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Announcement [yugon] Sakura Taiken


Tentacle Monster
May 2, 2010
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Re: Sakura Taiken

i like it because its fucked up..

there aren't a lot of fucked up things like this out there.. its modern art


Tentacle God
Apr 1, 2010
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Re: Sakura Taiken

I guess the guy toke some drugs waited a few minute and when he saw only pink dots he began to draw.


Jul 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Sakura Taiken

I had some fun with it. After I popped in the codes for the demo, I had a full party. You are right about it not being easy to lose. With four girls, I never ran out of attacks until the very end. Clothing destruction is still in, but takes forever for it to happen. Nothing is really explained, so you go into the game just have to tinker around until you figure out what's what. I kept gettting game overs until I realized that you could use the second girl, and I had no idea (and still don't) how to equip items and what they do. Apparently there is a way to limit the amount of damage taken during rapes, but I don't see it. I did notice a few times though my assaulted heroine would have an orgasm and take a chunk of hp off, and if she was subject to an internal cum explosion (I just love that phrase) she would take massive damage, and then random damage for a few turns.

The demo though has a few bugs; characters disappearing including the main character; taking attack damage from depleting your reserve attack after the match has ended; being able to trick the demo into not ending early by completing the second stage without killing three dick head guards (I don't know what else to call them.)

Artowrk, well if you have played his other games, yeah it's an improvement. But if you haven't, you aren't going to like it. It's an acquired taste, like Midara-something-something-arisu. He likes to toss humor in there too. I have to admit that I laughed when all four members of my team loss clothing to the character above's farting attack.

I imagine this one won't get an english translation either. But I ,for one, am going to toss a few bucks his way if it's not expensive. I'm hoping however that he puts anal, the semen drip, and actually makes the game able to be completed, unlike KN3.
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Re: Sakura Taiken

Everyone likes Kunoichi Ninpocho's series. Why was this so panned?


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sakura Taiken

Well seeing as how I've never played that...

Besides, I thought this game was hilarious. Just not erotic in any way.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 21, 2010
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Re: Sakura Taiken

I dont really like the grafics, but and that is my most important part of a game,
it is fun to play. I like new ideas for hentai games, like that lets call is "boardgame". I have a lot of ideas for hentai games but i am just too noob to learn programming....tired it but failed. Also i am no good with drawing and stuff.

On the other hand, not everybody likes hentai. But i think it is like an archivement in other games.

Is a full-game release in sight? I think i will try to get it.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sakura Taiken

I never liked the artstyle/overwhelming amount of black cocks.


Demon Girl Pro
May 17, 2010
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Re: Sakura Taiken

what has been seen cannot be unseen


Tentacle God
Apr 1, 2010
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Re: Sakura Taiken

I'll be honest though. This shit is way funnier than I expected, and I was already expecting to laugh. Here's another picture for you, just to put things even more strangely. It's the combat scene with one of the enemies.
I just noticed. The guy drew the left hands thumb on the wrong side. *face palm*


Oct 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Sakura Taiken

I don't know about you guys but the guy's art started to grow on me. I mean I've been playing his games since KN 1 and that had terrible art but it was fun to play. This art looks so much better than his old ones and I personally like it. I also like his games because they contain gameplay not "CLICK TILL YOU SEE PORN" or "MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE TO SEE PORN THEN KEEP CLICKING". I find his games are actually enjoyable...
For no other reason than that your username is a direct reference to Tsukihime's Nanaya Clan, I completely and forcefully endorse this statement.

On a side note I cannot seem to download the trial. Maybe that's a password screen?

@Popsicle: Yea, I've been a fan of Mephisto's games for quite some time. The Kunoichi Ninpocho series really isn't graphically awesome. The very first one had absolutely horrendously shitty graphics. But, it has to be by far one of the hardest games I had played. Ever.

You had hunger, you had HP and Stamina. In 1, there was no clothing destruction. But there wasn't really allies. It was you with some random support here and then versus enemies who could easily rape and kill you. So rather than be about the hentai, the first game felt like it was actually about survival. Which in my opinion was fairly neat.

