese.
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Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

tentacle bento got pulled after approval though, and that wasnt even really hentai...
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

tentacle bento got pulled after approval though, and that wasnt even really hentai...

Nice name, lol. Well all it takes is one or two people to report it probably.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project


Please allow me to add some context since the hentai is currently separated here. In the game the hentai serves as a alternative way to boost your progress in the game. Some of these H minigames are from Maiko working in various locations to raise money quickly, basically prostitution. Other H minis are to build physical stats faster. Other are for favorable outcomes of failed minigames. That is why in all the minigames the work is on Maiko to complete it. I do what you are saying though. Maybe I can add a animation or something at the end? I'm not really sure what you mean by her doing all the work.

True true. Thanks for that dropping that bit of wisdom there Pimp.

1. Is it possible to get account activated on your forum?
I was under the assumption that everything get activated automatically and was working normally. which forum? /forums? of the /svp/ site ? If you give me a bit more details I will correct whatever the issue is.

2. When do you expect to release the game?
Sometime in March, the earlier the better. It is a estimation because it depends on what I decide to change (such as the eyes). But I really want to get started working my next game.

3. Is there going to be any rape in the game and if so how will it work?
yes there is rape. There are bully characters that will attack Maiko if she is alone. Maiko can fight them off via a mini fighting game.

However the character David will be notorious for this more than the others and will actually try to rape Maiko if conditions are right. If Maiko is out wandering around at night time alone, and fails to defend herself after being attacked, then this event will trigger. it resets each day until being settled through a quest chain.

Like I said I appreciate all the comments both good and bad. But don't claim to make yourself to be some innocent reviewer dude. You are not going to sit here and run over me with your asinine comments. your jokes about my art growing on people like a tumor are not very helpful nor contribute to the thread discussion. In one post, that was literally the only thing you said, and clicked submit. My art is what it is. If it is not good enough for you then I can accept that, but without the added snarky comments. And understand that I am speaking my normal honest thoughts, sorry if I'm not complementing you for making fun of my art skills. And I'm sure you can understand that I'm not overly thrilled when reading about how my game is crap before anyone here has even played it. You will find that the way I am typing now will remain consistent. And you can toss out the potential customer guilt ploy.

Yes I understand that it is up to me to present my work properly, I agree with you on that fully. However I also did not make this thread. And that was because I recognized that I was not ready to present it. I found out about this thread 3 days after it was posted, and could not even post at the time.

the art in this game is not my best quality but if you check on my other site you will that is art is not as bad.
My point is that the art is this way in this game for purposes of animation. Something I am obviously not the best at. But if you don't like it, dude you can say something without the little slick jokes. I treat others the way they have treated me, customer or not.

I see what you mean, thanks for elaborating. However I will probably go back to the way I originally intended for this game. which was to just put it out there and try to do something like this with my future games after people are more familiar with my work. I had seen other hentai games on kickstarter and wanted to know how to go about doing it. It was also a good way to gauge interest, as I knew people familiar with m work was very low in number. Building interest for having to justify my work was never something I really got into. And I'm really feeling to continue trying to do it. I would for a number of people to already be familiar with what I can do such as KHTA who recognized me from the Vandread Love Quest game.

I had previously remained introverted so I could get some leg work done in this without having to interface with people much because my development does tend to run over as I add in more things over time.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

tentacle bento got pulled after approval though, and that wasnt even really hentai...

Nice name, lol. Well all it takes is one or two people to report it probably.

If I remember correctly it was a lot of complaints about it actually. Not really anything to with hentai but more to do with promoting young girls being raped in schools. I think we can all agree the game was misrepresented and unfairly taken down.

