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Awesome Links

Re: Awesome Links

Say, why don't we have any sort of fanfiction recommendations thread? I mean, there's that fanfic thread in Blank but I always thought of that as more of 'Show off your own fics' rather than 'Hey, this is good. Read it.'

Or, would it be acceptable to create a fanfiction recommendations thread?
Re: Awesome Links

I don't see why not. We share everything else, why not that?
Re: Awesome Links

This is just a small portion of my bookmarks HAHAHA. Enjoy everyone!! I will post more if you want more. Just ask
Re: Awesome Links

Naruto... The abridged version. It amuses me.
Re: Awesome Links

Pheonix, it's just not natural to mention Naruto the Abridged series without first mentioning Yugioh the Abridged series, the first and best Abridged series.

Episode 1:
Re: Awesome Links

What Host said. And it's twice as funny if you watched the original.
Re: Awesome Links

As slow as it is, I think Avatar abridged is better than Naruto. (always stick around for after the credits)

Re: Awesome Links

Pheonix, it's just not natural to mention Naruto the Abridged series without first mentioning Yugioh the Abridged series, the first and best Abridged series.

agreed. But after watching it enough it does start to lose its funny.
Re: Awesome Links

I quite like the Death Note abridged series. If you've seen death note I'd say its plenty worth looking up. I've never actually watched the Yugioh abridged, but thats since I've not really watched the original and doubt I'd fully get the jokes.
Re: Awesome Links

This amuses me greatly, although it would be funnier if the guy didn't look so much like a girl in the first place.

Basic plot: a guy gains the power to turn into a magical girl.
Re: Awesome Links

Pheonix, it's just not natural to mention Naruto the Abridged series without first mentioning Yugioh the Abridged series, the first and best Abridged series.

Episode 1:

I just decided to watch the real first episode of Yugioh on a whim... The abridged version is actually fairly accurate. I had trouble keeping a straight face most of the time.
Re: Awesome Links

Successful abridged versions should be funny on their own, but even funnier with knowledge of what's going on.
Re: Awesome Links

Successful abridged versions should be funny on their own, but even funnier with knowledge of what's going on.

The thing is, I've seen maybe three or four episodes of the real Yu-Gi-Oh, yet over 30 of the Abridged series and the Abridged is still fucking hilarious.
Re: Awesome Links

I used to be into Yu-Gi-Oh (the card game at least), and some of my friends still collect the damn cards. I don't really remember the show despite watching it a lot. After so much of the abridged series, I can't remember Joey's actual voice on the English dub. It probably sucks though, unlike Brooklyn rage.
Re: Awesome Links

Yeah, but the first episode is rather hard to take serious in the real show... Also, what the fuck is with yugioh's hair?
Re: Awesome Links

The bigger the hair, the closer to God.
Re: Awesome Links

This shall not fade to the past! Enact Thread Necromancy!

^ That made me shat bricks. Little lego bricks, but still.
Re: Awesome Links

Holy fucking shit... and I've been thinking of getting back into Lego too!
Re: Awesome Links

Heh, you too? I've had the urge to just go crazy, buy a shitton of the stuff and build something epic to fill one room.