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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Dragged the boyfriend to see the Expendables. It was either that, or Scott Pilgrim and i wanted the manfest first.

I have a new favorite movie. There was so much testosterone pouring through the screen I went home and had to check whether I was still female after all that.

Scott Pilgrim is definitely next on my list of things to see though >w<
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Manime? Pah! That's just a myth! And no. Fist of the North Star isn't manly. Whole bunch of overly buff men crying about drama and shit is NOT a manly anime. If it was ONLY about guys killing each other with bullshit martial arts, I'd approve, but they had to dabble with the whole "storyline" thing. I await the butthurt anime geeks to prove me wrong. Five bucks says they'll either neg rep me to say "You're wrong" or they'll neg rep me with a half-assed trolling message like "Haha, I don't care about what you said. But I'm still gonna neg-rep you".
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Apparently, Scott Pilgrim has only made 10 mil at the box office so far, yet it cost 80 mil to make.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Because we totally needed the next Saw movie to be in 3D.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

The final Saw? I think not.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I only saw the first movie. (Hurr hurr.)

Wait, what? The Scott Pilgrim movie isn't released in Germany until JANUARY? Are you on meth-laced crack LSD? How dare you withhold this from us?
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I only saw the first movie. (Hurr hurr.)

Wait, what? The Scott Pilgrim movie isn't released in Germany until JANUARY? Are you on meth-laced crack LSD? How dare you withhold this from us?

Wow, sucks to be you. It's out in Britain now. Doubt it's going to be that good though judging from the trailer.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

It sure does suck! Speaking of suck - WHY do we get Vampires Suck, but not Scott Pilgrim? And why the fuck is Harry Brown still not out on DVD around here? You're pissing me off, movie studios. Don't make me go back to pirating.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

And while we're on the subject of suck...so the Madre and I are going to go see Last Airbender today. At the dollar theater, so no big loss there. And hey, makes for a girl's day out, which, after tonight, I sorely need.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Wow, sucks to be you. It's out in Britain now. Doubt it's going to be that good though judging from the trailer.

It's..not going to be good?


Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is THE movie for geeks, nerds, video gamers, comic book fans, and everyone in the entire fucking world. I hate everyone that saw the Expendables and not Scott Pilgrim. See BOTH FUCKING MOVIES, IT'S NOT THAT HARD YOU WHORES
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I do plan on seeing it next weekend, but it just doesnt look like that great a movie to me.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I do plan on seeing it next weekend, but it just doesnt look like that great a movie to me.

That's because the trailers are fucking TERRIBLE at describing just how BRILLIANT and how inventive and FUN the movie is. It is a very hard movie to pitch to someone, but if you do end up seeing it, I really do think you will come out LOVING the movie. Either that, or you're a total fucking moron who has no idea what the definition of a "good" movie is and you enjoy movies like fucking "Meet the Spartans" and "Disaster Movie", in which case you need to be shot. And shot. And shot. Until there is nothing left.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I hated those 'parody' movies.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I hated those 'parody' movies.

Are you a nerd, then? Do you enjoy well directed, intelligent, extremely funny, fun, energetic movies that make you enjoy life in general? Then go see Scott Pilgrim. I would only not recommend the movie to:


Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Scott Pilgrim made me want to kill myself
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I bet if a girl where in that situation over a guy, she would just say "nope, going home now"
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Yeah, fuck ramona (not literally)

Who doesn't like knives?