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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

If you try to spruce up an action film with plot, you get shit like "No country for old men" which is dumb and fuckall boring.

I feel like I'm the only person in the world that hated that movie.

I wasn't sure how I felt about that movie, but it didn't seem at all like an action movie.

I just hated how the main character was so nonchalantly killed off. We didn't see him die, we didn't even really see his corpse. He was killed off camera with about 15-30 minutes left of the movie. What the fuck?

what about black hawk down?
20 minutes plot and setup
the rest of it is an action scene.

Speaking of Black Hawk Down, I have to watch that again, since I picked up the extended cut. I really enjoyed that movie, but while it was a big huge explosion fest, I wouldn't call it an action movie. I generally separate war films from action movies.

Black Hawk Down wasn't showing violence for people to go "fuck yeah" (even though people did, it's a side effect of seeing the bad guys explode) but to try and show an image of something close to modern warfare in all it's horror.

When Saving Private Ryan came out in 1998, I felt it really started a new trend in war films. No longer were they about waving the red white and blue. They were mostly now about trying to show how it was like. Up until Ridley Scott's film, there wasn't much out there about a more realistic modern war film.

Not to mention I don't think there's been any movies about the actions in Somalia. Rwanda gets more attention because machetes instead of starvation were used.
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

to be fair i found black hawk down exhausting to watch, which i suppose is part of the goal.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

to be fair i found black hawk down exhausting to watch, which i suppose is part of the goal.

It could have been. I'm not sure.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I just hated how the main character was so nonchalantly killed off. We didn't see him die, we didn't even really see his corpse. He was killed off camera with about 15-30 minutes left of the movie. What the fuck?

Or how the villain wasn't even portrayed as the one who killed him off that screen, or how tommy lee jones has the most useless role ever. it was like everyone who was a main character really had nothing to do with anything
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Or how the villain wasn't even portrayed as the one who killed him off that screen, or how tommy lee jones has the most useless role ever. it was like everyone who was a main character really had nothing to do with anything

Yeah, the villain wasn't even around. And Tommy Lee Jones did sweet fuck all to stop anything, but the movie still ends with him. It was an okay movie, but it went downhill like a lemming off a cliff towards the end. I guess it's because I saw it as more of a drama than an action film.

Also saw the Expendables today. Great movie. I actually enjoyed the plot, I loved the action scenes (fuck yeah AA-12 massacre), and I even thought the acting was solid.

It would have been even better had it been a better theater.
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

That's gone on the list of movies to see. Somehow I don't think I'll have aaaaaaaany trouble getting my guy friends to make a movie day for that one.

Still waiting for the A-Team to show up at the local dollar theater. They were a big part of my childhood and I need to see if Hollywood's raping it again or if this actually passes.

Also, watching trailers (again) for Resident Evil: Afterlife I'm not entirely certain I'm all that gung-ho about the 3D-ness. I mean, I like that we can consistently make movies in 3D now and not have them look cheap but the whole "Let's make it 3D because we can" (Like Clash of the Titans) thing is getting a little old. I'd rather have subtle, atmospheric 3D (like Avatar) than "Let's throw things at the audience" 3D. I will exempt Pirannah 3D from this, given the nature of the movie.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Speaking of Piranha, I've seen the trailer for that and I seriously don't know if it's supposed to be a parody movie or not.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Speaking of Piranha, I've seen the trailer for that and I seriously don't know if it's supposed to be a parody movie or not.

It's supposed to be taken seriously, which means that everyone involved with the film was HIGH AS SHIT.

Also, in case you couldn't tell by my new avatar, I fucking LOVED Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Every scene in the movie was pure awesome, and every fight scene served as a homage to kung fu movies and fighting games both. Everyone should go see it and the Expendables.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Oh God, I saw Piranha's trailer at the Expendables. The ENTIRE theater was laughing hysterically at it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

^Apparently, a lot of shit blows up.

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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Way that Piranha's will end- walk away from the lake as fast as possible.

Movie over. Cut tape, check the gate, moving on. Another Hollywood disaster avoided.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Resident Evil: Afterlife... I might just see it in 2D. This whole 3D circle jerk in Hollywood is annoying. The 3D doesn't improve my experience enough for me to really care, and now that so many fucking movies are doing it just cause its the in thing... fuck that.

Still, I'll go see the movie because I've mostly enjoyed the Resident Evil movies, even if the third one bugged the living shit out of me. What makes it worse is that the setting could have been so fucking awesome.

I should go see Scott Pilgrim.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So, Zack Snyder has a few new movies in the works. One is "Legends of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole", which is a CG animated movie based off a book. Seems quite good actually, though this could also because I'm a big fangirl of Zack Snyder (who, for those who don't know the name did the remake of Dawn of the Dead, 300, and Watchmen).

However, the real reason I bring him up is his movie called Suckerpunch coming out in 2011. It's been coined as Alice in Wonderland with machine guns.

The above link is the trailer.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Did not see...did not see...did not see! Augh!

So, I click on the link for Sin's trailer up there and I'm fine with watching that, but then my eyes drift over to the "related links" portion.

A freaking CGI Yogi Bear preview. I really hope it's a joke, but it doesn't look like it. I mean, I was never really a Yogi fan to begin with, but this...just...gah!

Also, Sucker punch looks busy as hell but awesome at the same time and I am both intrigued and skeptical of this one.

It looks hodgepodged together but at the same time...Wondering how legit it is. Should probably poke around on Imdb and see if there's a listing for it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Yeah, the Yogi one is real. I myself wasn't a huge fan, but... we'll see what happens with this movie. Probly crap.

Suckerpunch just looks full of awesome visuals. I'm not expecting a huge story or anything deep, more like a 300 esque style film. Which isn't a bad thing considering how well Snyder did with that film. He knows how to use special effects. Hell, even some of the effects he did for the 2004 Dawn of the Dead were kick ass. Especially for headshots.

As for Sinbad... it looks like one of those movies made in India. What's the name... Bollywood. From what I've seen, movie from there arn't really for me. Not to say they're bad movies, they're made by another culture for another culture.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

It's supposed to be taken seriously, which means that everyone involved with the film was HIGH AS SHIT.

Also, in case you couldn't tell by my new avatar, I fucking LOVED Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Every scene in the movie was pure awesome, and every fight scene served as a homage to kung fu movies and fighting games both. Everyone should go see it and the Expendables.

Fuck yes! Scott Pilgrim was the most amazing movie I have ever seen in my life. The 8-bit Universal theme at the beginning is my ringtone. lol
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Again, Sinbad I'm not sure of. It really looked like they were using shots from the original Harrihausen movie in there, so I don't know. But apparently, yes, it's real:

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So I saw The Expendables today. Gotta say it's quite possibly the greatest film ever made. And it's certainly the manliest movie. In fact it was so manly about halfway through several women went into labour and gave birth to fully grown adult men with manly beards. And they weren't even pregnant.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So I saw The Expendables today. Gotta say it's quite possibly the greatest film ever made. And it's certainly the manliest movie. In fact it was so manly about halfway through several women went into labour and gave birth to fully grown adult men with manly beards. And they weren't even pregnant.

I would argue that the TTGL movies are manlier, but the movies were made after the series, and it's really just the series crammed into two movies, with some things happening a bit differently.

So in terms of manly movies, yes, The Expendables is a very manly movie.

In terms of manliness, nothing will ever beat TTGL.
(of course, I say this now, and then in a few years some bat-shit insanely manly anime will come out that has even more testosterone than TTGL.)