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RPG [Ahriman] 風紀剣士アサギ/ Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (RJ149951)

Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Nvm i found a key on one of the guys. Just roam where you have been and kill people and the key will drop i think
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Nvm i found a key on one of the guys. Just roam where you have been and kill people and the key will drop i think

It's actually in the office room on the first floor. There's a key in a red box on a table. You use the fireplace's secret elevator to get into the room first.

You will see a bunch of female knights from some guild. They will all get captured by the time you make you way back down to the bottom.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Okay, here's the little guide I made for registering for Dlsite.

(Bigger images)

Here's how buying works.

(Bigger images)

Hope this helps.

(Gimmie dat rep tho if it did :cool:)

Sorry for the late reply, but thank you very much!
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

just wondering how many women do this game have,
Do you guys count ?
its seem the shop/merchant just stop giving item at 150 sold women.

Lastly, There seem to a door that cannot be open at the Tome Area.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

As far as I know, there's exactly 1 bug.

Yeah, but it's apparently a bug that makes the game unwinnable, so I'll wait for it to be fixed before I start playing.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Yeah, but it's apparently a bug that makes the game unwinnable, so I'll wait for it to be fixed before I start playing.

I made the same mistake. Good thing I alternate 4 saves and went back to the earliest one.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Yeah, but it's apparently a bug that makes the game unwinnable, so I'll wait for it to be fixed before I start playing.

It's already been fixed, but nobody has bothered to give an updated link. They have it over at anime-sharing, look for the one with comments about the bug.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

This is by far not the end state of everything I've translated. This is just my first blind pass to have something workable in English. Given I'm doing everything with machine translators multiple passes are almost guaranteed to be necessary.

I'm just extracting everything from the rgss3a file and opening it up in RPGMaker VXAce. I was planning on just zipping the rvdata files when I get to that point. Not entirely sure what you meant by translation encoding.

I think I have the title in the game as Morality Fencer Asagi right now. Titles on here have been a bit too large to fit in the allotted space. Maybe Morality Warrior/Defender Asagi would be better. Not too sure on this point.
(edit) Turns out the title is one of the few lines that gives a decent amount of space. Currently have it set to Defender of Morality: Samurai Asagi.

Crest, Badge, Proof, Emblem, Essence, etc. I can use any, doesn't matter. I'll probably have to wait on a final translation of this until I can find it in game.
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Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

This is by far not the end state of everything I've translated. This is just my first blind pass to have something workable in English. Given I'm doing everything with machine translators multiple passes are almost guaranteed to be necessary.

I'm just extracting everything from the rgss3a file and opening it up in RPGMaker VXAce. I was planning on just zipping the rvdata files when I get to that point. Not entirely sure what you meant by translation encoding.

I think I have the title in the game as Morality Fencer Asagi right now. Titles on here have been a bit too large to fit in the allotted space. Maybe Morality Warrior/Defender Asagi would be better. Not too sure on this point.

Crest, Badge, Proof, Emblem, Essence, etc. I can use any, doesn't matter. I'll probably have to wait on a final translation of this until I can find it in game.

What is the name 'limit' as it were? I get the impression the general idea Asagi is essentially a wandering swordswoman who roots out lewdness where she goes it seems...
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

From what I've gathered so far. She's on a journey or pilgrimage at the orders of her trainer/sensei/cliche old wise mentor guy. So she and Ura are wondering about on this trek, beating up demons and the like. Saving people, doing good, the works. Then they find this village under attack and the girl they save is like "Your friend is in danger yo!" "No probs, she knows what she's doing" "No, they have powerful magics yo! Powerful lewd magics yo!" "Oh noes!". (I did not translate the dialogue like that.)
So I think she's just a wandering swordswoman fighting for good and all that. The bad here just happens to be rather ... naughty.

Name limit is just the character limit RPGMaker has in most lines of text before it goes off the screen. The title line is larger than most so there isn't a problem. I though it was like the rest and rather limiting. I was mistaken.

While I'm posting, what is this?

Full item entry:
Bred Woman
Woman trained by sadists as a sex slave.
"??・・・Has even your mind fallen・・・"
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Its out on the English DLSite now, and the translation they went for was:
"The Moral Sword of Asagi"

I'd actually reason a title like "The Moral Sword, Asagi" would actually work. The of feels a bit silly.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I've been waiting for it to be put on sale. Knew it had an English DLsite page. Never even occurred once to me to just check that. ... I ... I don't even.

Well at least I can buy it now.

I do agree with the 'of' being somewhat strange. As though the sword itself is somehow moral and she merely possesses it.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I've been waiting for it to be put on sale. Knew it had an English DLsite page. Never even occurred once to me to just check that. ... I ... I don't even.

Well at least I can buy it now.

I do agree with the 'of' being somewhat strange. As though the sword itself is somehow moral and she merely possesses it.

I'd imagine its just a weird literal translation thing. The Moral Sword Asagi, sounds a lot more appropriate. It's her title.

