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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Woah, hold on, all other mythologies are in modern history and fiction but I never knew about Celtic. You guys telling me there are games with this shit in it? I had to go look for classes on this stuff.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I saw Kick-Ass and Clash of the Titans yesterday. Kick-Ass is quite possibly the best film this year, though don't go to see it with the assumption that it'll be exactly like the comic because you will be disappointed. It's enough like the comic to please fans but quite a bit has been altered for outsiders to enjoy it as well. In my opinion Clash of the Titans is perhaps the most disappointing film of this year.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

My personal favorite has always been Athena. Only one time I can think when she was really a bitch (Arachne.) but for the most part, she's pretty cool.

I dunno about that, she had a bit of a mean streak. There are several stories about her bathing, some mortal hunter stumbling across her, and are then blinded.

One almost gets the feeling that she did it on purpose. Although one of them she gave the gift of prophecy as an apology afterwards.

I personally am a big fan of Norse mythology. Those are the kind of gods that you really don't fuck with. Big fan of Loki and Thor, though Loki turns into an asshole at the end.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I dunno about that, she had a bit of a mean streak. There are several stories about her bathing, some mortal hunter stumbling across her, and are then blinded.

One almost gets the feeling that she did it on purpose. Although one of them she gave the gift of prophecy as an apology afterwards.

I personally am a big fan of Norse mythology. Those are the kind of gods that you really don't fuck with. Big fan of Loki and Thor, though Loki turns into an asshole at the end.

She's also the one that took Medusa's beauty away. I can't remember the actual reason, in the Clash of the Titans movie they said it had something to do with Poseidon raping her in Athena's temple. Another one I heard was that she claimed to be more beautiful than the God's and Athena took offense to that.

Regardless, Athena was always my favorite.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I dunno about that, she had a bit of a mean streak. There are several stories about her bathing, some mortal hunter stumbling across her, and are then blinded.

One almost gets the feeling that she did it on purpose. Although one of them she gave the gift of prophecy as an apology afterwards.

I personally am a big fan of Norse mythology. Those are the kind of gods that you really don't fuck with. Big fan of Loki and Thor, though Loki turns into an asshole at the end.

Now now, Athena's not the only one that's done stuff like that. Artemis does it too...

She's also the one that took Medusa's beauty away. I can't remember the actual reason, in the Clash of the Titans movie they said it had something to do with Poseidon raping her in Athena's temple. Another one I heard was that she claimed to be more beautiful than the God's and Athena took offense to that.

Regardless, Athena was always my favorite.

Hmm, forgot Medusa was Athena's work. I'd have to go look it up, but the vanity thing seems to be a little more aligned with a reason the gods would punish someone like that. Funny that she'd punish Medusa for Poseidon raping her because, traditionally, Athena and Poseidon don't get along.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Now now, Athena's not the only one that's done stuff like that. Artemis does it too...

At the end of the day, all of the gods in most polytheistic religions have a bit of a mean streak... just some more than others. Conversely, there aren't really any without redeeming features. Even Eris has a bit of a bad press - she only (indirectly) kicked off the Trojan wars because nobody invited her to a wedding. And she -is- goddess of spite...
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Just got back from How to Train your Dragon. Watched it in 3D, and rather enjoyed it. The Dragon (dubbed Toothless) was very cute, as I'm sure was seen in trailers. While the effects weren't wholly noticeable through the bulk of the movie, there were some good spots in it.

As a whole, I'd recommend it, especially to anyone who likes Dreamworks animated films.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I am amazed!

This video, a fan made video, is awesome!

Now, sinful, dmronny and whatever other military people are on this forum, they use the roads, "tag-team" backwards with no threats, and the sound of the high velocity rifle reaches them before the bullet and so on and so fourth with some techincal and tactical faults, but hey, it's a fan made vid. All these people need is an advisor to tell them what to do in their films, and they're well on hteir way to becoming great producers. Also, I LOVE the fact that the russians in this vid actually speak RUSSIAN. I hate movies where everybody speaks english.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I am amazed!

