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What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Overrated: WoW.

Underrated: City of Heroes/City of Villains.

I've played both.

WoW is cool if you like looking at shitty graphics and mindlessly killing the same opponents over and over and over, grinding to get that lame-ass shoulderpiece for your tier five epic set, and listening to dumbasses brag about how they hit level 80 within two hours of the WoTLK release.

City of Heroes is cool if you like being able to create and make your own characters, having them look whatever you want them to look like, a wide variety of super powers (think like Elements in Pokeman), and a player base -not- filled with 13 year olds (however, 12 year olds still exist)... Where you mindlessly kill the same opponents over and over and over.>.>

WoW is for people who don't realize that Blizzard will drop it if their newest project takes off faster.

City of Heroes is for people who like getting free Expansion packs every three months.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

most realistic games ever supcom/ta.
because in the future you can build an army in 12 minutes.

Supreme Commander and Total Annihilation. Just plain awesome. More RTS games should have paid attention to what TA did ten years ago. Though I guess they are neither overrated nor underrated, so not much to say.

Future games are good at avoiding realism issues, provided they don't try to go into too much fake scientific detail or make fancy claims as to how stuff works.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Overrated: Hellgate:London

Most overhyped POS ever. Now they are shutting it down.

Underrated: The original Tribes.

So badass.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I've never gotten into any MMOs save some free online ones, so I can't really judge. Though I am a big fan of Blizzard, save WoW. Waiting eagerly for Starcraft 2.

I recently played Supreme Commander for the first time, and can't say I was overly impressed with it. There was lots of neat things they did with it, but after the intimate carnage of Dawn of War, and the amazing outbreak of Company of Heroes (both from Relic, and while the second is WWII, still a great game), I feel the bar for RTSs set much higher. Especially with both those games upping the importance of infantry. Which is where Command & Conquer failed in my eyes.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Overrated: Hellgate:London

Most overhyped POS ever. Now they are shutting it down.

Underrated: The original Tribes.

So badass.

Damn right Tribes was awesome.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Heads don't explode from high caliber shots. At least, not from just one. A solid hit with a .50 MIGHT cause the skull to implode due to the pressure of the bullet going through it sucking the jellied brains out the exit hole and shattering the skull, but it's still an if. It takes a lot more firepower than you would think to produce some of the absurd video game gore from games like Gears of War. Usually it will take quite a few bullets.

And the Gears of War campaign sucks anyway, in my opinion at least. The game bored me, everything was too small and/or too few. Should have taken 2 years to make that piece of crap, not 10. The least they could have done was balance the weapons. And before you call Halo unrealistic, why would a regular guy like Marcus be able to take on the Locust practically by himself when they've more or less wiped out humanities best defenses? At least in Halo, you've got the excuse that the main character is a cyborg with reverse engineered alien technology in his armor. I was never satisfied by the first Gears of War, so I'm not buying the 2nd until i can bargain bin it, so I only have my experience with the first game to go on, but it doesn't look like they changed anything or added much in Gears 2.
Granted, Halo is often just as overrated. So, meh.
Oh, and Call of Duty 4 = the most overrated game.

I concede to you, mighty Tassadar. You have changed me. But, I'm still selling my Halo 3. I just don't have the time to play it, what with me playing Gears all the time. And yes, I was actually stating that I prefer Gears over Halo because of the gore. This does not mean I think Halo is stupid because it has almost no gore. The only reason I hate Halo is because everyone I know on Xbox LIVE who play the game think it's the god of games. People like that, I just wanna chainsaw 'em, y'know?

And yes, CoD4 is the most overrated game. One thing we can agree on.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Overrated: Wow, Hellgate London

Underrated: Black, Hellgate London

Black: Neat little FPS by Criterion Games. No REAL storyline, though it has one.
Not hard to play, and the AI is decent. Encourages mass carnage, even on 'stealth' levels. Gets more fun on the higher difficulties, actually. Worth about $10 IMHO, though you'll see Gamestop selling it for $15.
Still, it's fun, and you should pick it up if you can. only 8 missions, but good length, and quite fun.
Have I mentioned it's fun :D

HG London: Yeah, it was definitely over-hyped, but it was still a fun game. If they hadn't been rushed, FS would have delivered on the hype. I just wish it had stayed alive. I really liked the game's concept. Maybe in the future it'll be resurrected and brought to completion.
Not worth getting now, but if you can find the free demo, give it a try.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

That statement is full of win, right there, Oni. Albel Nox = total ownage, IMHO.

You sir deserve internets. Hundreds of them. On my first playthrough of SO3 I got Albel by accident, but as soon as I got him I made him the character I played as.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I concede to you, mighty Tassadar. You have changed me. But, I'm still selling my Halo 3. I just don't have the time to play it, what with me playing Gears all the time. And yes, I was actually stating that I prefer Gears over Halo because of the gore. This does not mean I think Halo is stupid because it has almost no gore. The only reason I hate Halo is because everyone I know on Xbox LIVE who play the game think it's the god of games. People like that, I just wanna chainsaw 'em, y'know?

