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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

appreciation is always appreciated
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Pfft you were whoring for rep and you know it.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I was not whoring for rep until the "appreciation" post
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Toxic whores for other things, but rep isn't one of them.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

You'd know, wouldn't you valued customer ;)
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I'm...holy fuck, I'm pissed off.

I don't understand WHY, but someone negative repped my post earlier in this thread, where I very clearly pointed out a contradiction in Nunu's post.

Are you people so fucking blind that when someone insults a friend, you have to strike back like a fucking idiot? And get this, this is the reason why apparently:
"You know why.."

I know why I got the fucking infraction! I don't understand this! I negative rep posts that either make no sense, are spam, or just are so mind numbingly retarded I have to as a person. But really? I pointed out something and one of you guys just.. jumps your shit so bad you have to negative rep my post? Really? Please, I beg of whoever did this, own up.

Also, this is a pretty dumb thing to ask after all the shit I've done, but could this be wiped off my reputation somehow? I don't understand why someone would do this, and the reason they left is total shit.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I'm...holy fuck, I'm pissed off.

I don't understand WHY, but someone negative repped my post earlier in this thread, where I very clearly pointed out a contradiction in Nunu's post.

Are you people so fucking blind that when someone insults a friend, you have to strike back like a fucking idiot? And get this, this is the reason why apparently:
"You know why.."

I know why I got the fucking infraction! I don't understand this! I negative rep posts that either make no sense, are spam, or just are so mind numbingly retarded I have to as a person. But really? I pointed out something and one of you guys just.. jumps your shit so bad you have to negative rep my post? Really? Please, I beg of whoever did this, own up.

Also, this is a pretty dumb thing to ask after all the shit I've done, but could this be wiped off my reputation somehow? I don't understand why someone would do this, and the reason they left is total shit.

its true, i'm just as fallible as any other person, when i say something wrong i deserve to get corrected.

These problems are never going to get better if people just keep slinging mud at each other.

I'll totally refund your rep about this.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I was wrong to fly off the handle like I did. I admit it. I should have dealt with it in PMs or such. However, what happened should have been between myself and Oni. There wasn't really a need for anyone else to get involved in this.

He trolled me, I exploded on him. Not the best way to deal with the situation. Tis time to move on.

Having calmed down a bit I apologize to Oni for saying some of the words I said.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

and you still owe me a high five :(
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I hate that I seem to have...contempt? against bass players. Yesterday I wrote(on another forum, when another member casually mentioned that he likes bass guitar) something along the lines of:"After several years of playing classical guitar, I can't help but look down to anyone who claims to be a good bass player."

Now I could go on and show you why this is justified. But what's the point? Bass player jokes have already been done to death, so it isn't even funny. And I fully well know that I'm an asshole, but realizing it this way in this context isn't nice. Hmm. I think I'll post this to ranting/debate thread instead.

Scratch that. I seem to have a slightly confused mindset at this point. Good luck keeping up. At least the meta commentary is in white. Of course, unless you read it, parts of this will be even more confusing. Good luck, then, that at least you are reading it.

Now, here's why I look down to bass players: I've played classical guitar for over ten years and I was at no point particularly hard working or talented(now, some would argue that the scores I got from tests contradict at least one of those claims(the final score I got was 4/5) but considering how long I worked to get those particular pieces polished, I am forced to disagree). And while I may not have been playing four strings one after another at 300/min(350?) using my index finger and my thumb with my left hand moving mostly in a relatively small area, I was doing something much more complex: I was using three fingers and a thumb of my right hand to play six strings at 200/min in complex rhytms while stretching my left hand to extreme, rapidly changing positions and moving it all across the neck of the guitar. So I probably could, starting out cold, do the same thing as the bass player while he couldn't achieve the same thing that I used to do without years of practice.

Yeah, that was somewhat exaggerated. But still, I probably could achieve nearly the level of a bass player with similar qualifications to mine in a few monts.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

and that makes you a better person.

which brings me to a somewhat related, however separate rant about musical elitism. i dont mean across genres or instruments, but A) knowledge of a band and B) claims of selling out.

You shouldn't care how someone knows a band, just that they know them. I'm a huge muse fan and have been for a while, but no one should give a shit about the fact that people are finding them because of Twilight. This is especially true if a person happens to find a band when the band is going through a different musical phase, and you get to sit there and point your finger about the good ol' days, cuz that's what you are, a grumpy old bastard at that point. And as bands go through phases, old fans claim they have "sold out" which basically means "Aww, they don't do what I like anymore" and that's your own fault for limited yourself to genre. My favorite bands, or at least the ones I respect the most are the ones who can comfortably play any and all genres. And I'm sorry but I thought making music purely for the purpose of making music, ya know for the fans, was the whole fucking idealistic stand-point of anyone. As long as they make music, they're still going to fucking get paid. If you wanna call that "selling-out" they were fucking selling out to you when they first starting playing your shitty music too.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Stuff about neg rep

Mo I just ask you to remember a conversation we had in Steam chat and then you'll head desk. Also while we're on the subject of Neg rep I got neg repped yesterday and the message reads and I quote "Nigga you gay..."

Really!? Really!? That's the constructive critiscism you give for neg repping me!? All this did was make me face palm. Honestly people if you are going to neg rep me give me some kind of actual reason... Even Obe gave a better reason and his was actually true. I WAS pissed on the 28th and running a neg rep war and he totally called it and saw through me. All I can say Obe is I'm sorry but I was honestly more worried about Sin and not really in the mood for your crap so :p
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I'm sorry, but comment is way too funny for me to take your post seriously, Avi.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Oh man, I wish I could take credit for that, because it made me lol, but alas I cant. Still, I haven't gotten you back for -rep'ing me, so I'll have to keep an eye out on you ;)
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

*pouts* Take the wind out of my sails why don't you...
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Is there ever anymore tentacle rape material without fuc*ing submission!? Rawr!... this blows... :mad::mad::mad:
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I actually quite prefer tentacle hentai with submission, or even consensual.