However I saw stuff that got all the way through kickstarter without any promotion on hentai forums like this, even got overfunded by a lot. I was very curious on how this feat was even possible. So I set up my game to see if first, I could even get in, and second to see the interest. I see what you all are saying about offbeatr but I will probably just charge this to the game and move on. I am nearly done and ready to work some other stuff on a smaller scale with less characters.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

1. Is it possible to get account activated on your forum?
I was under the assumption that everything get activated automatically and was working normally. which forum? /forums? of the /svp/ site ? If you give me a bit more details I will correct whatever the issue is.
On your spiralvortexplay forum.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Hmm...Just watched the preview video for this project in full, and frankly I'm impressed with the amount of depth you have planned for this game. I usually find most if not all sim games to be quite boring/un-rewarding if you actually find the time to sit down and play them. This however, looks like it could be engaging because there seems to be so much to it. As far as the art goes, yes it could be a little better, but comparing it to some other sim games I've seen, it certainly isn't the worst. This game won't appeal to the people who want their hentai quick and dirty, but there are enough RPG luvin' clock-goblins here who will probably eat this up.

Although, I AM surprised a thread was made about this game here. You only mentioned "adult situations" briefly at the end of the video. I think that just shows that your game will gain some foothold in time.

Edit: Some of the art I see on your website is better than what's in that video.
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Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Like I said I appreciate all the comments both good and bad. But don't claim to make yourself to be some innocent reviewer dude. You are not going to sit here and run over me with your asinine comments. your jokes about my art growing on people like a tumor are not very helpful nor contribute to the thread discussion. In one post, that was literally the only thing you said, and clicked submit. My art is what it is. If it is not good enough for you then I can accept that, but without the added snarky comments. And understand that I am speaking my normal honest thoughts, sorry if I'm not complementing you for making fun of my art skills. And I'm sure you can understand that I'm not overly thrilled when reading about how my game is crap before anyone here has even played it. You will find that the way I am typing now will remain consistent. And you can toss out the potential customer guilt ploy.

Yes I understand that it is up to me to present my work properly, I agree with you on that fully. However I also did not make this thread. And that was because I recognized that I was not ready to present it. I found out about this thread 3 days after it was posted, and could not even post at the time.

the art in this game is not my best quality but if you check on my other site you will that is art is not as bad.
My point is that the art is this way in this game for purposes of animation. Something I am obviously not the best at. But if you don't like it, dude you can say something without the little slick jokes. I treat others the way they have treated me, customer or not.

I never claimed to be some "Innocent reviewer" if you cared to try to read my posts. I said I was being blunt and at times a dick with my joking comment earlier, but at least I made it clear that it was a joke and that I didn't actually mean it to be as severe as it seemed. I also never asked you to compliment me for my opinions on your game, please don't put words in my mouth. I said:

1. If you want to be a professional, act professional. Your defensive posts aimed at people who criticized you do not come off as professional. "This is the most intelligent post in the thread." is not professional, but it is a good way to alienate everybody in the thread. Again, you're lucky most people in here probably didn't bother to read it all.

2. I'm sure it's not fun to read about how people think your game looks like crap before they've even played it but guess what: That should tell you something. If a good amount of people have a negative opinion about your game at first glance, you're doing something wrong that you could improve on. That should be taken into consideration rather than getting defensive. You put your work up on Kickstarter, it should have been ready to be judged.

3. Customer guilt ploy? I'm telling you that you're also selling yourself when you try to manually market a game like this. You know what that means? Acting nice or seeming approachable, even if people are rude towards you. Showing rudeness back to someone who was rude towards you also means that all your other fans/potential fans will see those negative messages from you, and may form a negative opinion about you for not handling the situation better. No, you don't have to be nice, but you certainly aren't going to be nearly as successful. There's a reason businesses have the motto "The customer is always right" and try to avoid any rudeness towards them.

It doesn't matter how good your product is if your name gets a shitty reputation. I could list some great artists with crappy attitudes that people avoid because of their personality/the way they treat people who comment on their art, but I'm sure you can already think of a couple if you've hung around HF or other art sites for a while.

