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ACT RPG RPG Maker [さーくるてくあ / ircle-tekua] りりすいんないとめあ! / Lilith in Nightmare! (RJ268129 / RE268129)

can't seem to get past 1-2, anyone knows what I've got to do?

thank you
If it's an option, I'd rather we wait and get a true translation for this game than get what is often a half-baked machine translation that may turn off an official team like "Together" from picking it up later on. The game's straight-forward questline and simple combat system don't really need a quick fix, whereas the high quality scenes and plot could really use a refined human translation. My bias.
Chule (mouse-girl) and FeMC from previous game. I Do not know about purple demon though. Their scenes will probably be added in a later date if they have not just been dummied out. Also I think you meant "guys".
Oops sorry my fault :censored::censored: i want this purple demon very much, but dont have any clue...
Oops sorry my fault :censored::censored: i want this purple demon very much, but dont have any clue...
You are going to have to wait for the update where her content and character gets used. A few months at the most it will probably not be that long a wait. :)
If it's an option, I'd rather we wait and get a true translation for this game than get what is often a half-baked machine translation that may turn off an official team like "Together" from picking it up later on. The game's straight-forward questline and simple combat system don't really need a quick fix, whereas the high quality scenes and plot could really use a refined human translation. My bias.
Oh, god no. I'm just gonna translate the basic shit; Lord knows what kind of god-awful curses and incantations you'd get translating the actual dialogue.
Hey gays i find some monsters in ehentai unpacked file, but i never meet them in game or reminiscence room. Anybody knows how to fight them?

Image of girl with a cat is from one of free little games (Author sometimes publishes them on his ci-en on certain events etc).

The purple succubus one is from the prototype of his next game (He decided to release Lilith in Nightmare before though to test animation system and how it will all work out)
Image of girl with a cat is from one of free little games (Author sometimes publishes them on his ci-en on certain events etc).

The purple succubus one is from the prototype of his next game (He decided to release Lilith in Nightmare before though to test animation system and how it will all work out)
Cool! That helps a lot bro!
Finally fixed the bugs in my machine translation only to see it's now at vers 1.2, and with more on the way by the looks of things. I'd rather not have to comb through work I've already done if I can avoid it, would someone be able to send just the updated data json's my way? It'd really speed up my efforts to put together a proper translation for this work of art.
Do not harass other users. Only warning.
>Mod edit
>Didn't get to see what was removed

They kind of have to be, given that the law on this topic is firmly based on hypocrisy...

Seriously though: any of you read the pieces on "moderation at scale" on techdirt ?
Only somewhat relevant, still an interesting read though.
Seems like 1.2 has gallery room, anyone knows how to access it?
Seems like 1.2 has gallery room, anyone knows how to access it?
Go to your home base, and there should be a clock above the bed you sleep in. As long as you have been defeated in combat by a girl then you can access the gallery.
I imagine it's going to be easy to make the partial seeing as most of the items seem to be reused, minus the new overworld mechanics.
Also, the fact you can hit the protag catgirl with a fish and get infinite supplies is just fucking hilarious
not going to do it since I'm definitely guilty of being a gameplay naturalist but still
This game has some good comedy in general. IE the sniper area and the fact the protag is such a cocky bastard about everything.
Edit: Going above level 20-ish can cause the game to crash.
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I have trouble on the final boss... Her second form always has a dialogue tree at roughly half health, and every single option seems to lead to an instant KO, no questions asked. I'm using VNR and every single choice is along the lines "I want to blow on X part of you", and it just looks unwinnable. Is there something i messed up ?
For some reason, whenever i machine translate with translator++, it kinda breaks the update i think, i can't access stuff from 1.2, so if i want the scene recollection room, i have to play full japanese, anyone knows why?
I have trouble on the final boss... Her second form always has a dialogue tree at roughly half health, and every single option seems to lead to an instant KO, no questions asked. I'm using VNR and every single choice is along the lines "I want to blow on X part of you", and it just looks unwinnable. Is there something i messed up ?
Dev pulled a sneaky on ya. The correct answer is don't select any of them. Press X to cancel out of it to continue.