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Hey, anybody know the 06 sound effect for mother rabbit? I messed up my translation and now my pc can't find the file
Two quick questions. Are there only two extra stories and is the green crystal extra available? You can interact with the crystal but Japanese is my kryptonite

Yep, EX Dungeon is available in English as of Translation Patch v2.0. Only the Beetle Harpy's is fully translated (with the rest being machine translated), but that should be more then enough for you to make it through EX 1 without any problems.
until the final boss anyway
Yeah that is what I was wondering I thought there might be a scene with hyakki?, but I never played thru the genocide route myself and I lacking in desire to marry any of the evil bishtces anyways.

I really enjoyed the game but I have trouble getting back into it after a while because some enemies in this game hit me with a large weird stick.
Yeah that is what I was wondering I thought there might be a scene with hyakki?, but I never played thru the genocide route myself and I lacking in desire to marry any of the evil bishtces anyways.

I really enjoyed the game but I have trouble getting back into it after a while because some enemies in this game hit me with a large weird stick.
They're not evil technically.
Barghest just has a high sex drive.
Lampas was created to merge with her lover. Thing is that the demon Lord created the monsters by taking human souls so she has some desire to act like a normal human.
Mukuro has memory issues.
Nina just wanted to be an idol. Heck the people she magicks down in the heli survive

Only 2 of the girls in the harem are truly bad in nature.

Btw the whole game over soul thing might be confusing, but you're not being fucked to death. If they make you cum they now own control of your soul... As in... Cushion can't take your soul back into his realm. So you're really going to get fucked for eternity. Those barghest gangbang scene heavily imply that it never ends.
Btw the whole game over soul thing might be confusing, but you're not being fucked to death. If they make you cum they now own control of your soul... As in... Cushion can't take your soul back into his realm. So you're really going to get fucked for eternity. Those barghest gangbang scene heavily imply that it never ends.
I never understood how that works...Is Kazuya's (or any human's) soul, like, a prize the winner gets in a duel? If so, why is it challenged even if a human doesn't want to fight? Seems way too unfair.
I never understood how that works...Is Kazuya's (or any human's) soul, like, a prize the winner gets in a duel? If so, why is it challenged even if a human doesn't want to fight? Seems way too unfair.
They're demons and they're made that way. Basically it's just nature.
I agree it's unfair though.
If Kazuya was a normal human, he would've become barghest's plaything and that would've been gg.

Anyways, it's hard to blame the girls when they don't see what they're doing as killing the other person. Well most of them anyway. The vore girls are pretty unforgivable. I don't know why True Mercy is the canon route to be honest. Shooting spider-bitch makes the most sense as an action. Even in her bonding event she doesn't actually change her mind. She says something along the lines of being interested in you since you overcame fear and stayed a good person. Like the reason you don't shoot her is because shooting her is the same as agreeing with her worldview.

Genocide he goes too far imho.
Anyways, it's hard to blame the girls when they don't see what they're doing as killing the other person. Well most of them anyway. The vore girls are pretty unforgivable. I don't know why True Mercy is the canon route to be honest. Shooting spider-bitch makes the most sense as an action. Even in her bonding event she doesn't actually change her mind. She says something along the lines of being interested in you since you overcame fear and stayed a good person. Like the reason you don't shoot her is because shooting her is the same as agreeing with her worldview.

Genocide he goes too far imho.
And Titanoboa was only stopped from killing Kazuya on TM because of that 'demon can't break a promise' deus ex machina Hyakki forced her into. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As for going too far in Genocide...well, personally, I guess Kazuya did overdo it, but he had his reasons? us making him hunt them all
I mean, first he wakes up in some abandoned facility and is almost instantly attacked by a strange creature, and then finding out losing means losing his soul, and that these demons are in state of war with humans. Then he encounters two monsters that are pretty much created to attack humans, and meets their boss...
tl;dr in the beginning the deck is stacked against him and reasonably it would be easy to lose it and rollercoast into being a killer. First for self-defense and revenge, and later being unable to stop.
All this talk about Genocide-only scenes.
There is none. However, you can obtain an unique variation of Hyakki Oni paizuri scene by losing to her in the final battle. This is the only way to see the following frame in-game.
There is none. However, you can obtain an unique variation of Hyakki Oni paizuri scene by losing to her in the final battle. This is the only way to see the following frame in-game.

Honestly, I'd be stoked if we got another scene with Hyakki, or perhaps a postgame/EX fight. She's a really fun character, and what little there is of her is locked behind postgame stuff, or worse DLC that's extremely hard to access for English audiences.

Also, I've already shown this off in the translation patch thread, but I finished up translated images for all the Event pop-ups for the next patch...

SHRIFT has been updated.
Google translate of the update text:
2 extra editions and various additions
Please check the attached text for details.


I'll go redownload and check the "attached text"
SHRIFT has been updated.
Google translate of the update text:
2 extra editions and various additions
Please check the attached text for details.


I'll go redownload and check the "attached text"

The number of characters that can be written in the space is limited to 70.
Important updates are included in the Ci-en article, so please check first.
Please, provide the link to the Ci-En article next time.

Also, there are already plenty of Sphinx scenes, have some love for other characters.

Instant edit:
>スフィンクスの搾精絵の総入れ替え (Complete change of the Sphinx's energy drain scene.)
That's just the scene being redrawn. I'm blind, forgive me.
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The number of characters that can be written in the space is limited to 70.
Important updates are included in the Ci-en article, so please check first.

Oh cool, the developer's still around these parts. Hello, and thanks for the great game you've made. o/

Your tweet said you changed Iron Maiden in 1-3, what exactly did you change about it?
Your tweet said you changed Iron Maiden in 1-3, what exactly did you change about it?

・ Release the game over recollection of Iron Maiden (1-3).
・The trauma(心蝕) level for Iron Maiden is 4 or higher.

If both of these items are met, “watch (do nothing)” will be added to the skills she uses.
In other words, if a player keeps losing to her, the chances of winning her a little have increased.
Thanks. I have one more question to ask...

Is there a way to change difficulty in the post-game/EX Dungeons? My first playthrough I beat it on Easy, and now I'm locked to that for all the EX Dungeons and postgame content.
Is there a way to change difficulty in the post-game/EX Dungeons? My first playthrough I beat it on Easy, and now I'm locked to that for all the EX Dungeons and postgame content.

At this stage, the difficulty level cannot be changed in My Room after the game is cleared. Originally, the EX dungeon had the meaning of “testing the strength of the player”. However, since there are more scenarios to write in EX, when EX2 is implemented, Meira appears in the book room.
Talking to her will allow you to change the game difficulty level.
Its amazing this is still being updated when it was released in 2017. Most developers would just move on, it feels like he should move on.
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