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RPG [ ユノファノ ] Sword and Sweetie / ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~ RJ119041

Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

Hi all,

maybe some1 knows how to cast a spell on my self ?
Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

Hi all,

maybe some1 knows how to cast a spell on my self ?

I think that you have to right click it and select the second option then click your avatar; I know that's how it works with potions a least.
Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

Is there a way to bind skills to shortcut keys like the number keys? And is there a way to make the armor/clothing more durable? It's not much fun when it's destroyed so quickly. And there's not much point to repairing the armor/clothing either when it's just going to break so fast anyway.
Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

as for the coordinate sweetie game, i found a link that i'm always 100% sure it is the right one but the problem is it's on filemonster which have a bunch o limitations for downloads. it's separated in 3 parts and i think you can download one file each hour or so, here is the link if anyone is interested and is willing to take the time to download and if you do download please make sure to upload and post here or in another threat

There is a problem with this download that I am having. It downloads just fine, but when it comes time to run the game it it only showing about half of the graphics. I dont knnow if it is me, the install, or who knows what.

The opening screen shows a graphics vomit that half the time I am able to get to the buttons to start the game as the X or whatever makes it go away is not visible. After that I am at the character select screen with most of the option sliders completely invisible to me and everything else is like it is missing a graphic.
Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

So i figured out how to get rid of the mosaic censor but if you disable it, it also makes the futa penis invisible. So you can either have it uncensored and no futa penis (which makes oral look really weird) or deal with the mosaic censor. There's no detail for the vulva anyway so you really aren't gaining anything :(

But since i did translate all the graphics options, i'll share that here. This is the last section in the configuration menu, グラフィック.

shader: high/medium/low/really low
object: show/hide
light: sun/line of sight/oneself/individual
lens flare: show/hide
shadow: show/some/hide
fog: show/hide
cloud: show/hide
weather: show/hide
effect: show/hide
name: show/hide
HP bar: show/decreased time/hide
tool tip: show/hide
sexual censor: mosaic/hide
?companion/opponent (not sure what this is): show/hide
marker: show/hide
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Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

I noticed that when you're leveling up your black and white magic, it corresponds to the level you're at. For instance, level 3 has a bunch of light enemies, so if you're leveling up white magic, you'll get light resistance, if you're leveling up dark magic, you get a shadow bolt. Dunno if that was obvious or not but just wanted to share my finding because this game is kind of hard to stop playing. I also wanted to post what each spell does and weaknesses for future reference.

Each element beats its opposite (Wind/Earth, Fire/Water, Light/Dark) and resistance its self,I noticed that it's not that big of a difference early on but becomes more prominent later. Update: Using magic on a enemy of the same element will heal them for some health so be careful with AoE attacks.

Black Magic:
All Black magic has a reddish, pinkish background behind the icon. More for offensive purposes.

Bullet Shaped Icons: Some sort of bolt, does damage to a single target.
Brown = Earth LV1.
Blue = Water LV2.
Black = Shadow/Dark LV3.
Green =Wind LV4.
Red/Orange = Fire LV5.
Yellow = Light LV6.

Weather Icons: Not sure if they effect gameplay, but they at least change the weather :D.
Sun:Clears the weather Day or Night.
Umbrella: Makes it rain, thankfully not men.
Moon over water: Makes it night time.
Sun over mountain: Makes it day time.

AoE Attacks: Same idea as the bullets, only a bigger area capable of hitting multiple enemies.
3 Brown Bullets: Earth AoE LV7, Meteors!
Mist looking thing: Water/Ice AoE LV8, Black Mage used Blizzard, It's Super Effective!
3 Black bullets: Shadow AoE LV9, Dark Meteors!
Lightning bolts: Wind AoE lv10, Freaking lightning.
Red cloud looking thing: Fire AoE lv11, Pretty sure this is just an explosion.
3 Yellow Bullets: Light AoE lv12, Best part is the pretty white explosions on the ground.

Heavy Damage Spells: These do massive damage, but take longer to cast and have a longer cooldown. The Wind and Water Versions can hit multiple enemies when cast. Combine these with white magic buffs to blow everyone up!
Spikes: Earth Lv13, They're Stalactites, or stalagmites?
Blue line: Water lv 14, Long blue line.
Black eye: Shadow lv 15, Makes your enemies become the center of darkness.
Lightning Bolt: Wind lv 16 at least it's not a green line.
Super Nova Explosion looking thing: Fire lv 17, Pretty much a super nova.
Sun Exploding: Light lv 18, Wait, this one might technically be a super nova.

Other: There's a teleportation spell which is really useful, has a person figure standing in the middle of a circle.

White Magic: All white magic had a yellow background behind the icon. Support and defense goes this way.

