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Re: Hate Thread

The major problem with zombies nowadays is that they aren't zombies. Weren't zombies literally the dead walking the earth? What's this infected bullshit now?

Since when could zombies run like olympic mad men? Don't their joints get locked up after death so they go around limping like retards? I personally always enjoyed having zombies move and behave slowly. It just makes it so ghastly horrifying and hauntingly depressive as opposed to watching frantic savages tear the crap out of people.

One part of the fast zombie craze is trying to find new ways to justify the ever popular zombie apocalypse scenario (just literally the scenario, not from any particular zombie fiction). People love the imagine vast unending hordes of zombies, with a small band of survivors blowing them away in the hundreds whilst slowy getting swarmed and picked off and such. The problem being how "classic zombies", being such slow and pathetic creatures could ever start such a huge epidemic in the first place. If every survivor can take down a hundred zombies before succumbing to them (through accidents/exhaustion/lack of supplies etc & whatever), then how does such a horde ever establish? Even if everyone on the planet opened their front doors and lied down on their door mats making no effort to defend themselves, it'd take the slow shamblers years to hobble their way across what ever country they started in.

The infection thing and use of a virus to explain the zombies varies a lot, but in the case of an airborne infection is perfect for setting up a near instant apocalypse with the typical handful of immune individuals. In those cases slow zombies can still be used and pose a credible threat.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when I think of a good joke(well, for certain values of good, at least) and then I can't make it work at all to the point where I just give up and don't say/post anything.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate sleeping so long I have a headache when I wake up x.x
Re: Hate Thread

I hate being put in the situation where I can't ever say I like anything because I'm either an elitist hipster asshole or a fan jumping sheeple

Amen to that. To make it even worse, I used to work at a record store. I have to watch it when I bring it up. :(

Adding to that:
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate lurkers who make accounts simply to ask if a game has been released when it's obvious if they read the last couple of pages of a thread, hell even glance over it that we have no idea when the final version is coming out. Fuck, it makes my blood boil. And I'm normally a calm and patient guy.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when I am waiting on a post for some game, for either updates or relevant meaningful discussion about said game and it becomes cluttered up with debates between members and said lurkers :mad:

Oh well such is the internet I suppose.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate lurkers who make accounts simply to ask if a game has been released when it's obvious if they read the last couple of pages of a thread, hell even glance over it that we have no idea when the final version is coming out. Fuck, it makes my blood boil. And I'm normally a calm and patient guy.

"A calm and patient guy", Oni? That deserves to go into my signature.
Re: Hate Thread

This isn't really hate, but more of a o.0 moment.

So, been working at the cricket. Today I was right in amidst the Barmy Army. For those who don't know what that is, those are the English supporters.

Now, when someone is out, they cheer out "Cheerio Cheerio Cheerio" etc. to a particular tune. I went 'Huh, what's that tune... dah dah, da da da, da da da...wait."

Stars and Stripes Forever? Really? The choice just doesn't make sense to me, surely there's a more english tune that could be used there. America has nothing to do with cricket. Frankly, I don't think they'd have the attention span for it. 'Tis a gentleman's game.

Not that we can really talk, I suppose. Some of the local fans get sick of listening to the Barmys and started belting out Football Songs, because we have no cricket songs.
Re: Hate Thread

This isn't really hate, but more of a o.0 moment.

So, been working at the cricket. Today I was right in amidst the Barmy Army. For those who don't know what that is, those are the English supporters.

Now, when someone is out, they cheer out "Cheerio Cheerio Cheerio" etc. to a particular tune. I went 'Huh, what's that tune... dah dah, da da da, da da da...wait."

Stars and Stripes Forever? Really? The choice just doesn't make sense to me, surely there's a more english tune that could be used there. America has nothing to do with cricket. Frankly, I don't think they'd have the attention span for it. 'Tis a gentleman's game.

Not that we can really talk, I suppose. Some of the local fans get sick of listening to the Barmys and started belting out Football Songs, because we have no cricket songs.

