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Losing respect for Toonpimp

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Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

I can bitch forever if you want... I just thought people were getting tired of it. I can complain about a bunch of stuffs... but I will not just yet... working on some homeworks... Anyone else though?
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Alrighty then, A small update (would have made a new topic, but then I thought that it somewhat fit this conversation alright, and it is a shameless bump in a way... er... onto the message.). Something happened to Toonpimp recently (which I laughed about with great gusto) which I find to be a result of... well... lets say karma. Apparently Warner Brothers frowns upon the use of their characters without permission for a profit. Well, Paypal caught onto this and... well... his paypal was closed down. Meaning a lack of cash flow from his brainwashed moneybags. I call this karma because of the whole "Pay me to finish this, pay me to do that, pay me pay me pay me." (which is something I found odd because I thought the 'donate' link was about... well... donations not payments)

However, this has not stopped teh douchbaggery, oh no. Now he said that without a way to get money from fans, he is losing interest in his Toonpimp Palace thing. Of course his fans panicked and are all helping him find a way that they can send him their earned money. BUT (now here is the good part) he may have found a solution... more ads... MORE FUCKING ADS!!!

I'm not sure what exactly he can do to put more in there. It's like having your only suitcase full of clothes to where it just barely shuts and then saying. "Hmm... you know, I think I should bring my bedsheets" I mean seriously, there are ads everywhere on his site! There are ads when you dl his games, there ads when you get a game over, there are ads on the side of the screen, the top, the bottom... everywhere! He might as well rename his site ads.com. It would suit it better! I seriously do not know where he would put another one!

Sigh... rant over about the ads... but seriously, his paypal is down and he thinks that he will slow down the game making because of a lack of income for it... which leads me to this question... how much money does he make, and is making pron his main job or a side job? Respect level for him has plummeted... it would take him sending some of the most beautiful women in the world to my house to pleasure me for hours while Kamelot (live mind you) played for us and him footing the bill for everything to even raise it a little...

I'm done with my bitchin... for now...
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

It's funny how that would be avoided if there was originality in his protagonists. I mean, is getting some nostalgic character raped any type of enhancement to it? He couldn't have just put in a minxgirl instead of them or something?
It's not that hard to make a woman, according to weird science
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Originality? HIM? Ha! Well... actually he does have a few original characters, but still Toxic, you are right, if he had just gone with a typical minxgirl and maybe just use characters of his creation he wouldn't be in this mess. He is lucky WB isn't suing him for using their character.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

While I am sorry to hear about TP not being able to use PayPal, the fact that this is making him consider not making his free games any more disappoints me.

It shows that TP really was just doing this for the money whereas LM was doing it for the love. Of tentacle hentai.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

And so it begins. I registered an account on his forums just to see what's going on in his head, and he's definately got a god complex. So, I told him about himself and well, my first post and all, I got sitebanned because he said to one of his fans "Out of all the ideas I've heard, I hate this one the most" in reguards to a role reversal type game where you go out raping instead of being raped.

I mean, that sounds like an interesting idea, so I encouraged it. I then said "Out of all the ideas he's heard, he hates this one the most, so why not just take your idea and use it. If it works, you may just steal the fanbase. Hell, he may even want to work with you (though I doubt it highly, he seems like he's not the type, you know, king shit of turd island attitude and all) but it sounds like a great idea to me. Someone may even help you animate it. Sorry TP, but I don't care if some 13 year old gets pissy about my opinion. To me, you're just a regular human being with interesting artwork."

...Quite frankly, I think it was worth being banned. Can you blame him? I mean hey, I know the truth must hurt that someone finally had something to say about the way he treats other people, and especially his fans. Anyway, I don't know if the post is deleted or not, I'm assuming it is because that one was a pride-hurter and usually when child kings (it's a psychological personality profile) see shit like that it'll most likely be taken down and millions of other people will have to kiss his ass to make the QQ's go away, but if by some chance my analysis is wrong it'll be in the "reversal" topic.

From here, I wash my hands of him. He ain't no pimp like me homie.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp


Are you sure it was more "Ads"? Not more "AIDS"?

Heh, TP mustn't understand the meaning of the internet: if it's not free, it shall be torrented. I am sadly disappointed that he wasn't sued by WB for trying to pull off such a scam.

After playing his first game, I found all of his other works to be repetitive and unoriginal. When I play games like that, I intentionally let myself get knocked up so I can see all of the different animations available. However, when you re-use the same characters over and over again, it takes the fun away.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

From here, I wash my hands of him. He ain't no pimp like me homie.

You sir, fail at trolling anywhere. He probably never even read your post as the forum's admins would've booted your noob ass to the curb too fast. And I wouldn't normally reply to such stupidity, but I just have to tell you this because I want to see your twelve year old ass break down sobbing at your trolling attempt failing.

After playing his first game, I found all of his other works to be repetitive and unoriginal.

It's the same as any other game maker though. After playing Madden 2k, do I really need to play Madden 2k1? or 2k2? or 2k3? or 2k4? or 2k197.3?

Game makers latch onto a group of fans and milk them for all they can, and that makes most of them complacent in the role they've landed in.

Since toonpimp is, in fact, selling his games through advertising and donations, he will keep making this kind of game until it no longer brings in money, at which point he'll either disappear entirely from all of existance (gee, that sounds familiar, who else has done that?) or go try to find another group of gamers he can appeal to.

Don't like it? Go suck a dick you communist bastard. Toonpimp has my full support to keep doing this as long as he wants in our happy capitalist society. even if I do agree his games are boring
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

It's the same as any other game maker though. After playing Madden 2k, do I really need to play Madden 2k1? or 2k2? or 2k3? or 2k4? or 2k197.3?

Or like, after playing Viewtiful Joe, I wouldn't need to play Godhand... Oh wait, that makes no sense.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Since toonpimp is, in fact, selling his games through advertising and donations, he will keep making this kind of game until it no longer brings in money, at which point he'll either disappear entirely from all of existance (gee, that sounds familiar, who else has done that?) or go try to find another group of gamers he can appeal to.

LM never actually made money off of his games though, so your jab is pointless. (Also, there's the fact that this forum only vaguely acknowledges LM much anymore.)
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Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Don't like it? Go suck a dick you communist bastard. Toonpimp has my full support to keep doing this as long as he wants in our happy capitalist society. even if I do agree his games are boring

I don't swing that way.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

LM never actually made money off of his games though, so your jab is pointless. (Also, there's the fact that this forum only vaguely acknowledges LM much anymore.)

I was refering more to the fact he disappeared, not trying to make money off of his stuff.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

I was refering more to the fact he disappeared, not trying to make money off of his stuff.

Ah, then see the second part of my statement. This isn't a LM fan forum really, that's just the theme we started with. We're really more of a tentacle fan forum.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Shhh, don't feed the troll. Trolls don't listen to reason, they're just stupid and feed on anger.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Ah, then see the second part of my statement. This isn't a LM fan forum really, that's just the theme we started with. We're really more of a tentacle fan forum.

What? I thought we were a farming community o.o
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Mine are planted right in between the carrots and the yuri
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

oh FARMING? I thought it was "Tentacle Firming"

.... don't ask what I've been doing.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Hrm? Tentacle farming? What are you insane? It's tentacle breeding! We take all the females on the site. (Not me but definitevly Nunu since s/he is genderless.) And we flood their wombs with tentacle baby-making juice.

Or are we talking plant tentacles here?
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