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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

He'd still be reset to Spanish. Otherwise they'd have to change the animations to play off a different stereotype. The movie could just be played in English with subtitles. Ye never know.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Everything I've heard states that Avatar: TLA is a crappy movie that is a waste of time and money.

Bad acting, bad effects, bad actors just in general, and they pronounced everyone's name wrong, left out vital cultural plot points and just generally slaughtered the series.

soyeah. I'm not even going to bother downloading it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Have we discussed this one yet? So, apparently there's a Monopoly movie in the works. And I guess there's a Lego movie that they're going to be doing now (from the same creative minds that brought us "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.") and now I hear Bruckheimer (*sigh*) is working on a Top Gun sequel/remake...thing.

Dear Hollywood...

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Also anything that has anything to do with vampires doesn't count as a new idea.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Also anything that has anything to do with vampires doesn't count as a new idea.

I'm actually kind of hurt by this remark. Thank you Alias for your support in my writing.

And Copper, they're also making a Risk movie apparantly. What it's going to be about I have no idea. But it's being done.

And really? Yer asking Hollywood to get new ideas? They don't give a shit about anything. All they really want is money. New ideas these days are few and far between, and even then not always delivered very well at all.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

new is a financial risk, risk is dangerous.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

new is a financial risk, risk is dangerous.

I'll say. You've got like 8 armies and he has 2 and then BAM you lose like all of them because the dice hate you.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I'm actually kind of hurt by this remark. Thank you Alias for your support in my writing.

Context means everything. I was directing the remark at Hollywood, not at you. Vampires have been far too prolific in popular media lately; thus, in my opinion, any other mass media that involves vampires is simply riding the bandwagon. Your writing, as far as I'm aware, isn't involved in mass media and therefore is excluded from that particular remark.

Not to mention the fact that I can't give any kind of feedback to your writing, positive or negative, as I've never read any of it. No offense, just independent writing is not really something I'm interested in.

@Incubus: lol. I'm glad I'm not the only one that caught that little bit of irony... which struck me as hilarious because I'm pretty sure Nunu didn't intend that.

On topic: So since everything I've been hearing about Avatar: TLA has been awful - check out the rottentomatoes score, guh - so I think the movie I'm going to see for July is going to be the Sorcerer's Apprentice. Although I have my trepidations. I just... I don't know. Nicolas Cage as a badass sorcerer is just... it's weird. Still not sure if I like that idea. Does anybody else share my reservations?
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Sorcerer's Apprentice... yeah I have reservations about the movie, but the way it's being advertised and the way I'm expecting it to be is a simple popcorn flick. Nothing fancy, nothing artsy, just Mr. Cage, Windows (cause I can't remember the sidekick's actual name, and so reference his role in Fanboys), and Special Effects doing their thing. It is Bruckheimer after all.

As for Nick Cage, I'm waiting for that movie "Season of the Witch". It's even got Ron Perlman in it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

It's not about Nic Cage, it's about the villain (Alfred Molina was Dr Octopus among other roles). That will likely be the reason I see it, though I'll probably catch a matinée.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Still would like to see Avatar: the last airbender simply for "ooh shiny!" factor. Might wait for the dollar theater. Might hit a matinee. We'll see. As for Sorcerer's Apprentice, general consensus among my friends and I were "If there are no f'ing brooms, we're not going." Thankfully, you can, usually in the shot right before the title splash or whatever it's called, see the Apprentice ankle deep in water and, yes, brooms.

These I'm not going to expecting High Art. These I'm going to expecting, at the very least, a Good Time. Which is all I can really ask for in a summer movie. Popcorn. Air conditioning. MST3K. I'm a happy camper.

As for the board game movies...outside of Clue, I will support *video* game movies (unless done by Uwe "needs to have his directorial license taken away" Bohl) but I think I'm going to have to draw the line at supporing the *board* game movies. *shakes head*
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

warns to not go see The Last Airbender. He begs with you to not see this movie. The movie doesn't deserve your money.

As for the board game movies...outside of Clue, I will support *video* game movies (unless done by Uwe "needs to have his directorial license taken away" Bohl) but I think I'm going to have to draw the line at supporing the *board* game movies. *shakes head*

Hey, now, if Tim Burton produces "Candyland", I think that'd be worth checking out :p
Maybe if he directs it as well as produces it.
But definitely not if he's only the director.
His filmography does not show him in a good light when he's only the director.
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Oh, Clue. What an unassuming title. You think, oh, it's a movie about a bunch of English stereo-types meeting for dinner and a murder. Then it whips around a big Tim Curry fist and knocks your socks off. I'm not saying Hollywood has what it takes to make a movie of that caliber anymore, but if it's any indication, boardgame-based movies might be something to enjoy.

