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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

It was free for a full month in celebration of all their games being both PC and Mac compatable, a very good snag.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, changing the topic (before I have to lynch someone)

Does anyone not own a copy of portal? Like, portal 1. I have this gift copy and it's like "How do I gived gift?"

I actually don't own one. I don't know why, maybe the concept didn't appeal to me.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I got it free installed on my laptop when I bought it. Maybe I should play it again. I'm not big on puzzle games, but this one delights me for some reason.

I feel your pain though, Inky. Subject change at this point is a good thing >.>
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I have Half-Life 2 and HL2:Episode 1. I'm sure everyone has those as well, but if anyone's interested.. I've only had the gift copies since the Orange Box was released. >_>
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I have Half-Life 2 and HL2:Episode 1. I'm sure everyone has those as well, but if anyone's interested.. I've only had the gift copies since the Orange Box was released. >_>

Well if yer giving them away dear...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I gave my gift copy of HL2 to a friend a long time ago. That dragged him into getting the Orange Box in the end. So in this case giving players free copy of games does pay off.

I guess this is what Gabe Newell one of the richest and most influential player in the PC gaming industry. He's as much of a visionary as Steve Jobs, but a lot less publicised.

And it doesn't help that the other major player Activision is a complete jerk. But I suppose it's not a fair comparison seeing that Activision only makes money from selling games, while Valve gets money off Steam. Acting as the middle man gives them a lot more flexibility when it comes to financing their own games.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I never actually got gift copies to send out to anyone...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

well if you got it the first time why did you keep argueing against it. I am a reasonable person and there isn't really any argument that would work against "I dont care".

As Sin said and i don't care how much you think the discussion is pointless, if i thought it pointless i wouldn't have argued, the fact you find it pointless but keep arguing is what i find interesting. :rolleyes:

I disagree completely. The dropping of the shitty MMO-style stat based combat was without a doubt the best thing they could have done for the game. I actually found myself enjoying some of the combat in the demo, which is more than I can say for any of the combat in DAO. I might even actually buy it once it drops down to $40, even though I still find the characters and setting completely uninteresting despite the amount of effort Bioware put into making a decent palette-swap of a generic sword-and-sorcery Dungeons and Dragons campaign setting.

I actually played the demo properly today and i guess i was a little hard on my judgment, the game can still be played almost the same as before, just hope they give more camera freedom in the full game.
Now, i found the global battle mechanics pretty similar to DAO, but i'm playing it on pc so that might be the reason why what you said made no sense to me.:confused:

By the way speaking of the pc version of the demo i noticed something really weird, to hear the dialogues i had to set my speakers to the maximum volume, the battle voice was normal, but the dialogues were just light whispers. Anyone else had something like this happening?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I actually played the demo properly today and i guess i was a little hard on my judgment, the game can still be played almost the same as before, just hope they give more camera freedom in the full game.
Now, i found the global battle mechanics pretty similar to DAO, but i'm playing it on pc so that might be the reason why what you said made no sense to me.:confused:

By the way speaking of the pc version of the demo i noticed something really weird, to hear the dialogues i had to set my speakers to the maximum volume, the battle voice was normal, but the dialogues were just light whispers. Anyone else had something like this happening?

Yeah, there was some pretty big differences between the PC and console versions in Origins, so I wouldn't be surprised that there are big differences between the two versions for the sequel.

Yes it's being made more friendly to console players, which I like as I'm primarily a console player. However I still hope they keep something for the PC players.

As to the voices, I never noticed that.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

By the way speaking of the pc version of the demo i noticed something really weird, to hear the dialogues i had to set my speakers to the maximum volume, the battle voice was normal, but the dialogues were just light whispers. Anyone else had something like this happening?
7 Hours Ago 10:02

When discussing the demo with a friend of mine, he said it was strange that they didn't have the demo voiced, considering that was one of the big marketing draws to the game.

I gave him a confused look. I guess some people have been having trouble with the voices.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, changing the topic (before I have to lynch someone)

Does anyone not own a copy of portal? Like, portal 1. I have this gift copy and it's like "How do I gived gift?"

Been looking into getting portal (now that Portal 2 has been showing up) especially as I enjoyed the demo. Did grab Half Life, but not Portal.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Old game is old, I know, but I've recently started playing Aion on a private server with my friends.

Apparently they've played on the server before, but they quit because of too many broken quests and moves. The server apparently got wiped and updated, which apparently fixed a lot of stuff.
However, I'm still finding broken quests, which sucks, because a bunch of them have nice loot rewards.

Still, I'm having fun, especially with crafting. Asmodian 4tw.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

World of Tanks. Bloody good time, even if your 'tank' sometimes feel like a paper kite when you try to go rambo. It's a game that stresses tactics and working together, which is a nice touch whereas most games you can be the one man massacre in a lackluster online match.

Also: I find it ironic that whenever I play as a german tank I keep losing, but not so often when I play US/USSR tanks. and even less as my US SPG (Self Propelled Gun, or in gamer term 'arty')
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I see, thanks.

Did your friend download the pc version?

Nvm, googled a bit and found it's a common issue on all mediums.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

World of Tanks. Bloody good time, even if your 'tank' sometimes feel like a paper kite when you try to go rambo. It's a game that stresses tactics and working together, which is a nice touch whereas most games you can be the one man massacre in a lackluster online match.

Also: I find it ironic that whenever I play as a german tank I keep losing, but not so often when I play US/USSR tanks. and even less as my US SPG (Self Propelled Gun, or in gamer term 'arty')

every time someone says world of tanks i only think one thing:


and that is so much more awesome than what world of tanks is.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

A friend brought my attention to and since i had deus ex in my to do list for years i thought it might be a good idea to give it a try and...oh my god, i can't stand that game, i couldn't even finish it, had to cheat my way through it just so i could see how the story ended(not bad for a 2000 game, but nothing memorable). I heard some many good things about it and the average ratings were pretty high, didn't expect to suffer so much.
It's probably because i saw the trailer for the new one, but that's not enough. I think it was mainly the lifeless and monotonous dialogues and voice acting, the only thing i'm sure of is that i hate the main character...

Oh well, gonna try deus ex invisible war next, hope it's a better experience.
Not much to do anyway, waiting for DA2 and god eater burst.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Agh! WHY do I never follow my own Minecraft rules? NEVER stand on the very block you're currently mining, especially not with lava around - you may drop right into that stuff and lose everything you've mined!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

ROFL. First rule of minecraft. Never dig down.

Unless if you are feeling particularly bored and just want to shaft mine an entire freaking mountain with a shit load of TNT.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Gonna restart Pokemon SS, play through on hard mode.
"Newbie, you handsome devil, Pokemon doesn't have difficulty levels! What on earth are you talking about?"
Two self imposed rules:
If it faints, release it.
Only catch the first Pokemon you encounter in an area. If it dies, no new party member for you.