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Re: Zombies

Yeah, 'Death Troopers' felt like a quick cash cow. Nothing more really. Could have been much much better.

The Graphic Novel that Max Brooks worked on was damn awesome. Though the man's latest work doesn't involve zombies.

The new one is worth seeing unless you hate the movies, then don't bother. I personally quite enjoyed the fourth flick.
Re: Zombies

Just so it gets a mention: The Walking Dead

Was a comic, is now also a tv show. Four episodes into their six ep. trial season, already confirmed for a second season of 13 eps. because the premiere was hyper-popular.

You folks should totally check it out.
Re: Zombies

Checked it out I did. Watching every episode on fridays, not wanting to miss any. XD

One of the few Zombie movies I've seen where people generally don't act stupid enough to cause a pacifist to foam at the mouth in anger.

Can't remember if anybody has already posted this up; , soon a map-editor will become available so anybody can recreate a farm-house defense scenario, hopefully.
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Re: Zombies

Ah, played that alot when they put out the first version. Was wondering what they've been up to.
Re: Zombies

The Walking Dead is a great comic. Only seen the first episode of the show as it was leaked online but plan on getting it on DVD once it's released. Even in the first episode I noticed some changes from the source material but I'm okay with that, not everything can make the jump from page to screen, and some things can better be shown on screen than in ink.

Highly recommend the comic... speaking of the 13th volume just came out and I should go pick that up.
Re: Zombies

It is actually quite a bit different. I think it's safe to say we'll see some more major changes, but with the same big stops.
Re: Zombies

What's the difference between zombies?

Zombies make honey, and zombies don't.
Re: Zombies

What's the difference between zombies?

Zombies make honey, and zombies don't.

Wow... that's almost sickeningly bad. I expected better from you.
Re: Zombies

I've actually heard that as a Knock-Knock joke...Seems to work better, maybe.

Had my fill of zombies last night. Got to play L4D2 at a friends house. We did the Dark Carnival. Took us two hours and I was getting yelled at for shrieking whenever the tank grabbed me *laughs*
Re: Zombies

So uh, what's your Zombie Survival plan?
Just saying. It's not like I've planned mine out completely, ran drills with my friends, hidden a few weapons around the town, my room, and ensured a safe arrival at a place where I could survive for months.
Re: Zombies

I have a backup plan depending on what happens when I'm called back into service.
Re: Zombies

I'd rate my home as moderate for fending off zombies, assumeing they don't overwhelm the fences (we have alot of fences). The place across the street, being somewhat industrial and having a meth making compound stored there, has a high chain link fence with barbed wire, even better, though it is severly lacking on the actual building aspect.

The real problem is we live on a main road, so looters and other survivors that will hurt our chances of survival will come along quite a bit, at least at first, so relocation might be preferable, though I'm not quite sure where to, it would probably depend on who me managed to get together before easy travel stopped. Also, while the high number of firearms out here in rural areas might seem like a good thing at first, it means any looters or people trying to take your food will also be heavily armed, and that can't be good.
Re: Zombies

I'll probably just go with the flow, use the chaos to kill anyone I dont like thats near me, be that directly or pushing them into the path of incoming zombies. Though I doubt I'd actually survive the zombie apocalypse, I'll either starve to death, die of exhaustion or be killed by zombies.
Re: Zombies

My friends and I all plan to get together and go to/meet up in Canada when the Zombie apocalypse hits. The thought is that the cold and the snow will, in theory, slow the zombies down, making them easier pickings from our bunker/fort. Yes, one of my friends actually has a bunker. Might combine his and his neighbor's houses to make a fort, depending on how things go, since they're so close together and have roof accesses, apparently.

My current ranged weapons of choice are bolt-action rifles and pump-action shotguns, since I know how to handle those. I'll probably take classes for Archery and Pistols as well. As for melee, well, if I can swing it, I can use it. Most familiar with Axes, Machetes, and Bats, though, as well as various carpentry tools. Somewhat familiar with Sledgehammers and Katanas.

Hell, if I meet any military personnel, I'll ask to be put through boot-camp, or whatever they can put together that would qualify as such.
Re: Zombies

How many times do I have to tell you people, zombies are just misunderstood. We're only after politicans, lawyers and Twilight fans.
Re: Zombies

How many times do I have to tell you people, zombies are just misunderstood. We're only after politicans, lawyers and Twilight fans.

Sure you do.....


I'm insane, not stupid.
Re: Zombies

Oh really, then why did you just tell me all your plans.
Re: Zombies

I'm quite horribly positioned for zombie apocalypse. I'm in the middle of a city and the only weapons in the house are two axes and a chainsaw and we don't even have a car.
Re: Zombies

My friends and I all plan to get together and go to/meet up in Canada when the Zombie apocalypse hits. The thought is that the cold and the snow will, in theory, slow the zombies down, making them easier pickings from our bunker/fort. Yes, one of my friends actually has a bunker. Might combine his and his neighbor's houses to make a fort, depending on how things go, since they're so close together and have roof accesses, apparently.

Where in Canada are you going to go? There are parts of Canada that have warmer winters than the Northern United States. And is your friend's bunker already up here somewhere?
Re: Zombies

My one friend made a sad observation the other day...that he probably wouldn't surivive in a zombie/post-apocalyptic situation simply because he's diabetic and most of his medicine comes from Germany. This bummed him out greatly.

Can't say as I have a plan for the zombie apocalypse. And anyway, Sin! Weren't you going to be the sexy queen of the zombies with your horde of undead minions or am I getting other conversations on the old forum mixed up again?