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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Reworking and expanding on TDL lore. So many "it's" where it should be "its."

*shields eyes from sun, looks into the distance* Is that a relaunch on the horizon? Why, I believe it is.

I don't have all the details worked out yet, though. It may take some time (or a lot of time) before it starts up.

Space Fletch is totally going to happen.

Very yes. Especially if Squid ends up playing with his Etherians.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

What made me giddy yesterday...hrmm well, Jesus Christ Superstar opened last night and it was great. Got another performance tonight so today will probably be good as well! :)
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

What made me giddy yesterday...hrmm well, Jesus Christ Superstar opened last night and it was great. Got another performance tonight so today will probably be good as well! :)

Are you in the musical? :D
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

That movie made me think the Romans legitimately had tanks and jets as a child x.x Was still pretty fun though.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

That movie made me think the Romans legitimately had tanks and jets as a child x.x Was still pretty fun though.

Yeah, I watched it last week for the first time haha...I've heard the movie made recently was better though. Still yet to watch that one.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Got what is perhaps my most expensive item on Gaia yet. I got a random chance Black Butler item and got Grell. Not planning on selling it, because, well, I like Grell, too, but it was a bit of a o_O moment when I saw how much it was going for in the marketplace. Makes me want to get more.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Birthday loot this year is gonna be good! Bioshock Infinite, Hack/Slash volume 10, Deadpool volume 9 and 2 Borderlands 2 t-shirts (Jakobs and Torgue).
Also some shirts for work from my parents. Yay, I guess.
As it turns out, I do like earning money.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

For the first time in years, I was able to exercise without having an asthma attack. You just don't how happy I am. ;_;
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

My new game came early. Like free one day shipping! :)
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Krieg is going to be mine as soon as psn updaaates
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Sorry, Brick, but this is what a melee-focused Vault Hunter looks and acts like.

Also: Buffet on Thursday, lunch with dad Friday. Hell yes.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Is he not delightful? I love him to pieces. X3
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

double posting but I don't care.

Re: What made you feel giddy today?


Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Congrats Chibi!!

A weekend convention full of food, nerdy fun, friends and (free) booze. Good times!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I don't know about you, but I really loved the music from Metro: Last Light.

Also, congrats chibi!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Epic shieldwall on shieldwall fight in the entrance to a room. Easily a good 10-15 minute long bout, with frontline fighters on both sides swapping out, falling back to healers, and returning to the fray. And about as long from me hurling spells at their shield line to weaken them.

Eventually, our resolve won out and we broke through and mopped them up. It was amazing~
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Epic shieldwall on shieldwall fight in the entrance to a room. Easily a good 10-15 minute long bout, with frontline fighters on both sides swapping out, falling back to healers, and returning to the fray. And about as long from me hurling spells at their shield line to weaken them.

Eventually, our resolve won out and we broke through and mopped them up. It was amazing~

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Went to put a coupon in my wallet and found the $20 I'd stashed there for my Boston trip, which was cool, because, hey, 20 bucks. What's not cool is that it was supposed to be "emergency money" and I totally forgot I put it there *laughs*

Also, I say "wallet" though it's more of a dual-sided card holder than an actual wallet, so I don't normally use it to store money, for anyone who might be wondering how I didn't notice money in, y'know, a wallet.