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RPG WolfRPG [あせろら / Acerola] 錬精術士コレットのHな搾精物語~精液を集める錬精術士~ (RJ249908)

It's not a matter of laziness, it's a matter of clarity. Longer words are often abbreviated with two letters to make it obvious what word is being referred to.
Translation has always been abbreviated as TL. In manga, novels and every thing else. Educate yourself.

Deoxyribonucleic acid is two words, but it is abbreviated to 3 letters: DNA for clarity instead of DA. Our District Attorney is not in our chromosomes.
Translation has always been abbreviated as TL. In manga, novels and every thing else. Educate yourself.

Deoxyribonucleic acid is two words, but it is abbreviated to 3 letters: DNA for clarity instead of DA. Our District Attorney is not in our chromosomes.
so when smart people, has nasty injuries, with bones sticking out of their flesh, they just go in smart terms - hello ambulance- i have AAOS. When do you figured out that every one in this forum are from your region our your country who knows your acronyms? and if you are so smart, why the fuck, you don't buy games, but pirate them?
1. Be respectful to one another.
so when smart people, has nasty injuries, with bones sticking out of their flesh, they just go in smart terms - hello ambulance- i have AAOS. When do you figured out that every one in this forum are from your region our your country who knows your acronyms? and if you are so smart, why the fuck, you don't buy games, but pirate them?
How does it feel having brain damage and throwing false equivalencies everywhere?
How about not derailing the thread hmmm?
Also, you seem to think you are dumb. You separate yourself from other 'smart' people because you for some reason feel inferior.
You lose the moment you stop trying to improve yourself; maybe you should consider that and join them.

This thread derailed the moment a page full of replies mocked a dude who clearly did not understand the rules nor English. A moderator himself partook in it which effectively endorsed derailment.
I don''t see any reason why a discussion about acronyms cannot take place in this thread. Everyone involved WILL remain civil however. You can consider this an official warning.
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I don''t see any reason why a discussion about acronyms cannot take place in this thread. Everyone involved WILL remain civil however.
Then I dont see why you thought a poster should talk to the developer himself when said poster made a comment about the developer's health in a thread for his game. You continue to flip flop on these issues whenever you please, slicer. It is not fair for others when you get to decide which topics are proper for a thread based on your own mood.
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That would be because the developer actually knows what health problems he has and what medical procedures he has had performed. Excuse me for suggesting that someone go to an accurate source of information. Even then, no warning was given.

Let's not ignore the fact that these are two completely different situations. In one thread I've got a user that asks about the health status of a dev from a third party, here I've got a couple users that want to tear into each other over some random inane stuff.

Further discussion on the topic of my actions needs to take place elsewhere, or possibly with another member of staff.

I can however, see where you might have been confused so I've edited my previous post to make it clear that it is indeed an official warning, as is this one by the way.
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Not to take side with anybody, but given how this discussion has gone, I suggest dropping the topic about acronyms as well.
how about expressing an excitement about a new game and getting "negative" reaction?
geez these people need to humour themselves more

are there no trial?
No. There is no trial on dlsite or on his cien.
k thx
(my IS fucking P fucking block the fucking cien and i never bother to go around to deal with that)
can u assure me u not lying btw?
He's not lying.
I'm not lying.