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ACT Vore Loli Ryona [nanakusado] もんすたぁ☆さぷらいずど幽鬼ち / Monster surprised Yuki-chan (RJ275826 / RJ309773)

Hm...I know it's marked as loli, but was any loli content posted? A couple of monster girl enemies are lolis, but the protagonist is not a loli. Not arguing, just wanna figure out if anything was done that warranted a warning.

Unfortunately, the protagonist is being deemed a loli by the moderation. And no warnings have been given; this is simply a reminder.
Oh, it may have been on my end. When I posted the twitter link, it showed a preview of the game over CG, and I think that could be considered loli content. It seems it was adjusted already, but sorry anyway.
Minor update, R-15 version was updated for probably the last time. The update notes only indicate a buff to the purification stick...I thought more improvements from R-18 would be implemented, but it could be incomplete. DLsite's updated, Steam's still pending it looks like. Unless the description on the page just wasn't updated.

R-18 version's being submitted to Steam now, Nana's working on getting a bundle for R-15 and R-18. See how that goes. One somewhat minor bug left to fix and touching up on a couple animations and that should be it for the game. Discussed Steam sales a bit with Nana, at this point in time the R-15 version has sold over 400 copies. Given that the first month was about 70-90 copies, I'm surprised it ended up being so much, though Nana was like "the sales aren't that much, it's a big market but the competition on Steam is fierce". Between JP DLsite (1,000), EN DLsite (240), and Steam, Steam accounts for about 25% of the game's sales. Of course, Nana's concerned that Steam won't accept the game due to the loli H content, there's still that possibility that it won't be accepted. Gonna have to wait and see. I'm helping with the submission process as Steam doesn't offer a Japanese translation of the site, I'll update again when there's more info on that.
I got another update, though it's actually from Camel's Ci-en.

There's a couple of the picture previews of the game there that you'd find on the DLsite, along with a synopsis of the new stage. It also reveals that there's gonna be another game over pic for when you get eaten, and also it seems like there will be variations of the first GO pic that was shown. It also seems like Camel is going to try and see how many more of them they can make before the game releases. I think, using google translate like always, so there might be some room for error.
Speaking of the game, the announce page on DLsite reveals that the game is set to come out the day after Christmas Day (Dec. 26), though because of time zones and stuff, I think it will probably come out around the morning-afternoon of Dec. 25 for us in the western hemisphere, so it seems like it'll be a holiday gift...that we'll pay for. Eh, who cares, I'm super excited for this and updates that may or may not be added after release. Probably may not.
Heads up on the release schedule, seems there were some unexpected delays getting the R-18 version registered on DLsite and Steam. DLsite's release may be delayed to 1/1 (or 12/31 depending on your timezone). If I understand what Nana told me correctly, Steam requires a minimum of 2 weeks of advance notice before a game can go on sale, starting after the registration is confirmed. So still a blank on that one.

I can say that as far as I'm aware, the game's complete. All the bugs that I've found in bug testing that could be fixed have been fixed (some have to do with a bug or flaw in the program itself. all of it minor). Animations are all done, all the placeholder stuff's been replaced. I don't know what the deal with Camel's CG art is, I haven't discussed it with Nana. Think all that's left is to just get the game registered.
Heads up on the release schedule, seems there were some unexpected delays getting the R-18 version registered on DLsite and Steam. DLsite's release may be delayed to 1/1 (or 12/31 depending on your timezone). If I understand what Nana told me correctly, Steam requires a minimum of 2 weeks of advance notice before a game can go on sale, starting after the registration is confirmed. So still a blank on that one.

I can say that as far as I'm aware, the game's complete. All the bugs that I've found in bug testing that could be fixed have been fixed (some have to do with a bug or flaw in the program itself. all of it minor). Animations are all done, all the placeholder stuff's been replaced. I don't know what the deal with Camel's CG art is, I haven't discussed it with Nana. Think all that's left is to just get the game registered.

So we're either ending the year or starting a new year with jacking off? Sounds good either way for me.
So I guess its time to make that R18 thread?
no dodge system, the end of an R18 scene costs a life, the boss is a bullet sponge (I may have taken the wrong weapon, the bow, but hey the secondary weapon system is sucks), then I can't play the keyboard but it's a bit brutal.