This video, a fan made video, is awesome!

Now, sinful, dmronny and whatever other military people are on this forum, they use the roads, "tag-team" backwards with no threats, and the sound of the high velocity rifle reaches them before the bullet and so on and so fourth with some techincal and tactical faults, but hey, it's a fan made vid. All these people need is an advisor to tell them what to do in their films, and they're well on hteir way to becoming great producers. Also, I LOVE the fact that the russians in this vid actually speak RUSSIAN. I hate movies where everybody speaks english.

you still look behind you, even if there shouldn't be anyone there, and when yer playing with no frontlines, then you always watch yer back.

However, despite the many tactical faults in this, it was really good. I rather enjoyed it, it was well made, and really, I've seen movies with worse special effects than what these guys pulled off. Well done to them, very well done.

I especially liked the part where Dust gets reprimanded for not drinking from his canteen. Eating snow is silly, it takes more energy to melt the snow to make water, then the pros of getting water in the first place.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I know you should watch your back, but when you're just two people and have a long way to travel, tag-teaming for ten meters at a time does not seem very effective^^

But yeah, I'm waiting for the next episode!
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I don't really critique tactics when it comes to movies so I'll just leave that part alone. The effects were actually better than most movies I've seen, and it was very entertaining. I'll have to keep an eye out for the next episode.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I don't really critique tactics when it comes to movies so I'll just leave that part alone. The effects were actually better than most movies I've seen, and it was very entertaining. I'll have to keep an eye out for the next episode.

I generally don't either. It's usually never right anyway, but I'm watching the movie for entertainment, I don't always need a recreation of life overseas.

Though I've been told the opening of Stop-Loss would bug the shit out of me should I ever see it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Kick-Ass lived up to it's name. I'm not sue I can talk about it without spoiling it, because there are so many little twists in it. It takes a turn away form the books near the middle, but it doesn't hurt the film at all. I think about half the changes were to make this a bit more cheerful of a film, and the other half were to surprise the people who had read the book.

Spoilers now:
Dave gets the girl in this one, which was weird as hell. They changed the back story of Big Daddy and Hit Girl. They changed the torture scene, made it more vicious. The ending was thoroughly changed, but is fucking astounding. It is still immensely brutal, and totally awesome.

EDIT: The series in CBR format, and a program with which to read it. Inquire within:
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Alright, Gingersnaps: The Beginning.

Now, I really enjoyed the original Gingersnaps movie. Werewolf movies aren't that common unless they're accompanied by vampires, so it was good to see the original when I clicked on the Friday Fright Night on the Space channel one night (Good old Canadian sci-fi channel. Doesn't censor it's movies).

So, I was of course intrigued by this film. Taking the setting back to 1815 somewhere in Northern Ontario. The two girls from the original return, even keeping the same name, making it feel like somewhat of a reboot, but seeing as I loved them both in the original I was very happy with this decision. The basic summary is these two girls are lost in the woods in the midst of winter, find a fort run by a movie knockoff of the Hudson Bay Company which trades with local natives. Unfortunately, said Fort is under attack by werewolves. There's more to the plot, and while nothing is extremely twisty turny, there is enough elements of surprise that I don't want to give much more away than that simply summary. So really, while the plot isn't immensely strong, its there and its more of an atmosphere that draws you in. Though I must say the film wasn't really that scary.

Having just watched this film about ten minutes before I write this, I can say I walked away highly impressed. The setting really added to the atmosphere, and it's not something often seen, especially in horror films. While I hated most of the characters, it was the way they were supposed to be, and they were well acted. A good representation of fear and cabin fever setting in during the midst of an unnatural siege.

The special effects were good. Nothing truly amazing or groundbreaking, and the werewolves themselves could have been done much better when shown in full view, but the fact that they went for guys in suits over CGI gives them bonus points in my books. The makeup effects, especially for partially turned victims was quite impressive.

Also, the costumes. Holy fuck I don't know why they stuck out with me so much, but the costume designers did an excellent job in my opinion. I want Ginger's gloves, I loved them so fucking much. The entire cast had good costumes that seemed period authentic, and watching the featurette on the DVD on the costume design, holy shit they put so much damn detail into it. Anyway...

