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Re: Zombies

Eh, George A Romero is very very set in the way zombies are. I don't know how well he would have done Resident Evil.

And it's funny you bring up the psychic powers, because this whole thing started when you thought I was being crazy for being happy when they removed them in the fourth movie.

Oh no that's something they did right for once. Still seems like they were looking for a way to cover up the stupidity. "Oh shit, she's too powerful, what do we do to keep this interesting. Take her powers away!" Eh... damn I'm so damn tired. But Raptor said alot... don't put the label on something that isn't what it is.
Re: Zombies

question Sponge..have you watched RE: Degeneration? i wanna hear your opinions on that if you have.
Re: Zombies

well it follows the storyline of the game actually sponge for giant fanboy as you i think you would appreciate it more. it doesnt have anything to do with any of the games specficially but leon and Claire are in it and its good times in my opinion..though i must say Leon is teh badass now.
Re: Zombies

well it follows the storyline of the game actually sponge for giant fanboy as you i think you would appreciate it more. it doesnt have anything to do with any of the games specficially but leon and Claire are in it and its good times in my opinion..though i must say Leon is teh badass now.

Understandable that he would be such a badass. He's survived the city infection on his first day. He knows exactly how to handle it, and he's no longer the naive and careless cop he once was. He may look emo, but damnit he's a freaking cool emo. Course seeing people I once knew being torn apart right in front of me would probably make me a little depressed as well. XD
Re: Zombies

I've watched Degeneration, and I agree - it sticks closely to the game series and is, in my opinion of course, a much better Resident Evil movie than any of the live-action movies. Of course, the English voice-acting is on par with the games as well, if I remember correctly.
Re: Zombies

i have a small running joke going on..in RE5 they introduced two new characters as main parts in the game. though only gave one of them any dialogue. Sheva had plenty of stuff to say but Chris's arms (the second new character) didnt get a word in though i think he had alot more action scenes heh
Re: Zombies

I'm auditing a class this semester at the local college. Its name? Simply:

Re: Zombies

nunu has some friends in the global scene of health terminology and is attempting to get zombie put in as a legitimate medical condition, not one that will come up but so that it exists. they say it would have use so doctors can prove to people that they aren't zombies around, as they do not have zombieism.
Re: Zombies

A new webcomic about zombies, basically, after the apocalypse, the zombies became intelligent, their intelligence level based off the amount of brains they ate while in a frenzy. One manwas thrown in a dumpster before the apocalypse, and came out a few weeks later, now the last human on the planet.

.... Stuff happens. Unfortunately not very long comic yet, but I think it's pretty good.
Re: Zombies

I'm not much of a zombie movie guy. I own the Zombie Survival Guide, though.

...I was disappoint. Expected it to like, be a reference for all the different zombie types and their origins. So like, voodoo zombies, magic zombies, virus zombies, and if that type shows up, then you do such and such to stay alive and not get found and stuff. Entertaining, though, so whatever.

I've also read and played a single game of AFMBE. It was fun, there are different templates you can use to put a game's zombies together ("slow/equal with humans/fast;vulnerable to all damage/only headshots/spine attacks/NOTHING (oh shit); made via infection, ritual, or something in the ground"), and one of the supplements was zombie pro wrestling, so I really can't complain about it.

But yeah, besides that I'm pretty zombie limited.

What are you guy's thoughts on that zombie RPG Doublebear's doing? Dead State, I think it's called.
Re: Zombies

I'm not much of a zombie movie guy. I own the Zombie Survival Guide, though.

...I was disappoint. Expected it to like, be a reference for all the different zombie types and their origins. So like, voodoo zombies, magic zombies, virus zombies, and if that type shows up, then you do such and such to stay alive and not get found and stuff. Entertaining, though, so whatever.

I've also read and played a single game of AFMBE. It was fun, there are different templates you can use to put a game's zombies together ("slow/equal with humans/fast;vulnerable to all damage/only headshots/spine attacks/NOTHING (oh shit); made via infection, ritual, or something in the ground"), and one of the supplements was zombie pro wrestling, so I really can't complain about it.

But yeah, besides that I'm pretty zombie limited.

What are you guy's thoughts on that zombie RPG Doublebear's doing? Dead State, I think it's called.

