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[D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

I typically go with 'air' which would be lightning damage.

Also, Loli, the elemental savant class requires the character to have "made peaceful contact with an elemental or an outsider that has an elemental subtype". Can I just put that in my backstory?
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

8 is the normal starting point for point buy.

Well, that's not good. Bards are way too stat-intensive, especially the build I'm going for, to be supported by point-buy when it costs 24 just to go from 8 to 18. We do need a tank though, so maybe I'll go fighter instead.

Well, I'm not really gonna think about class just yet. I'm just waiting for the small possibility of sexual content being a factor in the game. If everyone just wants a normal D&D game, you don't have to worry about lil' ol' me.

So far, no one has posed an objection to it, and Loli said it would be okay. I think the question is: Do you mean sex as a side point, or having a D&D based run-or-rape game?
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

Any of the above, in all honesty. It's just that the thought of joining a normal game on a site like this creates an irony in my mind that'll drive me insane.
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

Air? Poo. Fire is so much more entertaining and causes far more collateral damage. Still, I suppose it's better not to put all of our eggs in one elemental basket.

I was building my spellbook with the lack of a tank in mind, but since I'm straining for my last 3rd level spell, I guess I'll make it haste.

Also, I know that some DM's find managing experiance points to be a hassle and instead just level up the characters at the appropriate moments. As I'm playing a wizard I'm going to want to scribe scrolls and potentially make other magic items (though I have no plans on doing so at the moment), not to mention casting spells with XP components (again, can't do so at the moment). Was wondering on how you wanted to do this Loli.
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

Who says lightning can't be destructive? One of my favorite spells is using fireball (Which gets reconfigured by a feat to deal electricity damage instead of fire).
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

I guess there's just something nostalgic about fire burning down taverns and inns. But I was looking over the Elemental Savant class the other day and also came to the conclusion that air was the best element for that class. The capping ability especially is powerful for air savants.
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

I prefer cold personally, if only for the fact that it qualifies me for the Lord of the Uttercold feat, every necromancers wet dream. No more setting all your zombie minions on fire to kill the heroes! And no more being annoyed by how common fire/acid/lightning resistance is! Now if only I could get Force/Sonic substitution.......
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

Necromancers have a whole brand of awsome all their own. I recall planning an undead army made up of the zombies of paladins. There's so much you can do with undead, but they require a bit of an investment, both in time and money, not to mention the effects of living in a crypt bring. And the fashion difficulties! Black may be flattering, but wearing it all the time when your skin is pale from living underground draws the wrong kind of attention.

On an entierly unrelated subject, I'm done the meat and bones of my character, just need to flesh out her background and personality and I'm good to go. I think I'll wait for some more campaign information before embarking on that endevor.
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

RP wise, certainly. Combat-wise, not so much, at least not until you get the better Summon Undead and Mass-Murder spells at higher levels. 4HD zombies and skeletons can only do so much, regardless of numbers and the feats you take to improve them, and that so-much isn't much against a 6th level or higher fighter/cleric/ranger/barbarian/evoker/ect. Hell, even rogues and monks can shred them flimsy undead like tissue paper at higher levels. It turns into a real problem sometimes, especially because the Touch spells in Necromancy all get Fortitude partial or Will negates.
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

Yep, combat necros need to focus on the instakill spells if they want to bring anything down. They do serve as a good support role though, with lots of weakening and disruptive spells. I might miss my necro spells later when I want the fear inducing ones, but creative illusion use can be just as effective. Besides, for undead making, cleric necros are much better... right, without your bard, we'll need a cleric for this team... I always forget about them.
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

Ehh, I might still do a Bard. They just won't be as much of a tank. We'll see, I won't be making my character sheet until tomorrow at the earliest.
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

Well, that's not good. Bards are way too stat-intensive, especially the build I'm going for, to be supported by point-buy when it costs 24 just to go from 8 to 18. We do need a tank though, so maybe I'll go fighter instead.

I just looked this up in my DM's guide. It only costs 16 to get from 8 to 18. Also, since it's correct in maiko's link as well, I'm not sure where you're getting your cost from.

Edit: Also, loli, how should we do hp for levels 2-6? Do we do max hp per level, half hp per level, or will you roll it?

Edit again:
Well, aside from a bio and hp, this is pretty much my character sheet:

As for my gear: I simply grabbed everything I thought my character might need (As well as 10 bottles of fine wine and a masterwork dildo just for giggles). The second spell component pouch is intentional as I would view any experienced spellcaster would carry a spare.
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Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

Ehh, I might still do a Bard. They just won't be as much of a tank. We'll see, I won't be making my character sheet until tomorrow at the earliest.

You spoony bard!

And I would be quite interested in trying out for a DnD game... if only I knew where to start at all...
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

I just looked this up in my DM's guide. It only costs 16 to get from 8 to 18. Also, since it's correct in maiko's link as well, I'm not sure where you're getting your cost from.

Getting 1 stat to 18 and the rest to 10.
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

I'd be interested in playing if there's still room, either chat or forum based. Or just put me in as a backup. That works too. Feel bad for not seeing this sooner...
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

I'd also be interested if a second party forms a bit later on. I've never actually played 3.5 though. <.<
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

You spoony bard!

And I would be quite interested in trying out for a DnD game... if only I knew where to start at all...

Lol. Edward was a shitty Bard. You ever played D&D before?
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

Getting 1 stat to 18 and the rest to 10.

Technically, that would cost 26. You can, however, go 17, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10 for 25 points (And then use the stat point from level 4 to boost that 17 to an 18).
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

Close enough.
Re: [D&D 3.5]Campaign Interest

Max/min-ers... I'm happy with my highest stat of 16. That said, I can recreate reality as I see fit! Mwahahaha! Just don't go poking at my new reality... it has a bad habbit of dissapearing when interacted with.

Here's my sheet sans personal information. That should be up some time tomorrow. Do not be alarmed by her alignment, she's not going to be backstabbing anyone. It might not even stay evil as I'm still figuring out her background and personality.
