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ACT Vore Loli Ryona [nanakusado] もんすたぁ☆さぷらいずど幽鬼ち / Monster surprised Yuki-chan (RJ275826 / RJ309773)

The stage with the giant enemies is new. The stuff about the R-18 version's H animations isn't so much showcasing them (did that in earlier posts) as it is bug testing and observing the gameplay changes from incorporating H attacks. In the first builds of the R-18 version, before development of the R-15 version began, enemies didn't have dedicated attacks that would cause H animations on contact, but as recently as a few months ago, enemies were given dedicated H attacks, and with those attacks, some behaviors were changed, which affects the gameplay balance a little bit.
I wonder if the other zombie girl will be able to steal her from the other one. Or if it's just something to extend the scene just a bit longer.
More a bump than anything else, but just to mention it, the new boss' final design is being implemented now. Nana said the release date is "before the end of the year" and "probably December". Due to concentrating on completing the game and releasing it, the progress reports have been less frequent.
So we're not gonna be on track for december release? Saw his new post on Ci-En today, I can't read moonrunes but apparently there's a new(?) scene involving mandragora slowly stripping and having her way with goblin girl. It's really hot.
The Ci-En article from today is suggesting a 12/26 release date, I believe (I'm relying on DeepL here for the majority of the translation, so grain of salt). The info was gated behind being a supporter.
Link to the aforementioned article.
12/26 is the scheduled release date for the R-18 version, yep. A trial version will be released sometime before that, along with all the usual announcement stuff like a trailer. Price is 2,200 yen/points (excluding tax). You'll get a 55% off coupon on DLsite for the R-18 version if you bought the R-15 version, which puts it at 990 yen/points. There's no mention of Steam anywhere. The Steam sales were a very disappointing venture (something like 70 copies in the first week or two, less than 1/10th of DLsite's sales), so I don't know if Nana will try it or not.
There's no mention of Steam anywhere. The Steam sales were a very disappointing venture (something like 70 copies in the first week or two, less than 1/10th of DLsite's sales), so I don't know if Nana will try it or not.
I really hope he still eventually does a steam release. I don't know what the opportunity cost of getting it released on steam is but I know that I will definitely buy it in steam if it gets released, and definitely won't buy it on DLsite if it doesn't. I want to support nana's work but I can't get things working with the paypal/Dlsite point stuff. Garuga, can you ask for me whether there will be a steam release? Or, at the very least ask what is so difficult about releasing on steam? Surely any number of sales is a net positive unless it requires that much more dev work or there's some kind of fee. I'd ask him myself but the language barrier would make things awkward.
I remember him mentioning in the previous article that he was concerned about whether or not it would even be accepted on Steam due to loli content. Steam also charges a $100 nonrefundable fee to release games on their platform and apparently doesn't pay out until a game reaches over $1,000 in sales. Between the fee, possible low sales, the game potentially being pulled due to loli, and the difficulty he had getting the R15 version through the Greenlight process it's entirely possible that Steam wouldn't be a net positive.

That said, I'm hoping for a Steam version too just because my desktop doesn't mesh well with DLsite's DRM software, but I can definitely understand wanting to avoid the potential headache.
There was a lot of trouble communicating the contents of the R-15 version with the people that okay the games due to a language barrier, as well as a registration fee of $100. I don't remember if there were any other issues with it. This is what Nana shared with me when I was asking about the Steam sales when the game was released. Nana has said repeatedly over the course of developing the R-18 version that they plan to release on Steam, but getting the discount for owning R-15 doesn't seem to be possible, and he isn't sure that he'll be able to get it on there at all due to the H content. It may simply just take longer to get the Steam version out than DLsite. I'll ask about it.

About purchasing points on DLsite, this is just how I do it, but I click on the points, go to "Purchase Points" on the left side, select payment with a debit card, enter the card information, and confirm the transaction. Should be as simple as that. 1 yen = 1 penny = 1 point, disregarding exchange rates. A purchase of 3,000 points (roughly $30) will be enough to cover the game's cost.

Well, I got beaten to the punch on this, but I'll post it anyway. If about $1,000 in sales is necessary to make a profit, then yeah the R-15 version barely went past that. That's awful then. Hard to say whether or not the R-18 version will even sell more than the R-15 version on Steam, it's not exactly a platform made for H-games.

EDIT: Asked Nana, he said he does plan on applying for Steam, but the application process may take longer than DLsite, and he isn't sure if he'll be able to bundle the R-15 version with the R-18 version.
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As a steam user personally, I still plan on going through DLsite. (if he were to have an option of giving people who backed him on cien a download to the full version I'd rather pay the price of the game through there) Im not entirely sure why Nana wants to go through steam so badly. Its not a platform Id go to for Hgames...especially ones explicitly containing loli
Another article. The gargoyle girl x goblin H animation was adjusted so that if the player is caught by another gargoyle girl, then it'll be stalled out into a simultaneous finish. Nana also discusses releasing on Steam a little, but it's nothing new, expressing concerns about how long it'll take (R-15 took over a month) and whether or not it'll be accepted to begin with. The game is in its final stages of bug testing before release. Might be it for additional content.
I love when specific little details like that simultaneous finish get added, shows the creator really cares about what they're making. Here's hoping the demo drops soon so I can update the main post with the added mechanics of the R-18 version.
Crazy to think this thread has been active for over a year now but looks like the wait is almost over. Looking at all the extra content that was added over time, I'd say the wait was more than worth it.
R-18 version's official announcement on DLsite! By the way, I've been bug testing the game since the 1st. If anyone has questions about it, I'll do my best to answer them.
Since its "announced on DLsite" it means the release date of "Late December" is set in stone and not likely to get any delays. Also should I stop pledging to his Ci-En at this point? (nothing against him. Just doubt theres any content that is upcoming that will be worthwhile, especially if I pay full price for the r-18 version as I missed the download for the 15 version)
If you aren't interested in donating solely for the sake of supporting Nana, then yeah I think it would be better to stop donating. I can't imagine that there's going to be anything of interest beyond this month, and if there is, you can just start donating again.