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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

What do you me...ooh shiny bell. Wheeeee.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Stargate Universe

I watched the first episode, too, I should make clear. I thought I posted about that at some point, but I guess I didn't. Basically, I thought it was kind of silly and contrived. I think they were trying too hard to make Stargate seem more like Battlestar Galactica. Now the below, written before this paragraph, will make more sense.

Having watched the second episode of Stargate Universe, my opinion of the series is little-changed.

I find it odd that they don't even send one of those flying cameras after the two scientists who mutiny. Callous, even. The relationship between Matt and Chloe is another oddity, to me. I can't tell whether they're trying to set up the two for a romantic relationship later in the series (odd, I would think, since just before they were stranded he was shown having sex with another person who is also on the ship), or whether it's instead meant to seem religious, given his background. Nor am I sure which I would dislike more.

I also think that they're forcing Eli into the comic relief position a bit too much, but that may just be because I'm rather fond of that character. Probably a silly complaint, since they've said that he is the comic relief.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Fuck me blind.

I got the flu and shortly after, or possibly during, I got some other infection that cause joint swelling and pain. This mystery virus seemed especially fond of my knees and ankles which upset me to no end because I need those to walk, drive, kick the shit out of shit, etc. I waited 3 weeks before going to the doctor because that shit's expensive and I'm so po' I can't even afford the last two letters of that word. It took another 3 weeks for the results of the myriad tests and exams and shit to get back, at which point my doctor basically told me "We don't know what it was, but it seems to be gone. We'll mail you the bill." So I can walk again, hooray! Except, wandering about my neighborhood I walked through a spiderweb the size of a doorway, stretched from a tree to the fucking ground. I can only presume that the spider that lived there bit me, because now my ankle's swollen and I can't fucking walk again!
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

It's kinda hard to sympathize with you when you're making me laugh at you...
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Went to the park for a picnic, except I can't play any of the games because of the spider bite. On the way back to my car I passed under a shady tree and (surprise) walked through another giant fucking spiderweb. I managed to find the spider before it could bite me, but it managed to get in my car. I'm left hoping that the heat in a car left sitting in the sun for a few hours will be enough to kill the little bastard. I am growing a steady dislike for spiders.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Jumping spiders are adorable. If the pictures I posted of the tarantulas creep you out, that I understand, but jumping spiders are like a cm big and have these huge puppy dog eyes.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Yeah, but they're waaay too affectionate. I'm used to having a cat, that usually doesn't give a shit about me most of the day. All Fluffy(the name of my jumping spider) ever wanted to do was kiss me over and over again.

I kept telling her not to do it, since her kisses make me feel numb, but I suppose she just loves me too much. :\
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I want to see eight huge puppy dog eyes.

Whether a spider or a picture of four puppy dogs.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread


Bad spider.... aww, i cant stay mad at you
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I'm not saying that spider's adorable, but if there ever was an adorable spider, I think that'd be it.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I'm confused... I only saw two puppy dog like eyes.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Yeah, jumping spiders have eyes that kind of circle the head for better sight, the two in the front just happen to be huge, hence why I think they look like puppy dog eyes. Two of it's eyes are so small, you'll swear it only has 6


Of course they're all different, but that's a popular formation.

"What's up guys? Ya'll talking bout me?"

Haha, yes we are, and may I say that's a fine hat you're wearing
"Thanks, it compliments my giant eyebrows"

*edit* leave it to me to find a bushy-browed scottish spider
That's thinking with your pedipalps jimmy!
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

*edit* leave it to me to find a bushy-browed scottish spider
That's thinking with your pedipalps jimmy!

Garunteed to put a grin on your black scottish cyclopian face!
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I actually think spiders are cute now^^

Actually, we've had several family spiders... The most recent one was held in captivity in a glass jar, and lived for about 3 months before my stepmom put it out in the sun 'cause it had gotten 300 babies. My brother wasn't too impressed...

Her name was "Shaggy," scary thing. Norwegian wolf spider... They're the fastest spiders I've ever heard of...

But we don't have that kind of cute spiders in norway, we have one that is a little cute here, jumping spider, but when magnified looks like something out of a horror movie.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

That little spider is awesome cute. And I think I know the kind you mean Wonderboy. I've held some captive myself.

My flat recently had something of a wolf spider infestation. It started off with what we thought was one or two spiders, and we were all happy to let them roam and keep the other bugs under control. It seemed a fair price to pay. A cat for your rats kind of deal. Then the spiders started overstepping their rights a little. Crawling on my flat mates face as he tries to get to sleep, hiding in shoes, climbing up your leg while sitting down, and even emerging out of a bath towel as my flat mate wraps it round himself, right at the wrong moment/location. Dunno why they liked my flat mate so much, but he declared war on them.

So we started rounding them up in transparent take-away tubs. Gave em air holes, a few assorted bugs and stuff to see what they liked. Turns out they don't eat cow. But three days and twelve spiders later we ran out of tubs, and were finding it hard to tell if we were gathering enough food for them all. Ended up scattering them outside around the neighbourhood.

Utterly nuts. It's only a flat after all. :/
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Yeah, those sound like the right ones^^

Exept ours will eat absolutely ANYTHING, as long as it's alive when it comes into the jar... They don't eat dead stuff.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I fucking hate my roommate's total lack of regard for other people's sleep right now.
First off, he gets up several hours earlier than I do. In that time, he thinks it's fine and dandy to put his tv on so loudly that I can hear it as if it were in my room, and he loves to sing. So the whole time he is getting ready to leave for whatever he leaves for, the fucker is singing. He's not even singing to the tv or to music. He's just singing. His clippers are also incredibly fucking loud.
But none of that is the worst bit. The worst bit is his goddam shitkissing alarm clock. He NEVER turns it off. EVER. It goes off three or four times in the morning, and he'll just let it blast until he gets around to hitting the snooze button. THE SNOOZE BUTTON MEANS THE FUCKING CLOCK WILL GO OFF AGAIN DICKFACE. Worse, he doesn't turn it off when he leaves to go sleep somewhere else. At the time of my writing this, his [insert expletives here, too tired to think of appropriately vile language] alarm clock has been going off for the past half hour, and of course nobody can turn it off because his room is locked.
I want to burn you alive after shooting you in the face with a shotgun. Fuck you, fuck your transexual homofag ass, fuck your motherfucking liver shitting alarm clock, you need to die you inconsiderate fuck.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I fucking hate my roommate's total lack of regard for other people's sleep right now.
First off, he gets up several hours earlier than I do. In that time, he thinks it's fine and dandy to put his tv on so loudly that I can hear it as if it were in my room, and he loves to sing. So the whole time he is getting ready to leave for whatever he leaves for, the fucker is singing. He's not even singing to the tv or to music. He's just singing. His clippers are also incredibly fucking loud.
But none of that is the worst bit. The worst bit is his goddam shitkissing alarm clock. He NEVER turns it off. EVER. It goes off three or four times in the morning, and he'll just let it blast until he gets around to hitting the snooze button. THE SNOOZE BUTTON MEANS THE FUCKING CLOCK WILL GO OFF AGAIN DICKFACE. Worse, he doesn't turn it off when he leaves to go sleep somewhere else. At the time of my writing this, his [insert expletives here, too tired to think of appropriately vile language] alarm clock has been going off for the past half hour, and of course nobody can turn it off because his room is locked.
I want to burn you alive after shooting you in the face with a shotgun. Fuck you, fuck your transexual homofag ass, fuck your motherfucking liver shitting alarm clock, you need to die you inconsiderate fuck.

Break the door, then. That might drive the point through.