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What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I find it funny that if Brawl had no online capability and no single player then it'd probably get better reviews.

People always compare it to other games that focus on single player.
I saw it as just a fun change up to the usual fighting every once in a while

Also, Eternal Darkness would have been amazing if it had better enemies. There should have been a bigger variety and more span in difficulty.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Albel Nox. The greatest anti-hero a game has ever seen. That and he's voiced by Crispin Freeman.

That statement is full of win, right there, Oni. Albel Nox = total ownage, IMHO.

Back on topic, I am just a fan of gorey games, Squid. I hate the fact that Halo series is so friggin unrealistic. At least in Gears, I get the satisfation of seeing their head explode from a high caliber bullet, or seeing them explode into pieces when I fire a Boomshot at them. It's a matter of the satisfaction recieved from killing, not that I'm a stereotypical Gears fan who hates Halo. I just don't like that Halo has so many people blindly following it, just because it has online and a 4-player co-op campaign. I know that if Gears had 4-player co-op campaign, the campaign would suck total dick. This is just a statement of opinion, and NOT a flaming
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Heads don't explode from high caliber shots. At least, not from just one. A solid hit with a .50 MIGHT cause the skull to implode due to the pressure of the bullet going through it sucking the jellied brains out the exit hole and shattering the skull, but it's still an if. It takes a lot more firepower than you would think to produce some of the absurd video game gore from games like Gears of War. Usually it will take quite a few bullets.

And the Gears of War campaign sucks anyway, in my opinion at least. The game bored me, everything was too small and/or too few. Should have taken 2 years to make that piece of crap, not 10. The least they could have done was balance the weapons. And before you call Halo unrealistic, why would a regular guy like Marcus be able to take on the Locust practically by himself when they've more or less wiped out humanities best defenses? At least in Halo, you've got the excuse that the main character is a cyborg with reverse engineered alien technology in his armor. I was never satisfied by the first Gears of War, so I'm not buying the 2nd until i can bargain bin it, so I only have my experience with the first game to go on, but it doesn't look like they changed anything or added much in Gears 2.
Granted, Halo is often just as overrated. So, meh.
Oh, and Call of Duty 4 = the most overrated game.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Over rated:

FF VII: Good game in its own right... but still, I have seen better. Just do not try to argue that point with fanboys or they will go ape shit... you know, on second though you should argue that point with fanboys and video tape it... it would make a wonderful youtube video.

Halo: I cant really say what has not already been said about this particular series. I'm actually not a huge fan of the series though... and yes I have played them.

Kingdom Hearts: Was I the only one who only thought the game was "alright". I mean, yeah its a decent game but I don't get all the hype around it. In my eyes it is alright and that is all it will ever be.


Out of this World (Another World for some): I really... REALLY enjoyed this game. I played this little gem for the SNES recently and it blew my socks off. You play as a scientist who is teleported to another world. The main genius behind the experience is the fact that you do not know what to do. When you get an item, you have to use it a few times to get the hang of it. You must have quick fingers and a sharp mind to survive in this alien world. Check it out.

Beyond Good and Evil: Hard to describe this game. It has adventure elements, along with a good stealth system, yet you are a journalist who is just searching for the truth. A beautiful story, awesome characters, and wonderful game play kept me playing this for a long time. But it ends with a cliff hanger which would tease fans for a long time. However a sequel has been announced... apparently my threats to Ubisoft worked.

Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Heads don't explode from high caliber shots. At least, not from just one. A solid hit with a .50 MIGHT cause the skull to implode due to the pressure of the bullet going through it sucking the jellied brains out the exit hole and shattering the skull, but it's still an if. It takes a lot more firepower than you would think to produce some of the absurd video game gore from games like Gears of War. Usually it will take quite a few bullets.


I take it you don't like Pokemon then?

Or Soul Calibur?
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I believe the point he was trying to make is that Gears is just as unreal, surreal if you will, as Halo or any of it's shooty peers. It's not necessarily and argument for realism, but a point of order for Burrito to consider.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

But.. if you want heads to explode... then heads exploding is a good thing.

Whether it should happen according to the real laws of physics is near to irrelevant.

I think Kill Bill is a good example - excessive amounts of blood, but makes the film pure win.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?


I take it you don't like Pokemon then?

Or Soul Calibur?

Actually I enjoy both. Newbie is correct.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

But Burrito's point wasn't that Halo is more surreal, more that he enjoys the effects in Gears of War because they are more gory.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Shoulda read which chunk of me you quoted in your post aika, that was just a random factoid. Off topic.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Fair enough, as long as it's not a reason towards Gears of War not being a good game.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

A note on realism... its not very common in video games, but this is not necesarily a bad thing. Video games are supposed to help one escape from real life, so to make a bigger splash of blood when it wouldn't happen is fun for people.