But yeah, Airbender: The Movie is just horrible. I don't know how they roped M. Night into it, but it's bad. Nothing but special effects and plot twists we already know about because they were in a cartoon series first. Please, just don't pay for it. I don't care if you watch it or not, but don't give anyone anything in exchange for it. The fact that it takes 2 hours of your life just to experience it is bad enough.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

On the topic of board game movies: Battleship. It's going to happen. And it'll be a Sci-Fi movie about an alien invasion.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

On the topic of board game movies: Battleship. It's going to happen. And it'll be a Sci-Fi movie about an alien invasion.

Could be decent to tell the truth. And Risk really could just end up focusing on the Napoleonic wars or something, or be a piece of alternate history.

But yeah, I saw that Angry Joe video awhile ago, and from what he said I have no desire to see the Last Airbender. And he hadn't seen the show either, so it's not like he felt scorned about changes to the plot.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Didn't they announce this quite some time ago?
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Oh, Clue. What an unassuming title. You think, oh, it's a movie about a bunch of English stereo-types meeting for dinner and a murder. Then it whips around a big Tim Curry fist and knocks your socks off. I'm not saying Hollywood has what it takes to make a movie of that caliber anymore, but if it's any indication, boardgame-based movies might be something to enjoy.

But yeah, Airbender: The Movie is just horrible. I don't know how they roped M. Night into it, but it's bad. Nothing but special effects and plot twists we already know about because they were in a cartoon series first. Please, just don't pay for it. I don't care if you watch it or not, but don't give anyone anything in exchange for it. The fact that it takes 2 hours of your life just to experience it is bad enough.

I look at movies like Clue and the things that went on in it and stuff like, say, Mel Brooks' films, and I'm sad that there is no way in hell they could ever make something like that again in this world of over-PC-ness and uber-conservatism. Also, more proof that Tim Curry is just awesome.

Humph. The more I'm hearing, the more I'm thinking dollar theater on 50 cent Tuesday, heh. Will have to see. Not having seen the show, I go in with no expectations other than "ooh shiny" when it comes to the effect that they're doing.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Airbender has a lot of problems, but people are giving it far too negative reviews. This may be because of Shamylan, or because of an attachment to a cartoon series. It is not the worst film ever, or even the worst film I've paid to see. You should still go see it at the dollar theater, or a matinée at best.

The biggest problem it has is that it's trying to condense ten hours of cartoon into two hours of film. There are a lot of plot points that are passed over or ignored, and many that are changed for the sake of time. Even then, I get the feeling that there was a good deal of material filmed that was left on the cutting room floor. Some of the actors didn't do a great job, and that was mostly the protagonists so you'll be dealing with that for most of the film. The special effects are pretty neat to look at. Bending at the start of the film takes fucking forever, it picks up later on. I don't know why this is, but it's annoying. If you are a fan of the cartoon or you have an exceedingly high standard for cinema you will be thoroughly disappointed and/or upset.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I recently bought 'The Crazies' on DVD. It's a remake of an old George A Romero film (from the 70's I believe. It wasn't a part of his 'dead' series and hasn't gotten too much attention these days), in which a virus goes through a town turning people mad. They don't become zombies, they just go bat shit insane, most violent, some just these creepy little singing and staring routines. A group of survivors is trying to escape the town as the military puts up a quarantine.

So, not your basic zombie film though it could be put in the genre. There's no eating of flesh as the insane folk use weapons, or simply fuck with your mind. Some groups of infected people are radically different from the next, making it interesting to see what a sick person will do. There's a fair bit of fear and paranoia amongst the survivors trying to escape when they discover how the virus spread initially and each wondering if the others are sick or not. Sure there was some scenes that were rather gory, but it's another one of those movies that doesn't need to shove a bunch of gore in your face like a 10 year old child yelling "Look at me mommy! I'm all grown up I swear."

Now don't get me wrong with that last line, I enjoy watching gory movies, as my love for Dawn of the Dead will attest to (both remake and original), but some recent movies like Saw and Hostel just have me shaking my head.

So, the Crazies was a good flick, though it had a few parts that were rather predictable, and some might not like the slower pace it has. Surprisingly little of the movie actually deals with attacks from the sick.

As for The Last Airbender, I have no desire to go see it. I've heard of one person so far that's actually liked it, and most people who don't outright hate it are defending it by saying "well they did pinch 10 hours of content into 2". Which is a bullshit defense. Utter bullshit. X-men, Punisher, Spider-man, Batman and so forth have taken years of cartoons and comics and did an initial movie of 2 hours, sometimes to great success. Then there's Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter. How much was cut out of those two books in order for them to fit the screen time, but they still did well, and were enjoyable movies.

Finally... someone tried to convince me to see it because it was so horrible. I now know why Hollywood keeps pumping out shit. Because people want to see shit. I told all my family members to go see the movie Paschendaele when it came out, just because I knew if it did well, there might be another attempt at a Canadian war movie. So, all this money that bad movies make from people going to see it because its "so horrible" just means that they will pump more shit because they think that's what we want, because we say so with out cash.
I recommend it for fans of zombie films, anyone who likes horror, or George A. Romero buffs intrigued to see how his stuff is remade.
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

just a note here, "Despicable Me" was amazing.

No lie. Go see it!