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Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean nodded. "Which is why I'm thinking some form of external control. Nothing I've read about so far has given any leads, but she was the only one down here recently, and I'm fairly positive that she wasn't accompanied by anyone."

He paused for a second, thinking. "Hm...Possession, perhaps...but would that work in here?"

He stopped, then looked at Tesla. "If you don't need my assistance, I may go look into some of my...more eclectic books. See if I can find anything."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Akira wanders into the warehouse, seemingly still in a sleepy haze and looking a little unkempt, "Morning everyone... did I miss something?" Akira pauses while standing there, slowly trying to process the scene, "Hm... I definately missed something..."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sarah looked up at Akira's aproach. "To put it mildly, we realized why your group was attacked soo heavily just a leeetle too late, and the regulars are gonna haveta fix the mess while we go after the next artifact," she points out.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Tesla waved a hand.

"No go ahead, most of the work required here and assembly can only fit one person anyway, and unless you've had time to study the blueprints for the device ..."

He smiled and chuckled.

"Well, if you had you wouldn't have had to call me, you'd have been able to do it yourself, and I'd know nothing of it. Go, I'll take care of it."

He too exited the room, and John walked over, about the same time Akira entered.

Akira would note that the shorter man looked an awful lot like Nikola Tesla, and the taller man seemed very ... intimidating.

The shorter man spoke first.

"John, I need you to port back to the Sanctuary and gather the materials for another charge station, you know which ones. Then bring them here. This is going to take a little while."

The taller man, addressed as John nodded.

"Very well, I'll inform Helen and be back shortly."

Akira might wonder how he intended to be back shortly, and what the other had meant by porting, when suddenly the taller man vanished in a flash of red swirling light.

So that's what he'd meant. The guy could literally teleport.

Now though she'd been seen.

"Oh why hello there, I don't believe we've been introduced yet. My name is Nikola Tesla, and you are?"

He was addressing Akira.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean scooted past the others, and back into the bed and breakfast...Only to return a few minutes later, head bowed in thought. When he did get around to looking up, he had a previously unseen and unreadable look in his eyes.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Akira looks at the teleporting man, and decides to half blame it on morning tiredness and starting to slowly not care as much about strange things going on, plus there was still that painful headache from drinking too much...

"Akira Hitoshi, electronics repair person during the day, cheerleader during missions."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Tesla nods.

"Well then, welcome aboard Akira."

A flash of red indicated John had returned, carrying a bunch of electrical equipment with him.

"That's the first shipment, be in with the next soon."

He then dropped it, and then vanished again.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Akira walks over to the box, showing interest in it's contents, "Hm? What's this for? Did something break?" Squatting low, Akira begins to pick through the contents of the box, seemingly lost and very distracted by everything and anything that was available.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Tesla nodded.

"Yes, it would appear someone damaged the Tesla recharge unit, so I'll have to rebuild one for you folks. Won't take too awful long, and you get the benefit of the person who made them in the first place helping with that."

Again John appeared, this time behind Akira.

"What is she doing?"

Tesla waved him off.

"Don't worry about it Druitt. She's a tech head."

John just shook his head, grumbling, and vanished again, heading back for probably another load.

Tesla chuckled slightly, then turned back to Akira.

"Word of advice, let me deal with him in situations like that where he gets defensive. He went by another name a long time ago when he was insane. He used to be Jack the Ripper."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Akira stops going through the box and stops, and blinks, then looks up, "Uh... o..okay...?" Akira had always pictured jack the ripper as the more gentlemanly type... on the other hand, what the hell?

Looking around, Akira thinks, then asks, "So who damaged it in the first place? Any idea at all?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

By now Chris was back in the picture.

"Claudia did. Whoever attacked you folks in Colorado was after her the whole time. Er, Sean, I don't like that look, what's up?"

Tesla just remained quiet, even as John returned one final time.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean just looked straight at Chris, his look still unreadable. There was also effectively no emotion in his voice, making it damn near impossible to guess at his thoughts, even for those who knew him well enough to normally do that. "Chris, stay here, look after the warehouse. I've got to take a bit of a trip south."

As he turned to exit the warehouse, he made one final comment to Chris. "No offense, but I'm not certain that you've got enough control not to go flying off the handle."

It would be several minutes after Sean had left that it would hit Chris why.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

After about ten minutes it suddenly did hit him why.

He turned pale once more, and slowly sat down in a seat.

"Sarah ... I can't believe we missed it. That son of a bitch is alive."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sarah halted, looking at him. "Who, what do you mean?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Chris looked up to her, visibly shaken.

"I should have pieced this together much sooner Sarah. First the setup in Nigeria to get the Progenitor Artifact, then the seemingly unconnected B.O.W attack in Colorado Springs. Then the reported outbreak in Atlanta that was minimal, and the fact Claudia was injured, the Warehouse broken into. I was so focused on MacPhearson's return .... I never stopped to consider that there's only one person who had the type of resources needed to find this place, who'd want JUST the one artifact."

His fists clenched, and he half smacked the table, angry.

"Wesker's alive. It's the only reason Sean would think I wouldn't go off half assed to Atlanta, and he's right. Albert motherfucking Wesker survived. Which also means ...."

It was Tesla who answered, his features alarmed slightly.

"Which means Wesker not only infected Claudia with one of his viruses, but that Allison could still be alive. Dear god."

Chris nodded solemnly, still shaken.

"Sarah, take control of the team and recover that artifact. Nikola, finish working on the device then get yours and John's asses out to Seattle and FIND Ellen. I need to make some calls, set up things with Mrs. Frederick, start trying to trace where Wesker might be heading. Undoubtably, he's got some sort of plan, and I'm betting we don't want to give him the chance to put it in motion, if he hasn't already."

Tesla nodded, going to work quickly.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sarah nodded slowly, then turned to the other two. "Akira, Kevin, you're with me, I want to keep this small so we got the people to keep the Wharehouse intact." Flipping out her sunglasses from the bag, she goes towards the bed and breakfast. "First one to start a rig gets gas reinbursement."

(*cue CSI Maimi theme*)
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Akira looks up at being called and nods, "A..alright... I don't know why you want me along though..."

Akira quickly heads back to the utility closet to grab the shoulder bag and waits for the others before heading out.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Chris had left the room, so the answer came from John.

"Backup for Kevin and Sarah. That and with Wesker's name in the mix, Chris is not a person you want to be around right now. He was very angry after Allison's supposed death, for a while he took it out on other people, partially because he was changing at the time. Now, with Wesker being alive, Claudia his minion, and the possibility Allison could be alive and a prisoner of Wesker ... Let's just say not even the most powerful of vampires wants to be in his way. One thing with Chris. If it's a just cause, and needs to be done, he finds a way, even if that places his life in danger and means verbally lashing out at others."

He shook his head slightly.

"Three of you going? I'm guessing your heading to the airport to fly out then Sarah?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"I was thinking of it. Faster we get done, faster we got three people to hunt down Wesker," she pointed out, stopping at the doors. "Personally was thinking a small crew too so more people would be here. Why, think it'd take more?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

John laughed.

"No that should be fine. But I was thinking more of a ... direct route to your location. Miami Psychiatric facility wasn't it?"