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ACT Vore Loli Ryona [nanakusado] もんすたぁ☆さぷらいずど幽鬼ち / Monster surprised Yuki-chan (RJ275826 / RJ309773)

New Ci-en update: This time it shows the process of taking out the stage 3 boss with the fatality. Quite lengthy and dramatic. Yuuki may be the heroine but that finisher is villain worthy.
I had a feeling we'd see a new ci-en post. Was gonna mention yesterday that I was guessing today would be the day, but oh well. But speaking of hinting, the pic of Youki defeated in the stage 3 boss's coils is getting me excited to see the new loss scene. Probably won't see another ci-en post for a while so I'll keep an eye on their twitter.
So what's our timeframe looking like now? I'm not sure what else is unfinished so I'm really in the dark. End of October? Mid November?
Oh cool, another ci-en post. Guess I was too used to how long it was before the previous one.
The new scene looks great, though truthfully, I wasn't expecting it to lead into the end of the old scene. I kinda thought Youki would go into the wolf part of the boss. I guess she's got no stomach there, so Youki goes straight to the snake part.
Yo, I just bought this game not too long ago, and I'm pretty sure this stuff brought up once or twice but I'm gonna go ahead anyway.....

Is it just me that game is so .... clunky? I thought PGMMV got imporved their performance once they switch to 64bit.
What is going on with this game? Its barely playable.
Is it lag? The game has stupid high PC requirements for how simple it is. If it's just the controls, the game is strongly inspired by retro games such as Ghosts 'n Goblins and classic Castlevania, with more difficult controls like GnG style jumps being part of the design.


Boss Gargoyle update. Nana's going to start production on my request now that this is done.
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Wait so this one wasn't what you suggested to Nana? Now I'm gonna be trying to think of what's to come. Don't suppose you could throw out some subtle hints?
As for this update, I was wondering if anything was going to come out of that one butt slam move. Nice to see that it leads into a grab.
now we just need the small ones to do that too...
I thought that Nana was suggesting that it would lead into my request, but that was mistaken. The request is for a vore animation where the boss Gargoyle licks Youki's naked body. Initially, the idea was for her saliva to melt Youki's clothes, but I made a remark to Aran about the stage 3 boss undressing Youki before eating her in the fatal animation, and Nana replied with "hmhm, I see!". Since he started on the boss Gargoyle, I'm wondering if he'll use that idea for her instead. Nana's stated she's pretty dunb, so I thought that she wouldn't be smart enough to figure out Youki would taste better without clothes, but that's up to Nana.
Now that is what i thought should be happening when the boss gargoyle jumps you!!!
So do I understand this right that currently there's only a non-Hentai version available and the author is working on the Hentai-Version and releases bits and previews on ci-en?
That is correct. The R-18 version should be released at the end of next month at the very latest, I think. Not 100% on that though, just estimating.
I would have liked to have seen more like with the mandrake while tiny, with how they spat out some of Youki's clothes afterwards. Well I say some but it was just panties that were left. Regardless, it's always nice to have a naked scene in an H-game.
I'm just still hoping the vore in the final battle can be improved/extended, or extra scenes get added.
It'd be super neat if the other characters in your party were at risk of getting eaten too if you don't save them after getting grabbed, but I know that would probably require completely changing the final cutscene.
Camel learned how to make sprite animations and made stomach internals for the lizard girl and mandragora in the new stage, which have been implemented now. Nana also added the swallowing animation for the harpy to the boss fight, which is something I requested but he seemed to be unsure about implementing at the time. I asked for it to be a standard grab attack like in the stage, but it's implemented as KO only. Work on gallery mode is also progressing.

Nana's starting to run into capacity issues with the R-18 version and Pixel Game Maker, so it may become difficult to add more to the game beyond this point.
I find the part where he talks about how the strength of certain weapons got influenced by the implementation of the H-moves very interesting.
I recall that he mentioned during the development of the R15 version that he was unsure how to implement erotic elements without ruining the game balance. Good to see that he found a way to make the implementation work while even adding some complexity.
Starting to run into capacity issues? That sucks. Especially if it's sounding like there's still more that Nana wants to try and put in. I don't really know my way around Pixel Game Maker, so I'm not sure how this problem will be dealt with. Unless separating the game into a couple of parts is a viable option. Like the new stage is a different project from the main quest part of the game.
Saw the Ci-En post and never..uh..redeemed my R-15 game code. Is this shrine-looking stage a new stage or is he just going back and adding R-18 animations to the enemies and showcasing them?