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I've been getting missing files errors for this game no matter what I do.

My Locale is Set to Japanese and so is my language. I'm using the official language pack from MS and the game is not pirated. I bought it from DLSite English using the link.

I'm extracting using 7zip to a folder on the D drive.

However, I can't get the game to read a particular file no matter what I do, even when I play the game untranslated.

First Error
View attachment 28335

Later on in the game I also get the following error right as the 2nd dog enemy jumps on you. I can't get around this error no matter what.

View attachment 28339
I've been getting missing files errors for this game no matter what I do.

My Locale is Set to Japanese and so is my language. I'm using the official language pack from MS and the game is not pirated. I bought it from DLSite English using the link.

I'm extracting using 7zip to a folder on the D drive.

However, I can't get the game to read a particular file no matter what I do, even when I play the game untranslated.

First Error
View attachment 28335

Later on in the game I also get the following error right as the 2nd dog enemy jumps on you. I can't get around this error no matter what.

View attachment 28339
Can't see the images for some reason.
Do you have the RPG maker vx rtp installed on your PC?
I've been getting missing files errors for this game no matter what I do.

My Locale is Set to Japanese and so is my language. I'm using the official language pack from MS and the game is not pirated. I bought it from DLSite English using the link.

I'm extracting using 7zip to a folder on the D drive.

However, I can't get the game to read a particular file no matter what I do, even when I play the game untranslated.

First Error
View attachment 28335

Later on in the game I also get the following error right as the 2nd dog enemy jumps on you. I can't get around this error no matter what.

View attachment 28339

This sounds very cheeky, but my experience has been that 7Zip is not an ideal extractor for eroge games. and have had problems using it while doing everything else right.
WinRAR from my experience is more reliable and is preferable for data extraction. However I can't confirm or deny it would solve your problem.
Also I can't view your images like the above user experienced.

It is more likely the error is due to what the above user suggested, make sure though the language is set to Japanese for non-unicode programs.
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I actually found out the issue. I'm gonna post pictures of my problem and the solution incase anyone else comes by.

There are multiple settings for Japanese locale in Windows 10, only one of them affects files with non unicode characters. These below wont do anything



Instead of the settings above
You must change these settings here. You can leave your settings alone for your region and the like. BUt Windows must be told to set NON UNICODE characters to Japanese. Otherwise you won't extract the files properly. 7Zip is able to to this just fine when this setting is ticked.


This sounds very cheeky, but my experience has been that 7Zip is not an ideal extractor for eroge games. and have had problems using it while doing everything else right.
WinRAR from my experience is more reliable and is preferable for data extraction. However I can't confirm or deny it would solve your problem.
Also I can't view your images like the above user experienced.

It is more likely the error is due to what the above user suggested, make sure though the language is set to Japanese for non-unicode programs.

Thanks for the help from the above users.
EX-2's out. DL'ing now.

edit: yeah, this isn't really playable without some form of translation. First fight (and presumably others) has some sort of trick to winning, and trying 20 different ideas doesn't appeal to me right now.
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EX2 is just full on retarded mode, not gonnal lie, make plenty of backups / saves
my game is in a state where i cant play it atall, as soon as i hit start, the game auto loads a savegame where im getting fucked in an endless loop

also first fight you have to decline both options
the defence in that song battle is skripted to make you fail
Alright, after that initial hiccup (thanks for the help) the rest didn't go as badly as I'd feared. Can't say I'm a huge fan of having scripted / mini battles instead of proper ones, but at least you get to spend some quality time with Hekate.

For the infinite loop,
you get a new .txt file in your game folder that tells you how to escape it.
Hold 'q' + 'w' when choosing 'START' on the title menu. After that, pick a bunch of options on the new menu and play through the weird butterfly escape section. After that, load your game, go fight her again and everything'll work out.

Side note: if you lose to Hekate the first time but reset before everything turns to shit and fight her again, the battle plays out differently (footjob animation).
Well, it feels like the actual villain in the SHRIFT story itself is RPG maker... But man I'm glad we finally got Hekate's H scenes. I'm starting to think I should start playing this game in a sandboxie environment with how much shit is going on 4th wall style.

It also sucks that we can't replay EX2 after finishing it. You can still view the defeat scenes with Hekate and the green hair girl minus the cowgirl scene it seems in the main menu.
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After you complete EX2 and grab your loot from the 2 chests, talk to the scientist in the projection room for a new room.
So does the translated version break EX2?
It's impossible to get the arrows correctly.

