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ACT Vore Loli Ryona [nanakusado] もんすたぁ☆さぷらいずど幽鬼ち / Monster surprised Yuki-chan (RJ275826 / RJ309773)

Pretty fappable! Best vore I've ever seen. I don't really care about H but Youki gets a few nude scenes (mostly vore scenes) and the new Succubus boss Nyara is naked and shows off her ass a bit. Pretty cute butt.

You didn't hear it from me, but the game over screen is being revised...only detail I know is Camel is involved. Can't comment on this as it isn't done yet.
Pretty fappable! Best vore I've ever seen. I don't really care about H but Youki gets a few nude scenes (mostly vore scenes) and the new Succubus boss Nyara is naked and shows off her ass a bit. Pretty cute butt.

You didn't hear it from me, but the game over screen is being revised...only detail I know is Camel is involved. Can't comment on this as it isn't done yet.

It's Camel as in artist's name, and not as in animal's name, right? Because right now I'm having a weird picture of Yuki getting involved with Camel in... ways.
R-18 version's official announcement on DLsite! By the way, I've been bug testing the game since the 1st. If anyone has questions about it, I'll do my best to answer them.
The h mechanic seems really nicely implemented in the demo. Have you heard anything about the english dl-site version? I hope it won't be released at a later date as it's sadly the only version I can legally grab. I feel like I owe the dev that much with how much effort he put into this release.

Is this game yuri only?
All of the h-content is either vore or yuri and a few futa scenes.
It's Camel as in artist's name, and not as in animal's name, right?

Yes it's the artist lol.

Have you heard anything about the english dl-site version?

I haven't, I was actually unaware that it wasn't up yet. Looking at the R-15 version, there's only a two day gap between the JP DLsite release and the EN one. I'll ask about it but I feel pretty confident that if there is a delay, it will be short, and it certainly will release on there.
How do you change the game's text to english? Just downloaded the demo and I'm not seeing an option for it.
Edit: You can press F1 and click settings > game screen and there's an option to change the language but only Japanese is selectable, do we know if the game will have an english setting on release?
Edit 2: OK I'm dumb, there's a settings option that allows you to change it on the main menu. In fairness it was in Japanese before changing it and one of the other options started the game so I assumed it was a level selector or something, ignore me.
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Camel also goes by the name D-gate, but I've seen it interchangeable all over, so there's really no wrong way it seems. Though just plain Camel with no context does seem to be more confusion, obviously.
Now that the game is coming out in a few weeks, I can't wait to see how it's all been done. Of course, I've been keeping up with their Ci-en posts, so I don't know how much will be new to me, unfortunately. That's the only bad thing for me when it comes to supporting stuff. You seem to preview a little too much before the game comes out to the point where you've practically seen everything that will be in the final product.
But anyway, like I said, I can't wait for this version to drop. Real excited about the extra stage. Though, and if you know Garuga feel free to chime in, I wonder how much Nana themselves wanted to put this much vore content in. I kinda figured that it was because Camel helped a lot with the game, so it was because of them that there's so much. I'm just curious cause if Nana still has this much interest in the fetish for future products that may or may not come to fruition, then I'd be happy to keep my eye on their activity. Would definitely secure support from me on their ci-en for future stuff.
I mainly know them as Camel, as that's what they're tagged as an artist name on -booru type sites. I think it's taken from Camel cigarettes. At any rate, sorry if it caused confusion there.

Nana doesn't have a vore fetish, but I get the impression he does like ryona in general, with vore falling under that scope. I think that if you were to ask him which one was his favorite, or the one he put the most work into, it would be the chase sequence in the new stage where Youki and several shrunken goblins are being chased by a gargoyle girl. When I first mentioned to him the idea of having a giant gargoyle prey on the goblins, he seemed to be very fond of it and said he definitely wanted to implement that. The goblin girls have several sprite animations designed for this part. Nana mentioned the goblin girls have three different begging animations before they're mercilessly devoured by the gargoyle girl, and they'll be randomly swallowed or chewed up by her. He put a good amount of work into that part. The general premise of a cute and helpless girl being mercilessly preyed upon seems to be in his strike zone, whether it's the goblin girls or Youki. I think just the general idea, like, on the one hand you have what is a normal everyday occurrence for the predator that brings it pleasure and sustenance, and on the other you have this cruel and merciless end of the prey's life, this contrast that it's ordinary for the prey's life to be trampled upon so casually, that kind of ryona seems to be his kind of preference. Nana specified that his favorite enemy is the goblin girls because of the various misfortunes that he can subject them to.

