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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

@ sin: Yeah. That right there. Whenever somebody even tries to go "well omgroflcontent in limited time" I just silently point at Lord of the Rings, the novels of which have a RIDICULOUS amount of content. Those producers managed to cut it down into a trilogy of movies that not only made sense, but didn't leave any plot point out that anybody was more than mildly disappointed to not see (Tom Bombadil, for example).

Frankly I'm not surprised to see airbender doing so badly, I was under the impression that Shamylan or whatever his name is was basically almost as bad at directing as Michael Bay.

@ chibi: What kind of amazing? Like Toy Story/Happy Feet/Lion King etc was amazing.... meaning I have no interest in it? Or a different kind of amazing? I'm thinking about seeing it but I just am not interested in it if it's more meant for kids than adults... or at least doesn't have undertones that cater to adults, and the previews didn't really give anything away of what sort of movie it is.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

-snrk- It's got the fart jokes for the kids, but it's got deeper humor for adults. I laughed my ass off practically the entire was through the movie.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I laughed my ass off practically the entire was through the movie.

You accidentally the whole thing? :p


Yeah, people, don't see TLA. Just... just don't. Torrent it or something if you MUST see it.

Despicable Me... I want to see that. Unfortunately, my little brother won't let me touch the Netflix queue :(
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Was it faithful to the cartoon series? That's all I want to know.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Fuck no.

... is the resounding answer I seem to see damn near everywhere.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

@ sin: Yeah. That right there. Whenever somebody even tries to go "well omgroflcontent in limited time" I just silently point at Lord of the Rings, the novels of which have a RIDICULOUS amount of content. Those producers managed to cut it down into a trilogy of movies that not only made sense, but didn't leave any plot point out that anybody was more than mildly disappointed to not see (Tom Bombadil, for example).

Frankly I'm not surprised to see airbender doing so badly, I was under the impression that Shamylan or whatever his name is was basically almost as bad at directing as Michael Bay.

I liked M. Night's first few movies. the Sixth Sense, Unbreakble and Signs were all really good... then started the Village, and Lady in the Water. His twists are supposed to make the movie, but lately they haven't been, they've just been stupid.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

unbreakable was very underrated in my opinion.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So, my mother has the entire week off for vacation and the plan was "dinner and a movie." Yeah, I checked our choices today and when A-Team and Airbender (so that should tell you something...) are the most appealing of the lot...yeah, no. Pity the Sorcerer's Apprentice opens later in the week when I won't be able to go. Stupid work. Wish us luck. We might find something yet.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I saw the A-Team not too long ago. Utterly ridiculous, but they somehow made it work. It was rather entertaining. I quite enjoyed it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

i think it worked well, and we all love liam neeson.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I watched Predators yesterday. It was bloody. It was creepy. It was awesome. But most important of all, it removed the AvP movies from canon. This really was Predator at its finest...

And we finally get a look at a Yautja female. At least, one of the predators is significantly bigger than the others and has a different facial appearance. From the AvP books I read, this is probably a female.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Liam Neeson is awesome. Go see Taken. Do it!

And I do want to go see Predators. Yeah I'm not expecting anything utterly awesome, but it'll be better than the AvP movies, an quite frankly I'm not looking for high art or something. It genuinely sounds like a good time.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

taken wasn't quite colourful enough to grab my attention. it was enjoyable enough sure but i never got so into it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Anymore opinions on Airbender or Predators? Next time I head to the movies will be choosing either of those, unless someone has another recommendation beyond those.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Anymore opinions on Airbender or Predators? Next time I head to the movies will be choosing either of those, unless someone has another recommendation beyond those.

See Predators. From everything I've gathered it's at least enjoyable without a defense for it like "but there was so much content to shove inside of two hours"
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

M Night has gone on record saying that yes a lot of stuff was cut from the film for time purposes, but not all of that will be making it into whatever directors cut they release because he's going to use it in the next film.

Fuck that. Watch predators.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Oh aye. A-Team would have been the movie of choice, except that it had only two showtimes: 4PM and 10PM, neither of which worked well for us. Looks like that's another I'm catching at the dollar theater, but not out of principle, at least.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I can personally endorse A-Team. It was over the top action, with a dash of comedy in it. Plus I just love hearing Hannibal saying "I love it when a plan comes together." The tank scene was pure awesome and totally impossible, thats what made the movie.

Guess itll be Predators this weekend. Wonder if there will be any miniguns this time.