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Demon's Tale

Re: Demon's Tale

A. Doing D puts Iniel in a subbie position.
Re: Demon's Tale

The last choice would show a poor lack of control, A seems to be the best.

So A.
Re: Demon's Tale

"We were waiting for you, Professor Austin," Iniel declares to the pair. "We were instructed to seek you out specifically, that you had some important documents for us..."

The younger man glances over at the older one, who seems to think for a moment, before looking up at the pair of demons and flushing slightly. "Ah! You two! Yes, right. I didn't think you'd be here so soon. Yes, come to my office right away. If you'll excuse me Mr. Grey..."

Leaving behind a somewhat confused looking Mr Grey, Austin leads the pair down the hall towards his office, rattling off various questions, which Iniel answers promptly "How long have you been here? Have you had any trouble? Oh, Ms Weathers? Diligent girl, I'll be sure to let her know you two found me okay and we sorted things out..." The questions went on for a while, but remained innocent enough, nothing that gave more than the most general hints towards their true nature.

When they finally arrived at the office decorated with his name plate, he ushered them into a fanciful looking room, walls covered with various certificates. An ornate wooden desk sat up one end with a pile of paperwork on it, and surrounding the desk were various filing cabinets as well. "Now then, I have birth certificates for Katherine and Nicholas Chambers, as well as appropriate papers for various education and other such matters... ah, here they are." He pulls a pair of folders out from one of the filing cabinet and places them on the desk. "There just a few remaining matters to attend for; I couldn't produce any identification cards for you without a photo, so I'll need to take some pictures of each of you and get those processed, should have them tomorrow. And then there's the matter of finding you both somewhere to slip into society; unless plans have changed, you're both sleepers for now, right?"

With a nod, the pair both confirm this, and he opens a draw to pull out a small device and places it on his desk. "Okay, then we need to find a few things for each of you. You'll need a place to sleep; if only not to arouse suspicion, but you also need to be able to give an address for a lot of things. We also need something for you to do; it's easier to blend in if you've got some kind of job or something. Another advantage of having a job is earning money, which can be spent here to obtain goods and services. Following me?" he asks, and the pair nod.

"Now, as I hope you've been informed, I don't need to find you jobs. That's your responsibility. But I might be able to help you out, for a price. One way to blend in without actually working is to study, and as you may notice this is a place of learning. I could see that one or both of you is slipped into the books, and I'll do it in a program that means the government gets your education bill, not you. Or, I should be able to find an opening in the campus bookshop, but only one, so if you both want it I'll take the highest offer. If you don't like either of those, I have a friend who might be able to help you find something else I'll refer you to free of charge, although be warned, he's not a friend like I am, if you catch my meaning. Ultimately, if you'd rather strike out on your own, I'm not going to stop you, though. I've got enough on my plate,"

Decision Time!

a) Ask more about enrolling in Eden U

b) Ask more about working in the campus bookstore

c) Ask about his friend who can help

d) Wait to see what Tamiel has to say

e) Ask Austin if he's ever fucked a demon before, and wink suggestively at him.
Re: Demon's Tale


Again the last one is tempting, but not altogether smart... Austin hasn't named his price yet, and there's a chance we could trick him or weasel out of paying it. Students tend to have a bit more free time and varied hours than those holding down a regular desk job.
Re: Demon's Tale

To clarify, we're asking for information, not actually making the choice, right?

Smarter, and quick witted, as well as harder to defeat in the dream world. They are masters of subtlety and skilled with toying with the mind

Ask to be enrolled. We, supposedly, are the smart/manipulative one, and getting enrolled to the campus oughta let us manipulate up a web of contacts and crap easily. Channels of possibly-useful gossip, cover for meeting with the other students and professors. On a longer term note, education opens the doors for a high-power position in the future - probably not applicable to the game, but, eh.
Re: Demon's Tale

I'd say ask about C if only to satiate my curiosity.
Re: Demon's Tale

Ask to be enrolled. We, supposedly, are the smart/manipulative one, and getting enrolled to the campus oughta let us manipulate up a web of contacts and crap easily. Channels of possibly-useful gossip, cover for meeting with the other students and professors. On a longer term note, education opens the doors for a high-power position in the future - probably not applicable to the game, but, eh.

Re: Demon's Tale

C. Friends can be fun!
Re: Demon's Tale

C, live dangerously.
Re: Demon's Tale

"What can you tell me about this... friend of yours?" Iniel asks, leaning forwards towards Austin, even as Tamiel gives a soft chuckle.

"Not interested in the easy options?" Austin asks, sounding a little disappointed. "He's not really a friend in truth, just someone I'm on speaking terms with. He's just an ordinary person though, so he'll be less accepting of your... eccentricities. And getting a job through him may cause problems down the track, if you need to complete a task; most employers don't look kindly to their staff taking time off for no apparent reason. But, if you're not interested in what I can offer you..."

"What studies can you offer me?" Tamiel asks, stretching his arms and smirking at Iniel as she glances back at him with a curious expression.