More than that though, Nana's the type of person that wants to make people happy with his work, so I think that, as people became interested in it because of the vore, it was natural to start including more vore as a response to the increased interest in it, which feeds into itself. A retained interest in vore in his works will probably lead to him naturally making more vore content. I intend to continue helping Nana where I can with his future games (bug testing, discussing ideas, etc), and will naturally bring up ideas for vore wherever I can. It's probably a safe bet that if the premise will allow for it, there'll be more vore in his future works. An idea for another Youki game was discussed...but no promises on it getting made. Probably shouldn't say more on that subject.
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Now this is something to be hyped for, fuck Cyberpunk or whatever else, lmao
Can't wait to have mah hands on this <3
Is is just me or does Youki seem...bigger now, for lack of a better term?
You talking about like height? Or since we're on a hentai forum, you talking about her breast size? Cause if it's the latter, then I'm sure the main reason is because R18 version.
Nah it's the same, no alterations to Youki's sprites between the two versions. Camel/D-Gate's art seems to consistently portray Youki with a larger bust size though, 1-2 sizes larger.

E: Asked Nana about EN DLsite release, he confirmed that it'll probably be released either on the same day as on JP DLsite, or within a couple days after it.
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I assume the game will have english translations at launch. Regardless. If I buy Jap version will I get the Dlsite EN version for free, as irrc DLsite JP and EN have merged together
Yeah it's already fully translated into English. You can change the language in the options. I don't know about how JP and EN DLsite interact in that regard, so I can't answer whether you'll be able to DL from either one once you've made the purchase on one.
To my knowledge they merged the english and jap dlsite websites in the sense that you can log into both with the same account but things you buy on one version will not be downloadable on the other, most devs seem to update both versions together so the only difference usually is the jap version often releases a bit earlier.
Another update. From what I can gather, it seems like Nana really wanted to add a game over picture(s?) to the game. Based on the art style and who they've been working with, I'm assuming it's Camel doing the art. But it seems like Nana is concerned that they won't have enough time to put one in, or something like that I think? I'm using google translate here cause I'm a stupid monolingual idiot.

I think it's pretty neat that they're still thinking of stuff to put in. It'd be cool if they decide to do specific death game over pictures, but as much as I'm 100% down with the pictures in general, I'm hoping that they aren't overdoing it. Maybe they can do future updates instead if they're still willing to add more smaller scale things like game over pictures.
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Yeah it's Camel/D-Gate. I discussed this with Nana a bit, the issue seemed to be more dependent on how much Camel/D-Gate is able to do before the game's release, and how much he manages to complete that Nana has time to implement. I was hoping for something more like Dran's special game over, but for each stage and boss, but that's not the case. To be honest I don't really care for Camel/D-Gate's art style, so I was a little disappointed personally, but it's good for those that do appreciate it.

As far as I can tell, there isn't a whole lot left aside from the game over pictures, just replacing some placeholder sprites with clean sprites + new animations. That's just as far as I can tell though, not really discussed. I think within a week I'll run out of things to find during bug testing, as it is now almost everything I find is a random coincidence. Game's getting real close to completion.
I adore Camel's art, though I'm generally pretty whatever on game over CGs in general, so it's a mixed bag for me. Certainly don't hate the idea, but eager to see what Camel has been working on with their own project.

Also eager to see this actually release, the new demo was familiar but the additions are quite welcome.
A reminder to avoid posting any loli content during discussion. Thank you.
Hm...I know it's marked as loli, but was any loli content posted? A couple of monster girl enemies are lolis, but the protagonist is not a loli. Not arguing, just wanna figure out if anything was done that warranted a warning.