Final note. Good movie. Highly recommended for fans of werewolves who wouldn't mind seeing them outside a film which focuses on vampires. Also for anyone who likes a good horror romp, though if your looking for a scare, I doubt you'll find it here. Good period piece, and for those who like movies with a darker atmosphere to them.

That's all I got for now.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Haha, I loved the ginger snaps back especially from the series. I recommend it for when you're bored though, it's not something I'd say we should rent when we're hanging out, but if we're purposefully having a late night horror marathon, I'd say get it if we're focusing on films you haven't seen already. You know syfy is an amazing channel to watch when you're up really late and bored and this is one of the movies I like to watch on the channel, and not just because it's so terrible, it's good, like most things I see on that channel. I personally just take towards any werewolf movie with good werewolf design. I was almost offended by Curse when the thing looks like a bear with a badger face.

If you'd like another werewolf movie, especially one with what I think are great werewolf costumes (though more bipedal), especially for being an independent film (i think), is Dog Soldiers. Lovable characters with amazing references inside the film. Great werewolves. Even the scenes with great action could be funny. (Keep your eye on Spoon, it's become my opinion he's the greatest character in fiction because of his behavior) The only issue I had with it, and I didn't notice this until my third-fourth viewing of it, but it won't stop bothering me now is, even though the costumes are good, the people inside them don't move about in very appealing ways. They sort of lumber around slowly with their arms up. But otherwise I loved it.

It sort of starts off in the woods with a small training war game between a small squad of the british army vs a special forces team in the woods. One of the guys in the squad had tried out for that same SF team but was rejected. They later come across what WAS the special forces and their injured captain that rejected the one soldier before. After some brief encounters with the a werewolf in the forest, they find a woman driving back in her truck who gives them a ride to the only house in the area. They end up having to fight off the werewolves while holding the house and trying to find a way out, and figure out how they got into the situation.

It's almost only ever on syfy, but I got it on dvd cuz I didn't want to hear censored swears and have scenes cut.

Ginger snaps back (bad angle, nothing that close)

Dog Soldiers (what I don't like about this is this is extremely detailed and well lit, meaning you can see more issues with the costume, while at most points, you try to conceal most visualizations except the face)

Cursed (just for kicks)
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Has anyone seen Iron Man 2 yet? I've heard two schools of thought on this, the first that it ws awesome and the second that the avengers stuff took away from the movie and robbed it of screen time that could have been used for character development or action.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I loved Dog Soldiers! I had watched it shortly after getting through my infantry training, and I just remember the BFAs (the yellow things on their rifles) sticking out for me as an aspect of paying attention to detail.

I haven't seen it for a few years though, I'll have to track it down.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I had a feeling you'd probably have liked it, I just didn't know you'd seen it before.

I watched it again last night, and I noticed, they're not lumbering, they're just so tall, they hold the ceiling as they walk around. It sort of made them look like they were just sort of flailing in super slow mo and just frankensteining around.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Yeah, I'd actually forgotten about the movie until you brought it up. It's kinda hard to find, being a fairly obscure British horror film.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I liked Ironman 2. I thought it improved on the first one. Yeah, I guess the avengers stuff didn't really NEED to be in the movie, but considering they're setting up all these characters for a big avengers movie they sort of do need it. Stuffing characters together with little or no exposition is a very bad idea. The first one was extremely anticlimatic, once you knew who the bad guy was, that was the climax, and the rising action stopped there, and the last half hour - 45 minutes was just sort of fluff and not really terribly interesting. This one actually had a climax that came at the end of the movie - the last action scene was pretty awesome. Not incredible, but enough to call it the climax of the movie. I liked the flavor the avengers stuff added. I mean...

whatsisface I can never remember his name Tony builds a goddam particle accelerator in his fucking basement. if that wasn't cool enough, he props it up with captain america's shield. that was epic lulz for me.

And, of course, for the comic geeks, Thor.