"I could slip you into arts with very little effort. Perhaps a drama major, I imagine acting would suit you rather well," Austin suggests, his mood lifting. "Of course, we'd have to discuss the terms in private..." he adds, glancing back at Iniel.

Decision Time!

a) Ask more about enrolling in Eden U as well.

b) Ask more about working in the campus bookstore

c) Tell him you'll see his acquaintance and find work through him.

d) Shrug and leave the office.

e) Tempt Austin with flesh while he's staring at you.
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Re: Demon's Tale

Editting my choice to A, even though we've let Tamiel take the lead, I'm sure there's enough room in Eden U. for the both of us.

We're supposed to be the smart one, let's not pass up on a decent human education.
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Re: Demon's Tale

We shouldn't make an offer without an offer in return.

Still A.
Re: Demon's Tale

A. Before we make the temptation of flesh, lets get something out of him. Then perhaps begin to throw in the temptations.
Re: Demon's Tale

B) We fucked up our chances to coast through school by giving Tamiel the opportunity to get it. We don't want to but heads with him, we want to succeed together. Lets just work at the bookstore until we score a job as a stripper, then use that money to get into school afterwards. Both the Bookstore and Stripper jobs have interesting perks and opportunity to meet lonely under sexed men. (Let's turn Iniel into a Nerdophile!)
Re: Demon's Tale

Confusion of choices... Hmmm

I'd say A since Austin seems more interested in Iniel then Tamiel but I see more difficult paths as generally being more rewarding, frustration. So My vote goes to C
Re: Demon's Tale

A. It's looking like Professor Austin is our best bet. Probably another arts track, I'd guess.
Re: Demon's Tale

"I'd like to hear about enrolling too," Iniel pointed out, crossing her arms as she looked at the Professor.

He gave a half chuckle, "Hrm... well... I think I have a couple of ideas for you, but if you don't mind, I'd like to arrange things with Tamiel first. We'll sort out our agreement, then I'll take the photos I need for his identification, and send him out when he's done, alright?"

Iniel gave a slight pout, but figured it was for the best, and stepped out into the hallway. "Well now what?" she murmured to herself. With no idea how long this might take, she decided it was best not to wander too far and instead began trying to eavesdrop on the proceedings in the office.

It wasn't long before she gave up in frustration; it seemed highly likely that Austin was warding his door, as she could make out neither any intelligible sound, nor find any mental presences within the room to listen in on. In the end, she took to sitting on a nearby bench, and slowly running her hands over her body, admiring its shape and curves, finding it not too far from her natural shape and thus to her approving.

Just as her fingertips were teasing back and forth against the hem of her skirt, as if threatening to slide under, there was a noise from the door as Tamiel stepped out, smirking visibly as he laid eyes on her, before motioning towards the open door with his head. With just the hint of a frustrated sigh, Iniel slid to her feet and wandered past, getting a squeeze on the rump as she did so causing her to shoot a look back at Tamiel, who paid her no attention as he feigned ignorance.

As she sauntered into the office, Austin seemed to be behind his desk still, shuffling around some papers. Closing the door gently behind her, she strode up to his desk and lifted herself up onto the edge, sitting there with her legs dangling off to one side and twisting to look at Ausin, leaning over as she does so. "So, what can you offer me, and what is it I'll have to pay...?" she asked slowly.

Austin looked up, nodded and went back to shuffling through papers. "I've got two different openings I think you'll be suited to, actually. I could slot you into psychology, I'm sure you'd love a chance to learn more about how to get into someone's head. Or, if you're up for a challenge, I could slip you into Theology, it could give you a chance to have some real fun and earn some brownie points..."

Iniel gave a long approving "Mmm...", leaning a little lower as Austin gazed upon her. "And the cost...?"

"Is twofold," he finished. "Firstly, you will owe me one geas, or favour, which I may call in at any time when you're not on mistress' business to further my own goals, providing they do not work against hers. It's all very standard. The other, as long as you study here and again, providing it does not interfere with Her goals, I may have you whenever I want. Those are my terms. If you decide you'd rather take the bookshop job, the terms for that are the same as well."

Decision Time

Decision 1: Which course?

a) Psychology.

b) Theology.

c) Campus Bookstore job.

d) Decline the offer.

Decision 2: The terms

a) Accept the terms.

b) Haggle for a deal with more restrictions on the geas.

c) Haggle for a deal with more limitations on the sex.

d) Accept the terms with the added condition that she can have him whenever she wants. (providing it doesn't interfere with mistress' plans)

e) Ask him if now is one of the times he wants her.
Re: Demon's Tale

B. for the course.

B. for the terms.

Theology would be a good chance to be insidious and corrupt some otherwise pure souls.

As far as terms go, the geas is a big ask, and we don't want to have to owe too big a favor. We should be smart enough to haggle him down on that front. As for having us any time he wants, it shouldn't be too much of a problem, heck, it probably will give us more of a chance to influence him to our own ends.