That reminds me, my sister's friend still hasn't returned my copy x.x

I bet he keeps it next to his dad's AK though, that's slightly lol
Re: Zombies

To anyone who read the zombie Survival Guide, I highly highly recommend the follow up World War Z. Hell, if you enjoy zombies at all, pick up World War Z.
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Re: Zombies

Oh god, World War Z was amazing. The graphic novel that explains all the previous zombie encounters mentioned in WWZ is good as well.
Re: Zombies

To anyone who read the zombie Survival Guide, I highly highly recommend the follow up World War Z. Hell, if you enjoy zombies at all, pick up World War Z.

Edit: Fucking douchebag above me here.

I have WWZ also.
Re: Zombies

Yes, the Recorded Zombie Attacks was quite neat. I really liked the part on the Romans and how they dealt with the undead. Once again, the discipline of the Roman legions cuts down another enemy.
Re: Zombies

Star Wars...

Not a term one would expect to mentioned in this thread, but I recently picked up a Star Wars novel called "Death Troopers" which is about zombies on an Imperial Prison Barge on the outer rims.

Now first things it was an entertaining though quick read (not even 300 pages long) with some decent characters, good gore, and zombie mayham. However sticking it in the Star Wars universe was a bit much. There are only two characters from the mainstream universe, Vader is only mentioned a couple times and it would have been quite easy for the author to switch some of the terms around to make his own evil space faring Empire of doom. In fact it's not even that often that recognizable Star Wars tech or items pop up aside from when they seem shoved into place just to justify this being a Star Wars novel rather than simply zombies in space. Indeed I've yet to see anywhere else in Star Wars (mind you I don't read many of the novels so I could be missing it) where characters shanked each other in prison cells or ripped lip piercings out in a geyser of blood while the angsty and annoying as (or ass, either way works) fuck 13 year old watches.

In the end it was an okay read but really just a warm up for the other zombie novel I picked up called "Rise Again" (could be wrong about the title, something along those lines and I just can't be arsed to go look in my bedroom) about an Iraq war vet who becomes a small town's sheriff and her sister goes missing before a horde of refugees come storming into said town after Los Angeles fell to what I assume is the zombie apocalypse. Mind you I've only read three pages and that plot is what I got off the back of the book and it didn't really directly mention the shambling undead despite "A Zombie Thriller" posted on the front cover amidst a few silhouetted ghouls stumbling down the road.
Re: Zombies

WWZ... Is this by the same author as the Survival guide?

(Library had it shelved once... Never seen it scince I retuned it... I think the book itself died and got buried...)

But on my opinion on the movies...

"Who the FUCK is Alice anyway?"

She never appears in any game...

Never mentioned in any files (Capcom Forum based or in Game based)

Overall shes just an ani-hero character solely made for the movie, to be an anti-Wesker by the company that made HIM what he is...

I consider Elza Walker and Cindy Lennox to be more "Legit" Resident Evil Heroines... And most people don't even KNOW those two!
Re: Zombies

WWZ... Is this by the same author as the Survival guide?

(Library had it shelved once... Never seen it scince I retuned it... I think the book itself died and got buried...)

But on my opinion on the movies...

"Who the FUCK is Alice anyway?"

She never appears in any game...

Yes, World War Z is by the same author as the Zombie Survival Guide.

Also, Resident Evil has been covered extensively in this thread already. As I stated the movies are not the games, they are two separate story lines that feed off similar ideas but branch off in different directions. Alice is not a part of the game story at all, so was yes indeed made for the movies.
Re: Zombies

I remember seeing "Death Troopers" when it first came out and after reading the back of the book it was "Really? Star Wars is cashing in on the whole zombie thing? Really? Really?" Never picked it up again unless I was putting it away, heh.

If there's further interest in the WWZ universe, try the 'Recorded history of zombie outbreaks' or attacks or something along those lines. I can't ever keep that title straight. Graphic novel that apparently starts way back in BC and runs up to (allegedly) right before WWZ begins.

And yeah, the RE movie franchise never was 100% game based. Turned into more of a "what if" kind of thing. Reminds me that the friends and I need to hit the dollar theater for the new one.