I already bought my copy. Least I could do. Now get that translation done, chop-chop!
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

From what I've gathered so far. She's on a journey or pilgrimage at the orders of her trainer/sensei/cliche old wise mentor guy. So she and Ura are wondering about on this trek, beating up demons and the like. Saving people, doing good, the works. Then they find this village under attack and the girl they save is like "Your friend is in danger yo!" "No probs, she knows what she's doing" "No, they have powerful magics yo! Powerful lewd magics yo!" "Oh noes!". (I did not translate the dialogue like that.)
So I think she's just a wandering swordswoman fighting for good and all that. The bad here just happens to be rather ... naughty.

Name limit is just the character limit RPGMaker has in most lines of text before it goes off the screen. The title line is larger than most so there isn't a problem. I though it was like the rest and rather limiting. I was mistaken.

While I'm posting, what is this?

Full item entry:
Bred Woman
Woman trained by sadists as a sex slave.
"??・・・Has even your mind fallen・・・"

Finally back. I sent the mesage to Ahriman asking about the rvdata2 files and if he could help in clarifying some of the text.

As far as "お館様?" goes my translators say "You like?" and "Mr. Tate?"
Here's my interpretation: "Do you enjoy it? Even your heart has been dominated..."
What is the name 'limit' as it were? I get the impression the general idea Asagi is essentially a wandering swordswoman who roots out lewdness where she goes it seems...

wandering swordsman sounds really cool, there is also a bunch of japanese stories, movies, where a cast out wandering swordsman/woman/master is the actual hero!

From what I've gathered so far. She's on a journey or pilgrimage at the orders of her trainer/sensei/cliche old wise mentor guy. So she and Ura are wondering about on this trek, beating up demons and the like. Saving people, doing good, the works. Then they find this village under attack and the girl they save is like "Your friend is in danger yo!" "No probs, she knows what she's doing" "No, they have powerful magics yo! Powerful lewd magics yo!" "Oh noes!". (I did not translate the dialogue like that.)
So I think she's just a wandering swordswoman fighting for good and all that. The bad here just happens to be rather ... naughty.

Name limit is just the character limit RPGMaker has in most lines of text before it goes off the screen. The title line is larger than most so there isn't a problem. I though it was like the rest and rather limiting. I was mistaken.

While I'm posting, what is this?

Full item entry:
Bred Woman
Woman trained by sadists as a sex slave.
"??・・・Has even your mind fallen・・・"

You realy should look into ytinasni's tool, I mean I also work with rpgmaker vx ace for the encrypting of the .sl files(for someone interested, the game I translate, all story dialogues and h-scene smut talk is stored up in these files, idk if your game is handling it the same way, didn't download it yet, didn't have a look at it's files, yet.), but since you, said you are mostly translating the items character choices desciptions and stuff, I feel ytinasnis tool will make your job a hell of a whole lot easier!

Also when using this tool rpg maker vx ace isn't needed at all.

「お館様?・・・心まで支配されているのか・・・」 = I made it into: Women who have been trained as sex slaves by Sadosuto. [Do they realy like it? I guess they got dominated/violated so much ...so now they realy do like to do these/naughty things...]
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Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Does anyone know where to go after you escape from the sewers? Basically I escaped, found a whip in the church, which repopulated the dungeon with baddies. I saw the guy in the glasses run through a secret door that I can't follow him through, and now im wandering around without any more keys. I can't even find the redhead, who disappeared after i wiped the first time.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Does anyone know where to go after you escape from the sewers? Basically I escaped, found a whip in the church, which repopulated the dungeon with baddies. I saw the guy in the glasses run through a secret door that I can't follow him through, and now im wandering around without any more keys. I can't even find the redhead, who disappeared after i wiped the first time.

The redhead is captured on the other side of the secret door, and the secret door is controlled by one of the levers in the semi-hidden lever-room on the upper floor.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Tried out Ytinasni's tool. Seems like it'll be useful like you said for the database entries. However, my concern is that making the text fit in the character limit will be harder without the box in RPGMaker. Been wondering if I should just see if I can insert a font reducing script in.

Edit: Already did that. Reduced font sizes to 18. Maybe more text will fit now.
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Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

While I'm posting, what is this?

Full item entry:
Bred Woman
Woman trained by sadists as a sex slave.
"??・・・Has even your mind fallen・・・"
Late reply, but お館様 (read: o ya ka ta sa ma) is an old word for subordinates to call his lord.
I doubt it's related, but for fans of Samurai Warriors, it's usually used to refer to Shingen Takeda.

IMHO, it means the girls have been trained to the point they swear loyalty to that Sadost guy (or whatever you translate his name to), and call him "my lord".
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Tried out Ytinasni's tool. Seems like it'll be useful like you said for the database entries. However, my concern is that making the text fit in the character limit will be harder without the box in RPGMaker. Been wondering if I should just see if I can insert a font reducing script in.

Edit: Already did that. Reduced font sizes to 18. Maybe more text will fit now.

As I experinced in the game that I translate, you can use whatever fontsize you want, when the text is too long rpg maker will just create a 2nd third 4th 5th text box automaticallly, once text reaches the box limit:cool:.

*chrisroxxx loggs out of the forum quicklyy, I realy have to work more steadily on my translation if I want to keep my schedule, hehe*
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