And yes, CoD4 is the most overrated game. One thing we can agree on.

Hahaha! I hope not. :p
Halo isn't even my favorite FPS that I play online, I liked Tribes 2 a lot more, but no one ever plays it anymore. At least you've got good reasons. Most people who I know that don't like Halo can only say "it sucks!" and then stare blankly at me.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

You sir deserve internets. Hundreds of them. On my first playthrough of SO3 I got Albel by accident, but as soon as I got him I made him the character I played as.

Thank you, Oni. And yes, Albel does kick serious ass. Especially if you get his Vampiric Flash and set it to short range strong. Total ownage.

Hahaha! I hope not. :p
Halo isn't even my favorite FPS that I play online, I liked Tribes 2 a lot more, but no one ever plays it anymore. At least you've got good reasons. Most people who I know that don't like Halo can only say "it sucks!" and then stare blankly at me.

Glad to know I don't act like a normal Halo hater. I would so hate to be put in with them. Hell, even my most trusted Gearhead buddies do that exact same thing.

Kusanagi, I have played Black. It was an awesome game. Loved the variety of weapons and the nice story. Plus you get to just unload clip upon clip into bad guys for fun :D
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Overrated: WoW.

Underrated: City of Heroes/City of Villains.

I've played both.

WoW is cool if you like looking at shitty graphics and mindlessly killing the same opponents over and over and over, grinding to get that lame-ass shoulderpiece for your tier five epic set, and listening to dumbasses brag about how they hit level 80 within two hours of the WoTLK release.

City of Heroes is cool if you like being able to create and make your own characters, having them look whatever you want them to look like, a wide variety of super powers (think like Elements in Pokeman), and a player base -not- filled with 13 year olds (however, 12 year olds still exist)... Where you mindlessly kill the same opponents over and over and over.>.>

WoW is for people who don't realize that Blizzard will drop it if their newest project takes off faster.

City of Heroes is for people who like getting free Expansion packs every three months.

Silth, I need to introduce you to my fellow Gamer. He raves about City of Heroes. I'd probably get into it, too, if it weren't PtP.

Overrated: Wow, Hellgate London

Underrated: Black, Hellgate London

Black: Neat little FPS by Criterion Games. No REAL storyline, though it has one.
Not hard to play, and the AI is decent. Encourages mass carnage, even on 'stealth' levels. Gets more fun on the higher difficulties, actually. Worth about $10 IMHO, though you'll see Gamestop selling it for $15.
Still, it's fun, and you should pick it up if you can. only 8 missions, but good length, and quite fun.
Have I mentioned it's fun :D

I kept forgetting to mention Black when you guys were talking about the FPS games. Gotta love a game that lets you shoot *everything.*
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Thank you, Oni. And yes, Albel does kick serious ass. Especially if you get his Vampiric Flash and set it to short range strong. Total ownage.

Which move is that one? I set the one ability that creates a cloud of crimson stuff and gives the damage dealt to Albel as restored health to long range.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

That's Vampiric Flash. Put it on short range strong, and hold down the button, it easily makes up for it's high MP cost, since it usually drains a shitload of health and MP from the enemy
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?


Look familiar at all, Ronny?

No, that wasn't it. Though that might be good one to try, too. The one I was thinking of was Men of Valor for X-box. It's not much different from other's of it's kind, but the story in it was the part I liked.

Another game I liked that was underrated was The Operational Art of War series, but unless you're in to that kind of a game you won't like it.
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Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

My favorite game is Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Men of Valor was quite an enjoyable game. I remember playing through that at a friend's place. BLACK was quite fun as well.

Another underrated game was Act of War
It was an RTS similar to the command and conquer series, except that it had the best room clearing I've ever seen in a RTS game. The urban fighting was excellent. The only game that could have beaten that for room clearing would have been Company of Heroes, but that game neglected to put in any room clearing.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Men of Valor could have been better, but it was just the one story-line and once you played through once nothing was new. If they made sequels for it in different wars or something it would be nice. Or even have some different choices in the game. Still enjoyed it a lot though.

I wish they would make one based on the Korean War, instead of always WWII or Vietnam. It may actually work better considering the number of countries actually involved in Korea. Plus it wouldn't be WWII which is overdone.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I still say there's things they could do in WWII that havn't been touched. A good Stalingrad game would be amazing if done right. They have yet to capture the intensity of clearing houses.

And Korea could be done. Maybe they could even put Canadians in it.

They are also coming out with a WWI FPS. I'm intrested in how that one turns out.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

There's lots of stuff that could be done for WWII. Stalingrad as you said, for some reason they avoid house-to-house fighting in most games. Africa hasn't been done as far as I remember which is weird with the number of battles there, too.

Korea would be great, but to be honest half the people don't even know it was a damn war. WWI would be interesting especially if they touch on how nasty the trench warfare can be.