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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Gaia's Halloween event. Moreso for the fact that they dress up their NPCs as various characters. Some of them are, at least to me, fairly obscure, but seeing the elk (yes, they have an elk that runs one of the stores) done up as Pinky-Pie and the other character done up as Rainbow Brite (and actually knowing who she *was* unlike the youngins on the site) made my day. Apparently they did one of the NPCs up as a Homestruck charrie, too. They've also got Alice, from RE, Pinhead, Lara Croft, Leelo from Fifth Element, and various other anime references, too. Makes my geeky night.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

My buddies knew I liked Mario, so they suggested I play Teemo in League of Legends, 'cause he gets Mushrooms, but then I found out he only gets Poison ones. SO I THREW IT ON THE GROUND!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

My buddies knew I liked Mario, so they suggested I play Teemo in League of Legends, 'cause he gets Mushrooms, but then I found out he only gets Poison ones. SO I THREW IT ON THE GROUND!

Lol nice Lonely Island reference.

Read a quote that I personally thought was quite witty on ign.

"I carried a 4.0 at Wii U"
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Lol nice Lonely Island reference.

Read a quote that I personally thought was quite witty on ign.

"I carried a 4.0 at Wii U"

yet you never hear "Columbus was the first one to play a 360" Hurr shitty puns for the win.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

yet you never hear "Columbus was the first one to play a 360" Hurr shitty puns for the win.

LOL that actually cracked me up.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

yet you never hear "Columbus was the first one to play a 360" Hurr shitty puns for the win.

But he wasn't. He never made it around the globe and he was far from the first to realize that the earth is a globe.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

But he wasn't. He never made it around the globe and he was far from the first to realize that the earth is a globe.

And then logic killed a simple joke meant for the simplistic view. Great. Your a natural HS. Pretty Much the same as me Jumping up to defend the wii U's meaning behind the name, even though i really wont ever bother to because i have too much apathy to.
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

And then logic killed a simple joke meant for the simplistic view. Great. Your a natural HS. Pretty Much the same as me Jumping up to defend the wii U's meaning behind the name, even though i really wont ever bother to because i have too much apathy to.

No need to thank me, putting down lame jokes is a calling.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Didn't the Vikings discover the world was round first? I know they found North America way back in the 900's, but I can't recall if they actually discovered the world being round bit.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Didn't the Vikings discover the world was round first? I know they found North America way back in the 900's, but I can't recall if they actually discovered the world being round bit.

Ancient GREEKS knew the world is round. Someone even calculated the size, although their answer wasn't even close to the truth.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Ancient GREEKS knew the world is round. Someone even calculated the size, although their answer wasn't even close to the truth.

Huh. Never knew that.

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Ye learn something new every day.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I thought that was common knowledge
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Took down Sean in street fighter 3 on Dreamcast. Motherfucker, Hes tough as ryu, especially since his moves are Crazy as fuck compared to ryu's.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I thought that was common knowledge

It's very possible I knew it and forgot it due to it not being brought up very often. Whereas I've talked about the Vikings landing in Newfoundland plenty of times so that little tidbit is lodged pretty firmly in the mushy gray that is my brain.

Also, what made my giddy last night was seeing a guy come into the bar wearing a Ghostbusters costume. Best proton pack I've ever seen, and he built it all himself. Shame I don't have a picture.
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Riding the motorcycle around town with Ben <3
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Killing floor, Mountain pass,Normal, Patty time, However, my team is made up of idiots. They decide to clump together and watch the rocket approach their face. I of course jump off the balcony by the trader to dodge, but the rest of the team watches it like a deer in headlights. They ALL die except me. SO its just me and patty. Im a medic thankfully, so i can outrun him for the most part. I used a total of 58 arrows from a crossbow, 250 9mm rounds, 9 reloads from a AK47, 24 rounds from a m79, and lastly, a random lever action i found down by the underpass. Finally, the evil beast went down, as i triumphed over his fucked children and his rotting corpse. True victory was achieved all by myself, even after he healed all 3 times. As for the ridiculous amounts of ammo listed, its from ammo boxes i managed to scavenge while running for my life.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Vampire the Masquerade Limited Edition 20th Anniversary Edition.
On my doorstep.
On Halloween.

(Un)Life is Good.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I'm a little drunk, my viking costume received near unanimous praise, and I got some candy! Good night by most measures, I think.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Looking at the haul that I got last night going out trick-or-treating. I only went down two streets in my neighborhood and I managed to fill a small bag of treats, which was awesome. Only had one guy say "Aren't you a little old to be trick or treating?" but he was a good sport about it, especially since I told him "You're *never* to old to trick or treat!" Especially since my Vincent costume was a hell of a lot better than some of the costumes that I saw come to our door while I was still home giving out treats! I had one lady giving me a bit of a look...it was either age or she had no clue as to who I was supposed to be, but other than that, it was pretty fun. What was really fun was getting to my uncle's house, knocking, and him not recognizing me for about a minute before it was "Oh for crying out loud!" My aunt: "What?" "It's your niece!" So my two aunts and my cousin come to the door to check out the costume and my cousin goes "Are you *really* trick or treating?" "Hell, yes, I am!"

All in all, it was a lot of fun. Then I came home, picked out a few pieces and gamed with my one friend, who actually went out *with* me but she didn't come up to many of the houses, though folks'd spot her and it was "What about your friend? Here...take some for her too!" So I have to split some of my loot, but it's all good! *laughs*