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RPG RPG Maker [Azurezero] Damsel Quest 3 (RE196208)

Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/3rd update done)

Just redrew kiri's fucked by men picture, though fans of the old one don't need to worry i'll be adding it back in when i have blowjob pics done for the other two aswell

new ones cute though
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/3rd update done)

Definitely. Thumbs up from me!

This isnt everything i got drawn today

but the rest can wait until i have this quest made.
just need the cg now, the capture/rescue ones and the boss game over
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/3rd update done)

This isnt everything i got drawn today

but the rest can wait until i have this quest made.
just need the cg now, the capture/rescue ones and the boss game over

I love how Ren's Sexed State Symbol is so appropriately placed. :p

Very good and nice artwork by the way! :)
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Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/3rd update done)

I love how Ren's Sexed State Symbol is so appropriately placed. :p

Very good and nice artwork by the way! :)

I had to move all of them up because the icons blocked emi's face when she was captured by men, but these things happen often haha

i got a new enemy's set of status pics done this morning (i worked all night)
so yeah, not long til another quest is done, but i think i'll try to only update once a month for the sake of not bugging people with every new addition
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/3rd update done)

how long is the demo so far if its short ill just wait till its a finished game
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/3rd update done)

how long is the demo so far if its short ill just wait till its a finished game

it took me 50 minutes to speedrun all the content currently in there
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/3rd update done)


This little cutie is for the midgame quest with the yokai bath house, I had my patrons vote on whether they wanted the oni to be big men or cute girls, no points for guessing how that vote went.

I've got one plot quest added already but I'm adding another before i release the next update and I'm still working out what specifically i want to do with it.
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/3rd update done)

such a cutie. :D
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/3rd update done)

Why thank you, what do you think of the oni girl though? :p

Maybe this is an obvious and stupid questions:
These Oni Cuties are enemies, right? Then that means they also have their own signature Grapple and Rape attacks, right?

If so, Hmm... can't wait for some Oni Yuri Action! :p
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/3rd update done)

Maybe this is an obvious and stupid questions:
These Oni Cuties are enemies, right? Then that means they also have their own signature Grapple and Rape attacks, right?

If so, Hmm... can't wait for some Oni Yuri Action! :p

yup, though it's still a while off before they'll get added I dont plan on giving the characters everything they need to find the onsen before the midgame so hopefully at least another 2 months development,

also this is just a note but if people feel like something could do with more adding to it, let me know, because I want this game to ultimately end up with a ton of content.
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/3rd update done)

The 4th update is almost done, just writing left to do pretty much, but I might delay it to add even more to it.

If that does end up happening i hope you understand.

also, i probably shouldn't have searched on 4chan for myself, I know everyone gets hate on there but it's still a little discouraging to see people bitch about me.
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/4th update done)

new stuff

version 4
mage guild quest
new bondage poses (pillory) in battle
3 new capture scenes
boss game over

???? quest
slave arena quest
3 bondage battle portraits
game over

I haven't tested everything from the start, there might be new bugs because I re-ordered some scripts. But i hope you enjoy what i've done.


also a possible guest character for the future, I still need to draw her other battler pics but i wanted to show her off... It's my first time drawing her but it's probably not the first time you've seen her.
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Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/4th update done)

wow, lot's of bugs this time, upping new version now

fixed the bugs with the magus quest, ren's capture scene erases the picture properly and the other two girls can be rescued
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/4th update done)

Is that Red from Dash? That's cool that you're including her. Is she a bounty hunter in this game or something else? Hopefully the witch from the same game will show up as well.
her quest will revolve around her trying to free either her captured boyfriend, girlfriend, or both


- When Ren is captured, her GOR scene stays on the screen and you can't see around it. It stays even after engaging in a battle.
- When you try to leave the cave without Emi or Kiri you can't move Ren or open the menu effectively crashing the game.

- Also when Kiri and Emi are captured, their battle portraits are normal, it doesn't show them captured; they can also take damange from group magic spells the puppets cast, such as spark. Kiri's and Emi's statuses on the menu screen are also normal and don't show the lock for captured status.
this is cause im a dope the pillory status expires after the battle so i'm gonna have to do another hotfix right after the one i just did

- I can't find Kiri or Emi in the cave after they've been captured.
this is because i didnt make it check for the right status, so you cant find them, but even in the updated one i made the mistake of checking for one that expires after fights, upping new version now
- The game over image of the girl's being used as Mana batteries in the magician's cave doesn't display when you lose.
that ones especially odd because the event is correct

I do like how you automatically teleport the player out to the tower so we don't have to slog back through the forest.

Overall I think the reordering of the scrips caused numerous bugs in the cave area, but everything else is spot on.

when i mentioned re-ordering the scripts i was talking about crashing in the fights, so all of these bugs are the results of my mistakes, sorry everyone, i've been pretty stressed about this update
give me a few minutes to compile a new version

for fuck's sake...i have to blame stress for this, i can't be this stupid
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Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/4th update done)

im nor sure if this a bugs but after u win all three fight in the slave arena battle in the final battle i was fight the boss and capture ren but i had all three before that in kiri when the enemy tiger stance if u melee it crash saying missing a script and after all that i can turn in the lily quest
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/4th update done)

im nor sure if this a bugs but after u win all three fight in the slave arena battle in the final battle i was fight the boss and capture ren but i had all three before that in kiri when the enemy tiger stance if u melee it crash saying missing a script and after all that i can turn in the lily quest

I forgot that that counterattack crash only happens outside of the editor...
i'll have to remove that from the game all together... I don't get how the scripts im using break the counter skill, but it used to break the heal skill too
for now just dont attack into counterattack
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Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/4th update done)

Bug Report : If Ren is defeated in the forest (saving 3rd character) but Emi survive Ren can't be saved (the in game character still show that Ren survive),,,

Sorry if i'm wrong,,,
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (in development now/4th update done)

Bug Report : If Ren is defeated in the forest (saving 3rd character) but Emi survive Ren can't be saved (the in game character still show that Ren survive),,,

Sorry if i'm wrong,,,

if it's broken there then it's also broken earlier in the game, its amazing no one caught this

hopefully fixed and replaced every one of the plant enemies, though this means i still need to go fix it in the slaver place...though maby not because if ren faints everyone gets captured there

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