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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

. FF>> to about 16-17 minutes if you just want the Airbender stuff.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I thought Taken was incredible for one simple reason: no foreplay. Normally movies drag you around for a bit before the inevitable (daughter gets kidnapped -- not a spoiler as it's the bloody premise), but this movie goes straight into the action with no messing about. There's something to be said for a plot that doesn't keep you waiting.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Uwe Boll did a semi-good film that people liked until the ending? I'm... confused. But intrigued. Still won't see it more than likely.

More Airbender stuff, more stuff that says it ain't good. Hunh...

now... Taken. Taken! I love that movie. I saw the extended cut in Afghanistan while it was out in theaters in North America (how that happened I have no fucking clue) and loved that movie. For anyone going to see it, watch the extended cut. There's just a few small things that make it so much better. I love you Liam Neeson!
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Personally I'm excited about Inception. I'm going to see that in the coming week.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Saw Sorcerer's Apprentice today. It was a fun movie. *tries to be objective as possible* Had some awesome moments, had some sweet moments, had, well, I can't really say...wait, yes, I can...had some predictable moments (although the one with the desk clerk was freaking awesome *laughs*) but the effects were pretty kickass, the humor was well-timed, and it had some interesting plot points.

Felt a little rushed at points, or I should say, had one of those "you don't really know how much time has passed actually" qualities to it, but it paced well, I thought. As I said, some of the effects were pretty awesome and I liked some of the aspects that they brought into it. Reminded me a little of Flight of Dragons at the end.

The aftercredits...a bit of a nod and a bit of a "Uh-huh. Thought so." kind of thing. Still worth waiting for, if you want a chuckle. I'd recommend it if you want a good, fun flick.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I thought Taken was incredible for one simple reason: no foreplay. Normally movies drag you around for a bit before the inevitable (daughter gets kidnapped -- not a spoiler as it's the bloody premise), but this movie goes straight into the action with no messing about. There's something to be said for a plot that doesn't keep you waiting.

Law Abiding Citizen did that too, which I saw recently an enjoyed.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Shoot Em Up uses violence as a plot device. It's really kind of amazing.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Off to see Sorcerer's Apprentice tomorrow. Looking forward to it, but I still really want that other Nick Cage movie to come out. 'Season of the Witch'. Ron Perlman is in it too.

Law Abiding Citizen moved really quickly, which surprised me actually. I didn't expect it to be "*Snap* movie time, shit's happening". But it was a pleasant surprise. And Shoot 'em Up was hilarious. Great flick.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I liked Law Abiding Citizen... but the way he did everything he did was a "so obvious that no one would have guessed it" moment and I guess I just didn't like that <.<

Other then that it was pretty enjoyable.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Just watched "Beowulf and Grendal", a 2005 version of the old Myth. Gerard Butler plays Beowulf, speaking in his normal accent, and adding a Norse hero to his resume of ancient warriors (Leonidas (300), Stoick (How to Train your Dragon), Attila the Hun (Attila)). This particular version is fairly slow, with very few fight sequences in it, but I found it to be more enjoyable than the semi-animated turn in 2007 with Anthony Hopkins and Angelina Jolie.

The troll Grendal looks much more human like, and is killing off Danes because they murdered his father when he was a boy. Beowulf of course comes in from Gaetland because of his friendship with the king. Grendal however refuses to fight him because Beowulf has done him no wrong.

Really this version is more complex than "kill troll" or "kill troll and get seduced by his mother spawning an even more dangerous foe", and there's no real good and evil around. Beowulf doesn't come across as an overly arrogant dick like he did in the 2007 version, and Grendal has much more complexity to him than "kill things! Yargh!".

Special effects weren't anything spectacular. Indeed everything was costumes and prosthetics, and all the major violence (severed limbs, decapitated heads) are all seen after the fact. No obvious blue screens or green screens, so all the landscapes are as you see them or at least cleverly hidden.

The only big downside was the ending. I'm still not sure what I think of it. Everything was wrapped up neatly, but there was no real climax. More a slow burn off. Though I suppose with the way the movie went, it worked well enough.

Overall, sure it doesn't stack up to Mel Gibson's "Braveheart", Ridley Scott's "Kingdom of Heaven" (the director's cut), or Luc Besson's "the Messenger", however I enjoyed it more than the 2007 "Beowulf", the Viking vs. North American native's movie "Pathfinder" and even Wolfgang Peterson's "Troy".

Now I have to hunt down Attila and see how that is. I do so hope it's better than "Druids" with Christopher Lambert. I guess I have a weakness for epics taking place before 1500.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Inception was fucking amazing.

If you like movies that give you space to interpret your own ending, watch Inception.

Spoiler alert:
So what did you think? Was he trapped in a dream or did he find his way back to reality?

Personally I think he was trapped in the dream.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Inception spoilers to follow:
The top was never Cobb's totem. It was stated early on that it was his wife's, and her memory/projection had been dicking with him for the entire film, so who's to say that she didn't mess with that? Also, the music from the countdown plays at the credits, which may be an indication that he didn't wake up, and that someone is trying to give him a kick. All that being said, I really want him to be awake. He earned his happy ending, and he had to go to hell and back to do it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Something I noticed about the music... well found out about.

Seriously, check that out. Rather interesting.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I need to see The Expendables.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Oh my God, fuck the plot, fuck any love interest, fuck anything that could ruin a movie, THE EXPENDABLES WAS AWESOME. If you don't like it, you obviously were there for the wrong fucking reason. People go there to see action that'll make your balls drop. Nothing else. If you hate it, then chances are you watch porn for the storyline.

If I didn't convince you yet, let me say this. JET LI. AX KICKS A GUY'S HEAD. AND SNAPS HIS NECK.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

can i watch porn for the story line and like the expendables? it looks like the best bad movie of all time ever.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I just hope it's .
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

can i watch porn for the story line and like the expendables? it looks like the best bad movie of all time ever.

Only if you pop a boner from the great dialogue. I'll let you decide which one I'm referring to. It's both.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

If you try to spruce up an action film with plot, you get shit like "No country for old men" which is dumb and fuckall boring.

I feel like I'm the only person in the world that hated that movie.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

what about black hawk down?
20 minutes plot and setup
the rest of it is an action scene.