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JSK工房 Hgames Translation Thread

MY GOD. We hear the guy's thoughts in the time stop scenes. Wow, what a first in a JSK game!
So, I noticed I actually uploaded an incomplete translated main file under my folder. I've corrected that and copied Icevail's translated main file in it.
So I downloaded your translation, and I don't see anything translated. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not. Anyone else have this issue?

Edit: Nevermind, actually getting into the game, the dialogue is translated, but none of the menu is translated. Icevail's version seems to have the menu translated, but I was under the impression yours was an extension of Icevail's partial, is this not correct?

Edit2: So upon further digging, this seems to also be an issue with Icevail's partial with the 4-1-20 update. I just wanted to let you guys know.
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By and by, thank you to whomever filled in most of the blanks in Great Demoness Reinas.
So I downloaded your translation, and I don't see anything translated. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not. Anyone else have this issue?

Edit: Nevermind, actually getting into the game, the dialogue is translated, but none of the menu is translated. Icevail's version seems to have the menu translated, but I was under the impression yours was an extension of Icevail's partial, is this not correct?

Edit2: So upon further digging, this seems to also be an issue with Icevail's partial with the 4-1-20 update. I just wanted to let you guys know.

The buttons are a work of it's own, I tried to start translating those but the text would get cut off, sometimes the software wouldn't let me edit stuff after editting it once and I just wanted to release a diaogue translated version.
So I downloaded your translation, and I don't see anything translated. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not. Anyone else have this issue?

Edit: Nevermind, actually getting into the game, the dialogue is translated, but none of the menu is translated. Icevail's version seems to have the menu translated, but I was under the impression yours was an extension of Icevail's partial, is this not correct?

Edit2: So upon further digging, this seems to also be an issue with Icevail's partial with the 4-1-20 update. I just wanted to let you guys know.

Its not a issue, my partial translation is made on the release version of the game, if you used/overwrote the latest version of the game with my partial, well, you done goofed. 🤣
Those are not compatible due to changes (updates) in made in the game code, that should be fairly obvious when it comes to it. 🧐
But hey, now you know. 🤭

The buttons are a work of it's own, I tried to start translating those but the text would get cut off, sometimes the software wouldn't let me edit stuff after editting it once and I just wanted to release a diaogue translated version.

I can try to help out with that, which buttons we're talking about? :unsure:

The ones that we use to switch clothes on / off, or?
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I can try to help out with that, which buttons we're talking about? :unsure:

The ones that we use to switch clothes on / off, or?

I imagine he is talking about the game mechanics related buttons, like the buttons when fighting and on the main menu, those are all made as text labels or svg graphics, so they are for anyone who wants some graphics (adobe illustrator is my favored tool to edit these) work to play around with.
I imagine he is talking about the game mechanics related buttons, like the buttons when fighting and on the main menu, those are all made as text labels or svg graphics, so they are for anyone who wants some graphics (adobe illustrator is my favored tool to edit these) work to play around with.

Ah, those ones, the picture assets that can be replaced with update bounds command on the JPEX FFdec, right?
I haven't translated any of the buttons, although I tried for a little bit after finishing the dialogues, the main menu buttons should be fairly easy, stats too (I think) but yeah, the combat ones are the hardest as far as I can tell. I don't really think about translating the scenes buttons unless I find a way to copy the buttons from one scene to another, because they're simple and don't have a lot of words, but there's a lot of them.
So, you can't get the combat UI buttons where it says the skill name to show up?
So, you can't get the combat UI buttons where it says the skill name to show up?
I would have to delve in a little bit more to say if I can or can't, as I said, I only tried it for a little bit. I'm just getting a little bit of a rest after translating the dialogues, I'll maybe delve in the buttons translation tonight.
I would have to delve in a little bit more to say if I can or can't, as I said, I only tried it for a little bit. I'm just getting a little bit of a rest after translating the dialogues, I'll maybe delve in the buttons translation tonight.
A good way to get a feel for these button translations would be to compare with Icevail's work. Just have his main swf file open in one FFDEC, and yours in another instance. I have some tips as well written up in the .
A good way to get a feel for these button translations would be to compare with Icevail's work. Just have his main swf file open in one FFDEC, and yours in another instance. I have some tips as well written up in the .
Thanks for the tip I've successfully parsed Icevail's button translation to my file, the scene menu on main menu looks a bit choppy but the stats and the battle buttons are perfect.
I'll be updating the main swf, this one has scene buttons translated, although a bit choppy, they still work.
Stats and combat buttons are also translated.
Yeah, my placement sucks, that's one of the few areas I am not too confident about, all those X, Y values break my head.

