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Nov 10, 2008
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Whatever you call it, post christmasy stuff heres. Surprised no one else has made it yet though, I just put up my tree and I'm in a great mood now.

My favorite Christmas songs:

and a poem:

Re: Christmas

I do believe there was a christmas thread made last year, but its probably better if we have one for this year too. Though I have nothing to contribute at the moment...
Re: Christmas

Found a couple of pictures made by an artist I watch on DA.


Re: Christmas

Also, I probably still have an avatar with a hat from last year...
Re: Christmas

Is it time to bring out the ol' Christmas hat avatar? I've had it as my steam avatar since December began.
Re: Christmas

I wore mine all year. Can I has a gold star? :D
Re: Christmas

I never got a hat. Considering my avatar then, that might be a good thing.
Re: Christmas

*sticks a gold star on Lurker's forehead* There ya go!

I like that I don't have to link my two "It's not Christmas until I hear these songs" songs. Thanks guys! (Snoopy and Christmas Truce.) I still haven't heard them on the radio, though, so I may actually have to put the "we're playing nothing but carols" station on while I wrap prezzies.

Yeah, I still need to do that. All the shopping's done, but I gotta get going on the wrapping. Maybe I'll do that during my recoup days. Stupid work is giving me four days off before making me go back in two days before and the day after Christmas. Yeah, that'll improve the morale.

Anyway, yeah, the madre and I got our tree up last week and we nixed our "superhero" theme in favor of black and gold (we need more superhero ornaments. Hallmark sales, here we come!) Probably going to end up doing gifts in stages, too *laughs* My boys on Tues, since I won't see them any other time before Christmas, then Christmas, and lord knows when I and the best friend are going to get together. I like it though. It's like...extended Christmas, heheheeh!

Still, probably going to be small this year. Not much that any of us want, but I'm a big fan of "few thoughtful gifts" rather than "bunch of 'I got you something to get you something' gifts."
Re: Christmas

My Christmas is gonna be small as well. Hell, even the boxing day family reunion was moved so cousins from out west could join us.
Re: Christmas

Yeah I knew there was one from last year, but it was easier to make a new one. This is the first time I've put up a tree or even decorated in six years, for some reason I'm more in the mood this year. My Christmas is usually small since no one in my family lives within three states of each other. We have like three or four different Christmases, depending on when we get together. Then there's new years when I make a giant pot of gumbo and have friends over. -drool drool-
Re: Christmas

In celebration of Christmas I have brought back my old avatar with a touch of Christmas.
Re: Christmas

In celebration of Raptormas, I have put a Raptor Santa hat on my head.
Re: Christmas

Still sounds like a good time, though, Sin and Ronny!

I don't have a Santa avatar cuz when they were made, I had my "yaoi" one up. I wanted to see if someone could put Christmas lights all over the thing *laughs* but figured that'd be a bit much.
Re: Christmas

Hmmm, if I were any good with computers besides how to go *type type type* then I'd put a santa hat on my avatar as well.
Re: Christmas

Hmmm, if I were any good with computers besides how to go *type type type* then I'd put a santa hat on my avatar as well.

As I recall, last year the idea was that someone else hatted the avatar. Which is one of the reasons I'm not going to make a hat for my avatar. The other being that I'm too lazy and too unskilled to make anything usable.
Re: Christmas

Hmmm, if I were any good with computers besides how to go *type type type* then I'd put a santa hat on my avatar as well.


Thanks to Nunu some some of us get an avatar with a santa hat
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Re: Christmas

I don't remember which of mine had a hat... xD

But seriously, I'm going to get my tree today, here's hoping I get a good one for under 20$ since this is my first tree on my own, all i has are lights.