Wait.. after reading the topic it's a scripted failure event?

Hahaha... That's so stupid.

Upon further reading a .txt document is supposed to be made after losing to the vampire chick... Not happening for me. Most of the items in the Q+W screen are grayed out too.

Yeah... ok I give up.

This is impossible for a non-native speaker, and the game is not doing the same thing for me as for other users.
Honestly... this kind of reminds me of the gaijin hater who made ROBF. He included purposefully obtuse japanese only puzzles to make sure a western audience couldn't play the game at all. I really hope Shrift is not going down that hole personally. I mean... he even translates some of his twitter posts after all.


After taking a short break. I tried again, and realized you could press Back on the first dialogue tree. In the second dialogue tree, the first option is correct.
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I'll just wrap the whole thing in spoilers tags in case people don't want the fights or events spoiled.

The Q+W thing is after you lose to Hectate (I don't believe there's any dialogue option that prevents this outcome, I just always picked the top-most one) and pressing "START" at the main menu leads to the infinite loop of forced save re-loading (your save files are intact, it's just a gimmicky event script).

For the scenario where you are turned into a little kid, you'll encounter a fake Lampas, stationed Lampas encounters, and a Teddy Bear chasing you. You can use the rabbit plushie to save.
For Fake Lampas, just struggle your way out and you should be fine.
For stationed Lampas encounters, I used the 2 energy skill that has a foot/shoe icon. There's also an 8 energy one but I didn't use it on my run. Keep in mind that running will alert them at a higher radius.
For the Teddy Bear, you can flee the encounter using the bottom-left 2 energy costing skill, using the shoe/run icon one will make the Teddy Bear turn monstrous.

For the vampire fight after Teddy bear shenanigans, my personal method was to treat her normal color palette as a "buffing/healing phase", and use her blue phase as an attack phase to dish out physical damage. I'm not sure if losing to her (vampire/green haired girl) might have impacted how the fight goes, but I lost once or twice (leading to the somewhat disturbing game over screen) before beating her. I can't read Japanese, but that spell buff that gives you % willpower and energy back made it pretty easy.
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I'll just wrap the whole thing in spoilers tags in case people don't want the fights or events spoiled.

The Q+W thing is after you lose to Hectate (I don't believe there's any dialogue option that prevents this outcome, I just always picked the top-most one) and pressing "START" at the main menu leads to the infinite loop of forced save re-loading (your save files are intact, it's just a gimmicky event script).

For the scenario where you are turned into a little kid, you'll encounter a fake Lampas, stationed Lampas encounters, and a Teddy Bear chasing you. You can use the rabbit plushie to save.
For Fake Lampas, just struggle your way out and you should be fine.
For stationed Lampas encounters, I used the 2 energy skill that has a foot/shoe icon. There's also an 8 energy one but I didn't use it on my run. Keep in mind that running will alert them at a higher radius.
For the Teddy Bear, you can flee the encounter using the bottom-left 2 energy costing skill, using the shoe/run icon one will make the Teddy Bear turn monstrous.

For the vampire fight after Teddy bear shenanigans, my personal method was to treat her normal color palette as a "buffing/healing phase", and use her blue phase as an attack phase to dish out physical damage. I'm not sure if losing to her (vampire/green haired girl) might have impacted how the fight goes, but I lost once or twice (leading to the somewhat disturbing game over screen) before beating her. I can't read Japanese, but that spell buff that gives you % willpower and energy back made it pretty easy.
Blue is you can use physical attacks.
Red is you can use magic attacks.

She uses uses her status debilitating attacks in the blue phase.
In the Red phase she mostly spams attack magic, so it's the safest phase.
Other than the QW and hit start after the little succubus slaughter and talking to the scientist after finishing up, EX-2 is actually remarkably straight-forward and simple.
Other than the QW and hit start after the little succubus slaughter and talking to the scientist after finishing up, EX-2 is actually remarkably straight-forward and simple.
I mean all that's left are the push puzzles in the darkness so yeah...

Those 2 other elements kind of ruin a lot of the fun though IMHO.
Femdom loli best loli. Granted, she didn't have to compete versus any big breasted bimbos in EX 2 besides that abomination teddy bear monster.