If you have trouble with getting stuff to show up, skill Apocalypse (from the partial I made) in text section.

<p align="center"><font face="game-スキップ M" size="15" color="#231299" letterSpacing="0.00" kerning="1">Apoca</font></p><p align="center"><font face="game-スキップ M" size="15" color="#231299" letterSpacing="0.00" kerning="1">lypse</font></p>

Change the font face="game-スキップ M" to another font in the swf's existing selection of fonts, just make sure the english lexicons exist within the selected font name group.

Then you get those texts to show up.
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Yeah, my placement sucks, that's one of the few areas I am not too confident about, all those X, Y values break my head.

If you have trouble with getting stuff to show up, skill Apocalypse (from the partial I made) in text section.

<p align="center"><font face="game-スキップ M" size="15" color="#231299" letterSpacing="0.00" kerning="1">Apoca</font></p><p align="center"><font face="game-スキップ M" size="15" color="#231299" letterSpacing="0.00" kerning="1">lypse</font></p>

Change the font face="game-スキップ M" to another font in the swf's existing selection of fonts, just make sure the english lexicons exist within the selected font name group.

Then you get those texts to show up.
What I did was add the english letters to the font the texts were previously using. That helped a lot.
That works also. :unsure:

There some cases where the letters however, are super big in the already existing font sets, keep an eye on those as precaution.
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I did use machine translation because I don't understand Kanji, but I "manually translated" the thing from machine english to actual english, I might've missed some stuff, but at least it's understandable.
Oh ok then it should be labeled as an edited machine translation.
Its not a issue, my partial translation is made on the release version of the game, if you used/overwrote the latest version of the game with my partial, well, you done goofed. 🤣
Those are not compatible due to changes (updates) in made in the game code, that should be fairly obvious when it comes to it. 🧐
But hey, now you know. 🤭

I can try to help out with that, which buttons we're talking about? :unsure:

The ones that we use to switch clothes on / off, or?
No I didn't copy anything over. In the repository there is a folder for your translation, and then a seperate one for Johnro's. In your translation folder there are 2 copies of the game, and one is labelled as the 4-1-2020 update (translation ported). I figured that was something you had done, but unlike your release version partial, the 4-1-2020 version doesn't have any of the menu/buttons translated, just like Johnro's translation. I'm guessing from your response, this is because you didn't actually update your partial for the 4-1-2020 update, and whoever did, couldn't/didn't port over the translated menu/buttons.
Ah, yes, that might be it then. :unsure:
If its straight port from release version to updated, the image assets and certain other text based bits won't be transferred with it, most likely because the parser thing only detects and replaces the dialogues within actionscripts, not the content of text and image assets, since buttons both in battle and main menu are among those two, those won't be moved over.

Yeah, I did not do update the content myself, I only work with release version of the games, the rest is usually done by the T-pals, whenever they have the free time, be it minor fixes within the text locations, mosaic removal, updating and the such.

I'd do it myself, but I lack the knowhow for it, and its pretty much rocket science to me, dexie and others have tried to jam it in my head, but it would be easier to teach rock how to speak than teach me all that. 🤣
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No I didn't copy anything over. In the repository there is a folder for your translation, and then a seperate one for Johnro's. In your translation folder there are 2 copies of the game, and one is labelled as the 4-1-2020 update (translation ported). I figured that was something you had done, but unlike your release version partial, the 4-1-2020 version doesn't have any of the menu/buttons translated, just like Johnro's translation. I'm guessing from your response, this is because you didn't actually update your partial for the 4-1-2020 update, and whoever did, couldn't/didn't port over the translated menu/buttons.
I've been doing some stuff on my files and I've translated all the combat and scene buttons, although some of the scene buttons are out of place, it's all translated, lemme know if you'd like me to update my folder.

Oh ok then it should be labeled as an edited machine translation.
If there is any problem with how the folder is tagged, I'll let the moderators/admins decide if it's ok.