Kunoichi Ninpocho 2 rolled around and it suddenly had much better graphics. The graphics were still very poor, but if you got used to one then number two was a fucking level up from the gods. But better yet, the hilarious enemies were drawn very much so better too. We had like, the classic old man in a barrel with his cock being disguised as a mushroom, the random petty cock tentacle monster thing that is laughably easy, and a few other things. Kunoichi Ninpocho 1 and 2 were very much considered Loli, especially with the plotline of number two being something along the lines of a girl being kidnapped and used as a sex slave by some gang ruthlessly snaps and develops an alternate personality that wants to murder the whole village. Who does, after she seperates from Lord Anbu. It's kinda funny of a story premise. "Don't rape little girls, they will come back and burn your village down with terrifying fire based attacks." I believe is the message. Anyway, the end of the game was a fight against the alternate Lord Anbu. If you survived, by some magical means, you would see a cutscene of the two merging together to become one. Number two had friends who you could switch to and a cool improved system, but it was still very much insanely hard. The character count was four, non customizable.

Then came Diary of Yoiya. I got really far but I still haven't beaten it. Hard but nowhere near as hard as 1 or 2. Instead of the card based battle system, it played actually a lot like Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. That style was really pretty fun. The first game to involve the concept of 'animated CG.' (Which is pretty much the picture pulsing in a certain direction against the attacking Johnsons. But still a level up from still CG.) I believe three character count.

KN 3 was going to be the first one translated. I'm actually a bit of a fan of the translator, and he's on this site. Though the project got dropped. The game was originally insaaaaanely hard, but got incredibly nerfed because people kept on bitching and bitching. Since Lord Anbu merged with her alternate self, if you entered battle and hit I believe X or W on the keyboard with two of your green gauge full she'd switch to her alternate persona. The character count of this game was insane. Like ten ish. Party of four max.

The screenshots I have seen thus far do not hint to me that Sword, Kamikaze, or Lord Anbu are in the game. Judging from the size of that girl's jugs from number three, she seems legit.

I can't seem to download this one yet so I can't tell, but if someone lends me a hand here I'll give my opinion about this one.

Play Kunoichi Ninpocho's series not intending to wank if you really wanna enjoy it. There's some monsters who will thoroughly discourage any possible boner fury. Such as the guys who special attack you by farting on you and poisoning you with their farts in number two.

All in all, the Ninpocho games rock.
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Tentacle God
Jan 2, 2010
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Re: Sakura Taiken

i kinda hate this new way to move on the map mainly because your forced to pick up items in your path even if you don't want to


Oct 6, 2009
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Re: Sakura Taiken

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

Anyone willing to help me actually try it and see if it's shit? :/


Sep 30, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Sakura Taiken

*snip*KN 3 was going to be the first one translated. I'm actually a bit of a fan of the translator, and he's on this site.*snip*
Not that I've done anything to deserve it, but its kind of cool having a fan. :D


Jul 16, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Sakura Taiken

Meh I thought it was a new sakura game from that series with the fighting game and stuff (the 3d one ).

Then I clicked the link ... *sadface*


Oct 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Sakura Taiken

Will someone please upload this to some manner of service that isn't a total maze?

This thing keeps asking me for a password or something and it just won't let me try it.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 21, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sakura Taiken

Me too ^^ I just got play nipoch 1 and 2 and i am now very interested in 3 but didnt get it yet.

I think the 2. one hase a easies gameplay, but is not that much exiting like the 1st one. Also i dont see a healthbar in the 2. Game....
I dont know if i am right to be defeated.


Jul 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Sakura Taiken

Someone asked for it in a private message, but since they never answered back or read it from what I can tell, I'll just share the demo codes for everyone.

150150 - こんこん Unlocked
456789 - 雪ん子 Unlocked
445874 - 座敷童子 Unlocked
418418 - Additional Rape CG

There may be another code or two that I have forgotten, but the codes are from clearing the older games.