I'm just trying to give you some tips here, it doesn't do me any good to attack you for no reason. That I took the time out of my day to write this to you instead of just straight up trolling you instead should at least hopefully be noticed :p I see all too many amateur artists with a poor attitude towards people and/or no business sense fail because of it. There is a huge difference in the way you need to go about things if you want to make money with your work rather than just enjoying it as a hobby. You're essentially a business now, and will want to try to act like one to have the best chance of success. It's a very big leap that few are prepared for.
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Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

On your spiralvortexplay forum.

I think I closed it down due to me wanting to try a different forum that integrated into my main site better. I only check it on the off chance someone posted something there. I was having issues with the MyBB software it was built on. however I am thinking about going back that forum after successfully sorting out some of the problems. And I noticed some other forums using MyBB also. what is your username there?

Hmm...Just watched the preview video for this project in full, and frankly I'm impressed with the amount of depth you have planned for this game. I usually find most if not all sim games to be quite boring/un-rewarding if you actually find the time to sit down and play them. This however, looks like it could be engaging because there seems to be so much to it. As far as the art goes, yes it could be a little better, but comparing it to some other sim games I've seen, it certainly isn't the worst. This game won't appeal to the people who want their hentai quick and dirty, but there are enough RPG luvin' clock-goblins here who will probably eat this up.

Although, I AM surprised a thread was made about this game here. You only mentioned "adult situations" briefly at the end of the video. I think that just shows that your game will gain some foothold in time.

there are a few quick and dirty options here initially though the message is not clear about them. The scene with the open legs is playable from the start and fully interactive. Also the first book Maiko needs to buy to read about sexual stuff you can afford pretty much at the start of the game. Inside the girls and boys lockerrom will be hopefully interesting to people also. Those thing are accessible form the start. But you are right it is a game based on progression and some of the stuff you will only be able to unlock later in the game.

I find a problem of how exactly to convey this without having a giant wall of text in my description (more so than I already have). if add in every detail of game will people even bother to read it? I would assume most major things folks might ask about are covered.

and yes my regular art is better then the in game art. I briefly touched hybrid animation because I can animation art that more closely matches my static image art. but adding that video into a flash game makes the file huge especially when adding audio like sfx and bg music. I will try hybrid animation again on a later project when there is less characters and not as much change of outfits. because each character and outfit change means a different video. it adds up pretty quickly especially for multiple scenes.

I never claimed to be some "Innocent reviewer" if you cared to try to read my posts. I said I was being blunt and at times a dick with my joking comment earlier.

I think you are a very likeable person and I don't really want be bickering with you like this, and I hope you feel the same way. I think we just got started off wrong for various reasons and our personalities just naturally clash a bit. Understand that I have done a lot deleting and rewriting on every post so far to be mindful of others even though it may not come off that way, I have toned it down quite a bit. Lucky or not, I will not endeavor to win over everyone here, however I understand what you are saying in terms of business, and I appreciate the time you are taking you comment back to me as I keep saying. however, I also have my own dignity. Alienation was not the intention of that one post you mentioned, it was to suggest people think about the game objectionably before jumping to conclusions. And know that these posts you are making now are something I have no problems having a proper dialogue with. Yes I can take a obvious joke, and I have no issues with harsh truths. And if you are keen on identifying new artists coming on here, and are fully aware of repercussions, then I might suggest you give the person a break and go easy on the dickish comments, at least initially, because I can tell you from this experience that they come off as highly offensive and naturally prone to a defensive retaliation. This is because the person does not know your personality and what is a joke and what is not. And if you made it clear that it was a joke, then I have for whatever the reason missed that part in your text completely. I don't claim to be some professional but I will take in what you said. Thanks for relaying your thoughts on my acumen.

