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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

23:56 Trivia 28. Nature and Biology : A species of what can be pushed through a piece of fabric so that it is broken into thousands of tiny pieces. The animal does not die. Rather all the pieces reassemble until the sponge returns to its original form?
23:56 Trivia Hint: s*****
23:56 Iggy sponge
23:56 Trivia Winner: Iggy; Answer: sponge; Time: 14.664s; Streak: 1; Points: 3; Total: 66

Umm... It gave away the answer...
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?


Anyway, this is more something that made me laugh than made me giddy but there's no other place for it. Anyway, I was banned from posting on /v/ just now for saying 'butthurt'.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Got a lot of stuff done today, and found out my cats go crazy for the Algae flakes for my Pleco.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Gearbox finally released its duke nukem forever patch, fixing a crap ton of key issues and flaws that were in the game. Thanks Gearbox, at least you have the balls to try making it better.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Made me think of Oni

also one of the funniest sites I've found on stumble
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

People should really find better things to think about.

And I wouldn't attack someone with a cactus. What the fuck has that cactus ever done to me? It doesn't deserve to die for my righteous fury. No, I would use a child. That I had doused in gasoline. And set alight.

And once that child is a charred mess of cooked flesh and smoldering hair I'd use its family as improvised flaming weapons.

EDIT: Super is out on DVD. I'll be buying the fuck out of that.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

People should really find better things to think about.

And I wouldn't attack someone with a cactus. What the fuck has that cactus ever done to me? It doesn't deserve to die for my righteous fury. No, I would use a child. That I had doused in gasoline. And set alight.

And once that child is a charred mess of cooked flesh and smoldering hair I'd use its family as improvised flaming weapons.

EDIT: Super is out on DVD. I'll be buying the fuck out of that.

Are you saying you're not worth thinking of? That's sad :p
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Eh, there's things much more interesting than me.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Murr. I start work on Saturday oficially, but did some three hours of extra work today ^^
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I asked her out.

She said yes.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Congrats man.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Nice, Bart! Hope you have a good time!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Copy-pasta'd from .

Not perfect (hawke-adin, really?), but still funny:p

You Ain't Never Had A Mage Like Me

Music -

Well Garahel, he had them Wardens braw
Anderrast-ie had her Maker’s tales
But serah you in luck ‘cause in your gauntlet claws
You got a brand of justice never fails
You got some healing in your corner now
Some heavy mage possession down your way
You got some punch, pizzazz, kaboom and how
(Just get me drakestone and sela petrae)
Then I’ll say

Mister Hawke-adin, sir
Would you like some AOE?
Let me aim my staff and
Zap them down
You ain’t never had a mage like me
Maker, no

If you’re the templars’ friend
I’ll show you rivalry
I will blast the Chantry end to end
You ain’t never had a mage like me

Yes ser, we pride ourselves on mana
You’re the Champ
Support mage guys
See friendship rise
How ‘bout another Legacy speed run?

Have some Creation skills
(I can’t learn Entropy)
I’m in a rage to free a mage!
You ain’t never had a mage like me

Can your tanks do this?
Do your rogues do that?
Do your tanks pull this out Tevinter hats?
Can your rogues go, poof?
With staff and blade
Can your party go, Knickerweasels, help me love,
And then summon demons from the Fade?

So doncha sit there blood-streaked, ‘bout to faint
I’m here to resurrect your group again
You got an apostate with Warden taint
You got a Vengeance to give Templars pain
I got a powerful urge to wreck their stuff
So what-cha wish? I really wanna know
My manifesto’s three miles long, sure ‘nuff
No matter what you say the Chantry goes—like so!

Mister Hawke-adin, sir, have a spell or two or three
You might love or hate, but I’ll fight my fate
You ain’t never had a mage, never had a mage
You ain’t never had a mage, never had a mage
You ain’t never had a mage like me
You ain’t never had a mage like me, hah!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Passed all four categories on my basic skills exam, meaning I'm allowed to teach in the state of Illinois! Still have to get my actual degree, of course, but it's a big step, and I'm allowed to student teach.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Copy-pasta'd from .

Ah! Jakface! I ordered the pin-up calendar from her! Well, I ordered two. And if my friend manages to buy one after all is said and done, I'm going to trounce her severely about the head and shoulders...