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ACT [ Finish Doll ] [ フィニッシュドール ] Emulis of the Valley of Magic / 魔法の谷のエムリス RE167037 RJ167037

Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

I thought that the game was dead. It's good to see news from the dev!
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

I thought that the game was dead. It's good to see news from the dev!

I was worried the author was affected (thought he was killed) by the Kumamoto earthquake.
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

The blog now has a video that seems to be the introduction to the game. Unfortunately there is no gameplay footage yet but judging from the animation quality so far, I'm hopeful that the creator has paid just as much attention to crafting a good gameplay experience.

Looks like the latest update on 12/10/16 says that a trial will be out by the end of this week. Can't wait!
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Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

The wait was long but it looks like it's almost here. New blog post on 10/14 confirms that the trial will be out by Sunday or Monday at the earliest and has a nice looking preview cg attached.
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

Trial is out

The game runs quite slow and controls are very slow and unresponsive, at least for me. Might recommend waiting for some patches to the demo so that the game will run more smoothly. Art is pretty good though.
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

Don't know if I'll receive any flak for it, but that felt like an extremely disappointing demo to me. There are only two enemies, and the game does seem to run a little slowly, though not enough to be a problem, i.e. all of the controls were responsive and I didn't notice any input lag. I managed to break the heroine by spamming the S move, by the way - she could still move around afterwards, but was frozen in that pose and couldn't attack or be hurt, meaning I had to restart. Seems like it's easily reproducible, so just mash the S key for a little while and it should work for you, too.

And on that note, what's even the point of the S move? It doesn't seem like it does anything but keep the heroine from being hurt during an attack, which is pretty much pointless in this game because the enemy is still in your face and going to hit you as soon as you stop spamming it (if there's another use for it, someone let me know). I was also annoyed by the fact that after being hit, you evidently can't hurt an enemy with your attacks until your invincibility wears off, which usually meant I was getting hit even more because I couldn't do anything to push back the enemies until I was vulnerable again (in other words, you have to back away after being hit until your invulnerability ends, which is completely counter intuitive when compared to just about every other game ever). Then there was the fact that if I wanted to see any of the animations, I had to lose first, and then I had to sit through what I assume is a plug for the full game before I could play again (well, actually, I don't even know if it ever ends - I shut the game down and relaunched it after sitting there for a good 30-40 seconds because I'm impatient).

Maybe I'm cranky right now and just need to get some sleep, but I'm not impressed. It's not nearly as bad as some of these run or rape type of games, but it's also not nearly as good as the better ones.

Edit: scratch my rant about the invincibility frames thing - turns out it was just a problem with the hitbox of the wolf enemy (or a problem with the hitbox for her attack), now that I went back and tested it out a bit. For some reason her attacks sometimes go through it at close range.
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Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

Don't know if I'll receive any flak for it, but that felt like an extremely disappointing demo to me.

Same here. Another example why development hell full of delays is a bad omen for the final quality.
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

Hmm, I figured the "s" shield would block against projectiles, like the spider's shot. Either I did it wrong, or that shield really is pointless.
As for the demo... eh, half and half. It works, and the animations are nice. You move a bit slow though, and the run seems to not make you go too fast in some areas. It's extremely short though. Perhaps 2 minutes if you know what you're doing. The hitboxes for the wolf are weird, like elusi mentioned already. You can only hit it's head, so if you're sort of in the wolf after being attacked, the attack doesn't connect. Speaking of attacks, there's so few of them. Crouching kick dash, jump kick, and regular combo. The combo doesn't work with the wolf cause it's too short, so you either have to slide kick or jump kick. Personally, the jump kick is better. I figure since you have a level meter, you can upgrade yourself, and maybe get some more attacks? Or perhaps it's just a health/mana/special bar upgrade.
Though the demo was short and...well, lackluster for something that's been teased for a while, the animations were once again pretty good for me to stay here and await the full game.
And look on the bright side. At least this game has a demo and is probably coming out sooner rather than an undetermined later. winkwinknudgenudge

Also, does anyone know what the choices in the options menu do? It's the middle one on the main menu. I know the four on the right change the volume, but I have no idea what the three on the left do.
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Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

demo is gone/or I'm just not seeing it guess it was really buggy.
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

Demo is still there.
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

then I'm just not finding it......

and then I hit reload the page and it showed up..
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

And look on the bright side. At least this game has a demo and is probably coming out sooner rather than an undetermined later. winkwinknudgenudge

I wouldn't know if this was already confirmed in some way but judging by the demo those two projects are by the same people anyways. The blogs layouts are identical and the demo has a lot of technical similiarities to JK Hazard, which was pinkbananas last project before Tiara Fantasia.
Maybe this was already implicitly confirmed, but I didn't read about any of the sort.
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

Good artwork, with some...not bad animation. But...guess I'll have to wait for the next Fighting Girl game, to get some actually enjoyable gameplay.

Pain in the ass...:mad:
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

I wouldn't know if this was already confirmed in some way but judging by the demo those two projects are by the same people anyways. The blogs layouts are identical and the demo has a lot of technical similiarities to JK Hazard, which was pinkbananas last project before Tiara Fantasia.
Maybe this was already implicitly confirmed, but I didn't read about any of the sort.

Really? That's the first time I've heard of it. While I can't really say much of an opinion on the art styles and CGs, I do have to point out that the pinkbanana games are animated differently in the gameplay area. They're pixeled. This game is drawn, and you can see some of the concept animations on their blog. I'm gonna lean towards that they're different authors, at least until I see some legitimate proof.
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

I wouldn't know if this was already confirmed in some way but judging by the demo those two projects are by the same people anyways. The blogs layouts are identical and the demo has a lot of technical similiarities to JK Hazard, which was pinkbananas last project before Tiara Fantasia.
Maybe this was already implicitly confirmed, but I didn't read about any of the sort.

That doesn't seem likely. The similarities in blogs are probably because they used the same blog template. Perhaps someone else is able to recall another blog with the same format? It would also make no sense start up a project, make occasional preview art for it, and set a temporary planned release date while working on another game.

As for the demo, I'm also having some "lag" issues with it. I'm not sure if it's just because the developer did something wrong with the animation. My cpu and gpu still run cool and it's not being capped. So it's not that it's poorly optimized. It seems like either the animator didn't provide enough frames or the code intentionally caps it at a certain frame per second for some reason. I'm not getting input lag so the animations are just running slowly.

I guess for the map scenes the low framerates isn't bad. But when you have the HQ animated close-up images, it looks extremely choppy.
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

Update on the blog: the dev released a demo
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

I obviously have no proof for it, its just a theory. The artwork being different is no proof that the programmer of both projects can't be the same person, seems to me like he simply works with different artists. Maybe he had some falling out with the Tiara Fantasia artist and chose to start a new project in the meantime instead?

Just try the demo, then try out JK Hazard, maybe you'll notice what I mean. The games FEEL very similiar.
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

The blog has had two more updates and it looks like the creator is working on bug fixes. Here's hoping the finished product will be better than the trial!
Re: 魔法の谷のエムリス(ACT)

The voice acting in the orc rape... I hate exagerated screams but that is really... underwhelming...