I would much rather talk about the game itself though. the detachment of arms if due to my trying to be efficient on animations. It was the best way possible I saw of saving on memory resources and time. The game was at the point where it was loaded art such much that it would crash if too much more art was added. So I had to be resourceful and reuse arms and parts from other animations to make that one. It is not a excuse to justify it, but that is the reason it looks the way it does. It was due to memory overloading issues, and less about my ability to identify a not so good animation, though I realize my animation is not the best to even begin with. I have made arrangements to replace segment with what I would call a better animation. And I'm not so big on the KS promotion, I think I have gathered all the information I needed to know from there, I will decide what to do with it in a few days. I might a "leap" later on. Like I said (at least i think i did), I'd much rather work on the game then trying to justify a marketing campaign through dialogue. Like you already understand, I should not have to be saying much at all. I would ideally want my previous works to speak for whatever it is I am currently working on. Some people have seen some of my other stuff here already however the majority is hardly are familiar with anything I have done due to my nature of not exposing my work much, so I will need to flip that around over time. But that is something to do later.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

$3.8k to make this?

Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

If I remember correctly it was a lot of complaints about it actually. Not really anything to with hentai but more to do with promoting young girls being raped in schools. I think we can all agree the game was misrepresented and unfairly taken down.

this is random but tentacle bento was kind of shit as a card game... it was rummy with a few extras and a random mechanic that made it impossible to play competitively... i'm used to more rigid structures...like TANTO CUORE AND KANZUME GODDESS, OMG THEYRE SO MUCH FUN... ahhhh winning that tournament dressed as a maid felt so good and i still have the huge playmat/microfibre towel i won
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

$3.8k to make this?


That is like two months pay for a low paid worker.
It's a little more than one months pay for a computer programmer.
It's less than what my boss pays for having me work fo him for a month in salary and taxes.

And the game looks like it is worth more than 160 hours of work.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

I modified the art based on suggestions here and other places. thoughts?
maybe someone can properly link it.
took about 8 hours

this is random but tentacle bento was kind of shit as a card game... it was rummy with a few extras and a random mechanic that made it impossible to play competitively... i'm used to more rigid structures...like TANTO CUORE AND KANZUME GODDESS, OMG THEYRE SO MUCH FUN... ahhhh winning that tournament dressed as a maid felt so good and i still have the huge playmat/microfibre towel i won

heh, well I would not describe it as shit but yeah I don't recall it being overly engaging if that is what you were looking for. I vaguely remember simply something about matching symbols and colors. I have not heard of those card games you mentioned. So I did a quick google on Tanto Cuore. looked at some of the cards and read a few reviews. Yes it looks pretty detailed in terms of mechanics and possible strategies that can be implemented. yes now I can understand why you would not like the tentacle card game much. As for myself, I am familiar with card games such as magic the gathering thoguh I don't play it much these days. I'm not sure how compares to the card games you mentioned because I have not played them both.

It's a little more than one months pay for a computer programmer.

yes lol. I can say that is pretty accurate indeed.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

I modified the art based on suggestions here and other places. thoughts?
maybe someone can properly link it.
took about 8 hours

heh, well I would not describe it as shit but yeah I don't recall it being overly engaging if that is what you were looking for. I vaguely remember simply something about matching symbols and colors. I have not heard of those card games you mentioned. So I did a quick google on Tanto Cuore. looked at some of the cards and read a few reviews. Yes it looks pretty detailed in terms of mechanics and possible strategies that can be implemented. yes now I can understand why you would not like the tentacle card game much. As for myself, I am familiar with card games such as magic the gathering thoguh I don't play it much these days. I'm not sure how compares to the card games you mentioned because I have not played them both.

yes lol. I can say that is pretty accurate indeed.

basically tentacle bento isnt anything more than a party game because there's nothing you can really do tactically... except trying to force the end of the game when youre in the lead (but the game ends randomly once 4 events are out)
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

I think the skin color is too pale... they looks like sick people. Maybe darkened it a bit?
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

well I liked it enough that I backed you. I'm looking forward for the next demo.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

I think the skin color is too pale... they looks like sick people. Maybe darkened it a bit?

yes I need to update that whole picture later. darker is on the list of things to change thanks. probably will happen on tomorrow or Sunday.

well I liked it enough that I backed you. I'm looking forward for the next demo.


Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

what you have already took to me so I'm fine ether way, but yes that changes the look completely, I'd say that it is now more of a classic anime look.