Another under rated game: Iron Storm. Another FPS, but set in alternate history WW1... but in 1960. One of the gorier games I've played. Example, when you throw a grenade at someone, instead of seeing their body flop around, or blow up in multiple large chunks ala Gears, or turn into goo... they explode into multiple body parts that fly all OVER the room. I saw a foot in a boot, a hand, chunks of torso, piece of a head... the gameplay was somewhat generic, especially by today's standards, but the WW1 element with more modern weaponry added a unique twist that was fun to play through.

It was for PC.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Yeah I'll pass on realism in games myself, especially in FPS's or wargames in general. If I wanted to see the real stuff, I would've reupped. Of FPS's he ones I liked were Call of Duty, and I can't remember what the other one was called, but it was based in the Vietnam War. I'll have to figure that one out cause I enjoyed it.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Yeah I'll pass on realism in games myself, especially in FPS's or wargames in general. If I wanted to see the real stuff, I would've reupped. Of FPS's he ones I liked were Call of Duty, and I can't remember what the other one was called, but it was based in the Vietnam War. I'll have to figure that one out cause I enjoyed it.

most realistic games ever supcom/ta.


because in the future you can build an army in 12 minutes.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Overrated: Call of Duty 4.
Look, I played it. I enjoyed it. Just like I enjoyed CoD 1, 2 and 3. I finished them in about the same time period as well. The problem comes in when I hear so many people singing the damn thing's praises. It's an above-average shooter. The story is alright, and thank fuck they didn't make -another- WW2 game (and then cruel fate showed us that they actually WERE! >=( ). However, it's not as amasing as everyone has said. It does nothing new for the genre. Nothing has changed from the other games beyond maybe 60 years. Yaknow what that is? That's a graphics change.

Underrated: Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
Some of my fondest memories back when SNES was king are from that game. 'nuff said.

EDIT: Ronny, I believe the game you're referring to is Shellshock(ed? I can't remember)
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Kingdom Hearts: Was I the only one who only thought the game was "alright". I mean, yeah its a decent game but I don't get all the hype around it. In my eyes it is alright and that is all it will ever be.


Out of this World (Another World for some): I really... REALLY enjoyed this game. I played this little gem for the SNES recently and it blew my socks off. You play as a scientist who is teleported to another world. The main genius behind the experience is the fact that you do not know what to do. When you get an item, you have to use it a few times to get the hang of it. You must have quick fingers and a sharp mind to survive in this alien world. Check it out.

Beyond Good and Evil: Hard to describe this game. It has adventure elements, along with a good stealth system, yet you are a journalist who is just searching for the truth. A beautiful story, awesome characters, and wonderful game play kept me playing this for a long time. But it ends with a cliff hanger which would tease fans for a long time. However a sequel has been announced... apparently my threats to Ubisoft worked.

I wasn't sure if I was going to like Kingdom Hearts when I first tried it and then, once I did, I positively loved it! Played it, Chain of Memories, and 2 straight through in one fell swoop. I suppose how much you liked it depends on your gaming tastes, which is true for all games, really.

I remember Out of this World. I also remember sucking at it *laughs* Very innovative for it's time, though, I can say that! Damn black beast dog thing...

And Beyond Good and Evil usually tops the "Best games you've never played" lists. Good to know there's a sequel coming out. I haven't played it yet myself (I think a friend owns it, though.) Will be nice to get them together, if I ever get around to it.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Overrated: Call of Duty 4.
Look, I played it. I enjoyed it. Just like I enjoyed CoD 1, 2 and 3. I finished them in about the same time period as well. The problem comes in when I hear so many people singing the damn thing's praises. It's an above-average shooter. The story is alright, and thank fuck they didn't make -another- WW2 game (and then cruel fate showed us that they actually WERE! >=( ). However, it's not as amasing as everyone has said. It does nothing new for the genre. Nothing has changed from the other games beyond maybe 60 years. Yaknow what that is? That's a graphics change.

Underrated: Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
Some of my fondest memories back when SNES was king are from that game. 'nuff said.

EDIT: Ronny, I believe the game you're referring to is Shellshock(ed? I can't remember)

I loved Zombies Ate my Neighbors, that game was fun. That could be it, hard to tell with the amount of games out there like it.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?


Look familiar at all, Ronny?
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

That looks like Shellshock. I remember wanting to play that game so badly, but when it came out I just didn't have the money to get it. Alas, I still havn't. Oh well...

Call of Duty 4 is overrated, but still fun. However, I'm still looking forward to Call of Duty 5 and the new Brothers in Arms. They havn't done enough mature WWII games, too much watered down patriotic stuff. Still waiting for a good Stalingrad FPS. It could be awesome even if it is WWII