Resistance Spells: Increases your resistance to one element, but lowers the opposite by the same amount, I don't relly use these since the game likes to CC me to hell.
Crescent curvy, green thing: Increases Wind Res. Decreases Earth Res. LV1
Fire with a Circle: Increases Fire Res. Decreases Water Res. LV2
Yellow Cross with Circle:Increases Light Res. Decreases Dark Res. LV3
Rock with a Circle: Increases Earth Res. Decreases Wind Res. LV4
Water With Circle: Increases Water Res. Decreases Fire Res. LV5
Black Gear with circle: Increases Shadow Res. Decreases Light Res. LV6

Healing: Who doesn't like healing?
Heart: Restores some health.
Snowflake: Reduces EP (Ero points? Excitement points? Whatever it does, it removes those hearts on your Character portraits.).
Heart with Crossbones: Reduces the effects of poison and eventually will completely cure it after 2 or 3 casts or at higher levels.
Girl with Sparkles: Cures that stupid Debuff that makes you trip.
Big ol' Heart: Restores a lot of health.
Big ol' snowflake: Reduces EP a lot.
Really Big Snowflake: Reduces EP a ton.
Really big Heart: Pretty much a full heal.
Hearts in a spell circle: Healing over time, pretty good.
Blue Cross in a spell circle: Restores mana over time, Pretty OP, who needs mana pots!?
Golden Cross: Resurrection, Kind of slow to cast, long cooldown, I think the pots are less hastle.

Imbue: Makes your Weapon the Corresponding element... I assume.
Rock with Star behind it: Makes your weapon rock element. LV7
Water with Star behind it: Makes your weapon Water element. LV8
Black Gear with Star behind it: Makes your weapon Shadow element lv 9
Green Cresent with Star Behind it: Makes your weapon Wind element lv 10
Fire with Star behind it: Makes your weapon fire element lv 11
Yellow Cross, with a star behind it I assume: makes your weapon light element. lv 12

Buffs: Shame you get these so late, it powers up your character and makes the game easy mode, more than it already is.
Glowing Red Sword: Gives a Temp. Attack boost, and makes you too strong.
Glowing Red Staff: Gives Temp Magic Damage boost, also makes you too strong.
A sword and its afterimages: Lowers your cooldowns for more dunks. spacejam.mp3
Shield: Not too sure about this but I'm guessing an overall defensive bonus temporarily.
Pink-Purple Magic circle: Not sure about this either but I'm sure it gives you some Magic all around magic resistance temporarily.
Target/Crosshairs: Temp. Accuracy boost, Makes your dunks hit 100% of the time.
Running Stick Figure: Makes you go faster temporarily, like Sonic, Cityescape.mp3
White Wings/Feather: I have no clue, someone tell me what this does.

Other: You get this one spell that has a ball of light looking icon, It's a really slow light based attack, outclassed by Black Magic Light bolt.

That's all I have so far, dunno if it'll help anyone but I'm hoping someone will benefit.
UPDATE: Posted the rest of the spells, beat the game, final boss was a pain. Thank god for all those OP buffs, gotta go fast.
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Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

What do you use to translate the game?:confused:
Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

AGTH works in hooking the dialog but everything else you have to figure out on your own. I had to use a kanji dictionary.
Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

Is there a way to bind skills to shortcut keys like the number keys? And is there a way to make the armor/clothing more durable? It's not much fun when it's destroyed so quickly. And there's not much point to repairing the armor/clothing either when it's just going to break so fast anyway.

The mobius icon (∞) in the main menu brings up a macro window that lets you reconfigure the keyboard (and game controller if you have one). You can assign any command (wand icon) or skill (staff icon) to a key by clicking and holding on the icon until it floats to the cursor, then dropping it onto a slot in the macro window.

You can drop items in there too, but it'll get messed up when you get upgraded items (e.g. "Cure Potion +1" and "Cure Potion +2" are different items). You can safely assign things like resurrect potions and teleport stones though.

This is all character specific. You have to configure it independently for each character.

Important options in the macro right click menu:
- 削除 (delete)
- マクロ設定 (configure)

From configure, you can drag multiple commands across to use in sequence:
- ディレイ (delay)
- スキップ (skip)
You can also specify the target of each command:
- 近いターゲット (nearest - this is the default)
- 正面ターゲット (on screen)
- クリックして選択 (click)
- 直前のターゲット (in front)
- 自分 (self)

As an example, it's useful to have two cure macros. One that targets yourself and one that targets nearest (i.e. the other party member)
Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

Something else that I've found useful.

The "Auto" window (sword icon with a reverse play icon overlayed on it) lets you decide on the AI behaviour for your selected character.