Well, isn't the tune originally English, anyway?
Re: Hate Thread

Stars and Stripes Forever isn't. But then again, that tune, if I'm remembering what you're describing, isn't stars and stripes forever. Done by an American composer. Strangely enough, I had found this out a while back when I wanted to find the monty python theme song and was surprised to find it was composed by an american, the same american who composed stars and stripes forever and numerous other patriotic military-themed music.

*edit* now that I'm thinking of it, I believe it's more a tune of celebration as I've often heard it after graduations and stuff. It's kind of a peppy song that you might even hear at a circus or event.

*double edit* OK. So apparently I'm wrong, it just happens to be the SECOND half of Stars and Stripes Forever. I'm just thrown off because the actual intro to it is pretty memorable to me that I forget dah dah dadada dadada is the song somewhere. Well that clears it up, it's definitely American.
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Re: Hate Thread

This isn't really hate, but more of a o.0 moment.

So, been working at the cricket. Today I was right in amidst the Barmy Army. For those who don't know what that is, those are the English supporters.

Now, when someone is out, they cheer out "Cheerio Cheerio Cheerio" etc. to a particular tune. I went 'Huh, what's that tune... dah dah, da da da, da da da...wait."

Stars and Stripes Forever? Really? The choice just doesn't make sense to me, surely there's a more english tune that could be used there. America has nothing to do with cricket. Frankly, I don't think they'd have the attention span for it. 'Tis a gentleman's game.

Not that we can really talk, I suppose. Some of the local fans get sick of listening to the Barmys and started belting out Football Songs, because we have no cricket songs.

Well, that type of thing actually happens alot. For instance, the tune for God Save the King/Queen is the same as for America the Beautiful, as well as a German patriotic song, don't remember the name but something about Fatherland and all the peoples that make up the Empire. I have an MP3 of it, might dig it up.
Re: Hate Thread

Putting my book on the kitchen counter, walking away for 5 minutes, and coming back to an empty counter, and everyone with big grins saying, "We don't know where it is..."
Re: Hate Thread

I really... really... hate the Library area in the first Halo. And the ESCAPE! chapter. so many nightmares... so many... ;_;
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how hot my laptop gets when it's sitting in my lap, way too much for comfort. It's supposed to be a laptop not desktop damnit.
Re: Hate Thread

I really... really... hate the Library area in the first Halo. And the ESCAPE! chapter. so many nightmares... so many... ;_;

I <3 the Library.

Except on Legendary. It can go eat a dick on Legendary.

I hate when people just ASSUME you'll do something. No waiting for confirmation, they don't even really ask you, they just go 'Hey, can you do this? Thanks,' and run off before you can reply. Which leaves you with two choices: 1) The easiest choice, be an asshole right back and just not do it. Sure, they'll bitch at you, but it's not your fault they didn't ACTUALLY ask. 2) Just do it, because it's not that big of a deal anyways, but then they'll just ASSUME that they can get away with doing the same thing again in the future.

On a possibly related note, I hate being unemployed during the Winter/Summer semesters of college. I always get stuck with doing EVERYTHING around the house, because I'm "not doing anything else" with my time. Yeah, <insert-deity-of-worship-here> FORBID I have free time to go take a walk/hang out with friends. That would be just WRONG.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate... I fucking hate, when I buy a product on Steam for my PC, wait a stupidly long time for it to install (it's never taken 3 fucking hours to install a game for me before), then after all that, sit back and wait for some extra patching, and then finally go to boot up the game....

And it doesn't mother fucking work! It was a clean install, I didn't fuck with any settings, it just doesn't fucking work! What the flying fuck? And the error message I get is of course some gobbeldy gook computer crap that I don't fucking understand, and I of course can't find the error on google or the Steam forums. Granted my Google fu isn't exactly up to par.

But still, why the fuck will my clean install not work? I purchased this, I should be able to play it right out of the box (so to speak) without fucking prancing about all over the fucking internet trying to discover how to get it to fucking work. Install and play... how fucking difficult a concept is that to all you developers out there. Install and fucking play!

Fuck, and people wonder why I prefer my 360 most of the time...

Fucking, fuckedy fucken fuck. Fricken fracken bullshit.

Whether through magic, or the sheer power of rage, the problem fixed itself. The issue however still remains a piece of hatred.
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