I think the worst is when I take a secondary weapon, the orange rock, great this thing can hurt me ...

ok i beat the boss in normal mode without losing a life, yeah dev. on purpose to make a boss that we can, when he jumps on you, he bounces on the edge of the field, so we can easily chain him with the stick
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no dodge system, the end of an R18 scene costs a life, the boss is a bullet sponge (I may have taken the wrong weapon, the bow, but hey the secondary weapon system is sucks), then I can't play the keyboard but it's a bit brutal.

I think the worst is when I take a secondary weapon, the orange rock, great this thing can hurt me ...

ok i beat the boss in normal mode without losing a life, yeah dev. on purpose to make a boss that we can, when he jumps on you, he bounces on the edge of the field, so we can easily chain him with the stick

The R-18 version's Easy mode will give 99 lives and halve damage taken, so you should be able to clear it with ease.

Seriously answering, the gameplay is heavily based on the Ghosts 'n Goblins games. The weapon change system is identical to it in functionality. The bow is a weapon of timing. If you release the arrow between 0.5s and 0.6s of holding it then you unleash an explosive arrow that does more damage than anything else except the rock. Too short or too long is a weak arrow that can 2-shot the weaker enemies like the goblins, but that's about it. It's an advanced weapon that won't be easy to use if you're new at it, but it is the strongest weapon when mastered. The rock is something of a trap weapon for normal gameplay, but its effectiveness is #1 for bosses. It's a high risk high reward weapon that can demolish most bosses in ~6 hits in exchange for being nigh useless for fighting normal enemies. It's difficult to take advantage of without practice, but there's invincibility on a part of the throwing animation too.

As a basic summary of the weapons, the ofuda talismans and the axe are the easiest to use, but have the lowest damage potential. The purification rod is easy to use, reflects/negates certain projectiles, and is fairly strong on the ground, but lacks range and the aerial attacks have poor damage output. The bow is hard to use but very powerful when the timing is mastered. The rock is bad for stage gameplay but strong for bosses.

I know right. We play for the excellent gameplay

So like, I know that this is a place for H-games, and the point of H-games is to have erotic content, but the gameplay is overall good. Just challenging and based on retro games. I spent about 50 hours practicing Time Attack play for the R-15 version. I do understand that most players aren't going to spend more than 5 hours playing it. A lot may just beat it once and call it a day. The game will be much more frustrating on the first clear than the fiftieth. But it really does have solid gameplay. I've got my PB uploaded on YT if you'd be interested in checking that.
So interesting question about the discount and release date, don't know if you'd know anything: If I purchased the original R-15 game from the English DLSite, will I still get the discount if I try to purchase from the Japanese DLSite? Are the release dates going to differ between those two?
Oof, not sure, unfamiliar with DLsite. But the English DLsite release should be just slightly delayed from the Japanese DLsite release, so worst case scenario you wait a couple days and you're good. There's a 2 day gap between the JP and EN DLsite releases for the R-15 version.
The bow is a weapon of timing. If you release the arrow between 0.5s and 0.6s of holding it then you unleash an explosive arrow that does more damage than anything else except the rock.

and with your video, the bow allows you to do double jumps to infinity ... ask for precise timing for more powerful arrows, I just tested rapid shots or max loads, it is indicated in the game can we do that?

with the rock, the bosses don't have time to move, it's funny.

for the R18 version, it's better to play easy just to unlock all the scenes, normal and hard mode is only for serious time
The infinite jumping was actually not intended by the game dev. You can jump after after firing the explosive arrow in the air, that is intended, but it wasn't foreseen that you could just repeat that for infinite jumps. About gallery mode, it will be unlocked by default for R-18 version, so you don't even have to play the game unless you want to view the scenes in-game and not through the gallery mode.

Ah, but there is a boss rush mode, and to unlock that you do need to beat the game. Boss rush mode is modified so that there is no H-content in it though, it's strictly for a self-imposed challenge.
Ah, exploits. If there's a will, a speedrunner will find a way. As for the weapons, the talismans are the only ones that can get upgraded with the items in the stages right? Is that just for attack speed, or does it increase damage as well? And also when upgraded, where would you say the talismans place in the weapon list?
May have been answered already, but does anyone know how much new H content there is for the R18 version? I'm kind of meh on vore, but if there's a good mix I wouldn't mind giving it a go. Decent ACT is hard to find.
Well for starters, it seems like all the enemies have their own H animation, and can go into a threesome if another enemy is near. I think the non-giant enemy bosses have their own H animations as well.