Left column is when you are using the character. Right column is when the AI is using the character. Options are, in order:
- Formation position
- Keep formation during battle (yes/no)
- Dodge rate (high, low, none)
- Extent
- Weapon attack (yes/no)
- Magic attack (yes/no)
- Minimum HP (AI will heal based on the below settings if HP drops below this amount)
- Magic heal (yes/no)
- Item heal (yes/no)
- Magic uncurse (yes/no)
- Item uncurse (yes/no) (doesn't seem to work properly)

For one of my characters I change the second option (battle formation) from "しない" to "する".
This means that when I don't have that character selected, they AI will still follow me in battle as long as I keep moving. This makes it possible to run away from enemies without the AI just getting themselves killed. It also helps to set the dodge rate to none (無) so they don't slow themselves down by trying to dodge things that aren't going to hit anyway.

Enemies despawn if you get too far away from them, so if you're having trouble handling several enemies at once you can run away until one of the red arrows on the map disappears before going back to fight, or you can run around a corner and try to get one of them stuck behind the wall so you can pick the others off first.

It's also a big help to turn off weapon attack for a spellcasting character. That way if you're using the other character, the AI will sit back and throw spells and keep you healed instead of running in and booping things on the head for no damage while getting killed.
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Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

Mosaic removal:
- Open the exe in a hex editor and go to offset 0x270540h
- In that area, change "DrawMosaic", "DrawMosaicArea" and "DrawMosaicArea_NonFilter". Replacing the first character with an underscore works.
- References to the above also appear later in the file, but do not touch them.
- Start the game using the modified exe. Make sure the censor mode near the bottom of the config menu is set to mosaic (モザイク).

Edit: This causes graphical glitches. I've posted what I hope is a better method here.
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Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

Is anyone working on a translated character creation screen or config menu? Some of them are pretty obvious, but others not so much.....I can't read runespeak but I've managed to muddle through some of it if it helps.

Edit: Since defcab has done the full config menu I've removed what I had to make it easier to read.

I'll list the options in order that they appear, ??? means I have no idea. What's left as ???I really have no idea at all, as far as I can tell they do nothing for the characters' appearance.

Char creation:
Randomizes appearance


Random name
Breast size
Butt size
Skin tone
Tan lines
Large/small Areola
Very slight eye slant
Eye options
Ear options
Nose Bridge height
Very slight Lip options
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Lip color
Areola color

Head width
Head height

Eyebrow width
Eyebrow thickness
Eyebrow horizontal position
Eyebrow vertical position
Eyebrow tilt

Eyeliner shade
Upper Eyelid height
Lower Eyelid height
Eyes horizontal position
Eyes vertical position
Eye slant

Retina size
Retina horizontal position
Retina vertical position

Ear size
Earlobe size
Ear horizontal tilt
Ear height

Nose width
Nose bridge size
Nose length
Nose height

Mouth width
Upper Lip thickness
Lower Lip thickness

Cheek size

Cheek roundness
Chin length

Hair length

Arm thickness

Brest width (hilarity can easily result)
Brest length (equally hilarious)
Breast horizontal tilt
Breast vertical tilt
Breast sag

Leg thickness

Makes funny faces

Voice select
Voice pitch
Voice test

Clothes on/off
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Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

Config menu. I had to go through most of this to get decent performance out of my slow PC so it wasn't much more work to go through the rest.

Window / FullScreen
16bit / 32bit

Automatic setting
Preset: 5 = high, 1 = low

Antialias: Level / Quality
Filter: Off / On
Mipmap: 1-11 / Full
Shadow Map
Texture Size


View Rotation
- Rotation method : rotate screen / rotate camera
- Mouse: right button / middle button
View movement
- Movement method: move screen / move camera
- Mouse: right button / middle button)
- Zoom direction: up to zoom in / down to zoom in
- Wheel sensitivity
Viewpoint collision: on / off
Viewpoint rotation speed
Background draw range
Character draw range
Full character draw range
Long range reduction: small / large
Animation update range
Animation update rate
Party window update: constant / on change (bugged - second setting requires preset 1)
Focus range: all characters / selected character / none (i.e. when grabbed)
Focus zoom
H-scene hint: on / off
H-scene cursor: show / hide during action
H-scene action: mash button / directions
H-scene action rate
Ero sensitivity
H-scene look direction: fixed / cursor / camera
- Randomness
- Partner look direction: fixed / cursor / camera
- Randomness
Default action: nearest target / on screen target / click / self
Click action
- Click: use on self / use on selected / take 1 / take all / specify amount / collect / split / discard / set macro / info
- Click action 1: as above (default: right shift + click)
- Click action 2: as above (default: right ctrl + click)
Autosave: yes / no
Viewpoint: solo A / solo B / 3-person
Screenshot format: BMP / JPEG / PNG

