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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?


Anonymous2: the fact that I can read what she said just made me realize im such a goddamn pervert that I learned another language to keep my hentai game on lock...FML

Anonymous3: The fact that hentai caused you to want to learn another language is fucking beautiful.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Today in anime club, we watched a random 10 minutes of the korean dub of the Live-action adaptation of the Death Note anime with english subtitles. Most of the subtitles were lost in translation and made no sense whatsoever, which was funny on it's own. But we all lost it when one of the female characters said, "Let me do your girlfriend."

Stuff like that is freaking hilarious. There's one that might still be floating around on the net. I'll have to poke around in my other favorites before I can find it, but it's sometimes hard to find. It was a bootlegged copy of Lord of the Rings...translated to Spanish (may've been Chinese or Japanese)...and then translated *back*.

Best line ever: Bring your pussy face to my ass.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

An article about some big figure named William Bennett blaming the decline of men on video games. I chortled a bit, because it is easy to blaming it all on something relatively new. But that's just me.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Just got a text from a friend that simply said "He's not gay".

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

i talked to a friend who i actually thought had been dead for 4 years. amazing.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I just bought Blink182's newest deluxe album.

My bod- I mean ears are ready.


Re: What made you feel giddy today?

So, I'm watching Umineko for the first time. When I got to that one part
in episode 11 where Aunt Rosa was forced to eat Maria's somehow still concious disembodied head
and I'm like, "Man, that's apetizing~."
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Bought a big 1.5 liter of dr.pepper. lasted me alll day.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I listened to The Wombats' first album. It filled me with a fair amount of joy and sudden love of marsupials.

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Dr. Pepper is on sale 1.37$ for 6 cans. bwee~
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

This page made me laugh so hard, especially the last bit.

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I just finished a large chunk of coding for my senior design project, which means I can move forward and expand on my research. Three and half hours of coding with a functioning algorithm. Fuck yeah.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Why the FUCK am I just finding out about this?


Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Well it was last night, but I beat my brother's high score on Star Fox 64

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Shit, i can't remember my high score
It was ridiculous though Hah

Also, I looked outside and managed to see the south hill at night for the first time in my life
People apparently don't realize it, but its beautiful at night with all the lights on it.
I also managed to see the moon with definition for the first time, as well
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

My sister got fed up of random people hitting on her on Chatango, after receiving a particularly high amount of them one day. And so is now currently trolling the site, signed in as "Grizella", an alleged village huntress from Cambodia, using a picture of a particularly butch looking female body builder. Conversations topics including hunting skills, Grizella's dying father, chopping wood, butchering livestock, and snoo snoo.

To her surprise the hit rate of desperate/curious people is actually higher than before. The results have been pretty hilarious.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Well, duh. She's a chick. Of course the hit rates are going to be high. That, and, well, people obviously think "snoo snoo" is slang for "whoopie" I'm guessing.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

isn't she like 7 years old?