Window color 1
- Opacity
Window color 2
- Opacity

Shader: high / mid / low / lowest
Objects: show / hide
Light: sun / viewpoint / self / individual
Lens flare: show / hide
Shadows: show / partial / hide
Fog: show / hide
Clouds: show / hide
Weather: show / hide
Effects: show / hide
Names: show / hide
HP bar: show / when damaged / hide
Tooltips: show / hide
Genital display: mosaic / hide
Partner: show / hide
Marker: show / hide
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Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

To those who mentioned extending the scenes...it was half mentioned earlier, but you can actually make them continue indefinitely just by using cheat engine or something similar to freeze each girl's EP.
Certainly works on the monsters themselves, not as sure about the gallery.
Also, though you might feel you're moving slow, there's really no reason to explore each area, and encounters seem to be random but time based rather than movement based.
So even if you cast haste on your party you seem to encounter enemies at the same rate...and since the only point of being in the dungeon is to kill enemies, it means haste doesn't really help things move faster at all. Feels faster though, which is nice.

And it's unrelated, but I figure it's worth mentioning that if you're tripping every 2 steps and have a black icon on your portrait you need to use the clean spell or the orange potion to get rid of that status. My life became a lot easier once I figured that out. Seems to be the only negative status in the game.
Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

Mod edit: dead link removed. link for 1.03

Tell me if the link works for you. ;)

I guess a new uncensor patch is needed...
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Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

To those who mentioned extending the scenes...it was half mentioned earlier, but you can actually make them continue indefinitely just by using cheat engine or something similar to freeze each girl's EP.

You don't need any of that shit. Just find 感じやすさ in the config menu and move the slider to the left.
Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

1.03 change list:
- Fixed bug where changing arm thickness causes weapons to float away from the hand.
- Fixed bug where collision is not performed when clicking the mouse to escape bind status.
- Fixed bug when saving immediately after loading.
- Spell and technique usage now appears in the log.
- Can now operate conversation dialogs with the auto-action command when it is assigned to the second slot of a macro onwards.
- Fixed screenshot text.

Only 3 files are changed by the update (exe, readme, version info), so rather than redownloading the whole thing, here's a patch:
Mod edit: dead link removed.

Just extract it to the game folder. A mosaic removal exe is also included.

Edit: Changed to a different mosaic removal method. Hopefully this will fix the graphical glitches. Let me know if there are still problems.
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Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

i have a problem with camera nonstop turns over head
Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

I've an odd picture appearing if I'm using any mosaic removal exe. It's floating next to my target and it's rotating. Should I edit something else instead of DrawMosaicArea_NonFilter?

@defcab: DrawMosaicArea_NonFilter is the only thing affecting the mosaic, though I don't know what those others do.
Re: Sword and Sweetie (ソード アンド スウィーティー ~果てしなき欲望~)

I've an odd picture appearing if I'm using any mosaic removal exe. It's floating next to my target and it's rotating. Should I edit something else instead of DrawMosaicArea_NonFilter?

Short version: I have no knowledge of hex, I simply followed what defcab posted. Unc exe seems to only need DrawMosaicArea_NonFilter changed to remove the mosaic. However, problems arise once you do this. Testing of DrawMosaicArea_NonFilter was done with v1.02 of the game. In this newest version or the old, I still have spinning snapshot pics displayed when walking via mouseclick and other issues as well.

Having the same problem here. I messed around with a Hex Editor and tried out the 3 values defcab spoke of. The first two do nothing. Making them _rawMosaic had no impact on the game, no spinning window (looks like my last save snapshot pic) or any other glitches. They did not alter the mosaic either, still censored. I restored those two then tried _rawMosaicArea_NonFilter. Big difference when that was done. Mosaic is gone but a spinning save snapshot pops out whenever I click to walk. I'd like to use WSAD but it's just too awkward with how the game is set up. Since I use the mouse to walk the snapshot jumped right up at me immediately. Funny how it seems to be on a cooldown. Clicking to walk immediately after the window comes up won't show another snapshot. I'll get the normal Walk to Target icon (yellow bullseye). Once the window vanishes though, another click will summon it up again. Other glitches with the UNC exe, I tried out the spell Make Rain and it seemed like a cast failure until I panned the camera. Saw what looked like a giant mirror, similar to the save snapshot pic but MUCH bigger and it was reflecting the landscape instead. Casting it again had it rain as normal, no weird windows either. The other I noticed was a similar glitchy window at Character Creation, off to the left.

@Palapatine - Do you have auto-attack mapped to the keyboard? That will keep the rotating window away from combat due to no chance of a misclick. Makes the glitch less annoying, at least for me it does.