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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Crazy people never do. *laughs like a madman*
Re: Games Discussion Thread

They're just games. If you don't like the way the developers make them, don't play them.

A statement which applies to just about anything which allows us to have freedom of choice. That exact point is to why rants are virtually pointless. However, we all rant at some point or another. It's hard not to when the internet is just begging for it.

Either way, whenever something happens in a movie or game (or whatever) that strikes one of our nerves, we would be better off enjoying the parts we can than assuming that movie or game was made specifically for us and "must" meet our needs.


A little different topic for a moment.

Does anyone here have RE5 for the xbox and did you buy the versus add-on? I need some help boasting some achievements. PM me for my gamertag if ya want.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That wasn't the point I was stating. The point I was stating is a point that often comes up on TF2 and many games I play. Many people play a game, and whine like little children about how much one feature or another sucks. It's like, "If you're going to whine THIS much, don't play the goddamn game." That is the point I was making with that statement. Either accept the good with the bad, and don't whine constantly about how something about the game sucks, or don't play it at all.

And another thing to tack onto my infuriation, people who think Gamerscore means anything. It doesn't. Having an achievement that's hard to get is like saying "I play this game more than you. But that doesn't make me any better of a person." It doesn't mean jack diddly fuck.

/end rage
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Talk about being obnoxious, damn.

Catch the irony?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I am not being obnoxious. I am openly stating my opinion with forceful words, and clarifying when people misinterpret my own words. Seeing someone as expressing their opinion openly as "obnoxious" is considered being closeminded, even immature.

As for this "Irony" you speak of, there is none. I was flat out insulting you to your face.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I realised not long after that it was a poor example and didn't really convey what I meant properly but I couldn't be arsed to edit it, partly because it would've required work and partly because people would've already read it.

Fair nough.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Occam said:
They're just games. If you don't like the way the developers make them, don't play them.

I don't really agree with that statement in any case. Especially in the example that Oni first brought up about the lousy move of Mass Effect having central story line hidden in DLC.

I know two friends who don't have access to the internet from their console. One simply doesn't have internet, and the other lives in a communal apartment scheme which doesn't provide a land line net connection. He has a mobile broadband dongle, but that's incompatible with his xbox. One plays ME, the other plays Dragon Age. Plenty similar enough games that the same issue could potentially apply.

Both of these guys are royally screwed in this sort of situation, even if they didn't mind shelling out for the DLC. Saying that if they have an issue with this, that they should simply up and abandon one of their favourite series is ridiculous.

I personally am very much disliking the recent popularity cashing in on DLC has acquired. Marvel vs Capcom characters costing £4 each for example, despite already being on the disc and that your merely paying to unlock the content. In so many of these cases lately your not paying to receive a new expansion that they produced over the months after release. Your paying to access content already present on your disc, created half a year ago that was finished way before the game was released. DLC, like many things was a good idea. Up until the guys running the financial side of the show realised it was a gold mine for conning their customers out of their money.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

While I do agree it is a very low blow on the developer's parts to take advantage of the whole DLC situation, I cannot blame them for taking advantage of it, as it is the human nature to want MOAR MONEY.

As for your friends, I offer my sympathies and condolences. I do not, however, change my stance on the situation. DLC's that are an addition to the storyline are an integral part of videogames. That's what Arrival was, an ADDITION to the storyline. You don't HAVE to play it to know WTF is going on in ME3. I do, however, wish they had alternative ways to acquire DLC's for games such as ME2 or FO: NV for people who lacked an internet connection. Until they find a way to do that, however, I can't really provide any further input.

All in all, this whole DLC stink sounds like one big troll-fest bouncing around this thread.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

While I do agree it is a very low blow on the developer's parts to take advantage of the whole DLC situation, I cannot blame them for taking advantage of it, as it is the human nature to want MOAR MONEY.

As for your friends, I offer my sympathies and condolences. I do not, however, change my stance on the situation. DLC's that are an addition to the storyline are an integral part of videogames. That's what Arrival was, an ADDITION to the storyline. You don't HAVE to play it to know WTF is going on in ME3. I do, however, wish they had alternative ways to acquire DLC's for games such as ME2 or FO: NV for people who lacked an internet connection. Until they find a way to do that, however, I can't really provide any further input.

All in all, this whole DLC stink sounds like one big troll-fest bouncing around this thread.

It may be in human nature to want more money, but we can still blame them for being rather greedy about this whole thing. You buy a disk with content on it, but you are not able to access that content that is sitting right there until you pay even more money for it. It's like buying a car, but not being able to open the trunk until a few months later when the dealership decides to sell you the keys to the trunk.

I don't have problems with DLC, especially ones that are mere additions to the story. However the arrival is not just an addition. It is the true conclusion. And it's only an hour or two long. This isn't an expansion that'll take you 6 to ten hours and almost feels like a full game, no it's just about an hour long, only accessible if you have internet, and offers the true ending of the game.

Meanwhile, a game like Fallout had DLC that offered multiple hours of content each, with only Broken Steel actually continuing the storyline. And even then, there is nothing that will continue on with the character of Fallout 3, so Broken Steel isn't really required. Plus, Fallout 3 DLC came on hard disks that one could install directly to their hard drive, and back when I didn't have Xbox Live, that was just awesome. So there, DLC has been delivered better before, with better offers, for people with or without internet connections.

I'm also pretty sure it's publishers taking advantage of DLC more than Developers.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Putting the "real" ending to a game in the DLC feels wrong. It's as if the developers couldn't be arsed to finish on time or push back the release date. It punishes any fans who don't have access for whatever reason. The only way this becomes forgivable is if the ending of the last game is included with the next game, which leaves us in the odd situation of not being able to finish the game until it's sequel comes out.

I can understand DLC if your game is popular and you want to give fans more. I can understand DLC if the developer loved the setting and wanted to put in some more quests or locations or characters. I can't understand DLC as the delivery for the end of your game. That's either lazy or underhanded, and I'm not sure which.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Anyone remember the days where small additions of the game would just be patched on, free of charge?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Anyone remember the days where small additions of the game would just be patched on, free of charge?

Oh my god, I can actually remember those days. GOD I'M OLD.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Guys, you're complaining about ME2, but didn't BiowEAr (no, that's not a typo) pull this shit before? What about Witch Hunt for Dragon Age Origins? It actually explains why the Warden has disappeared (in one of the outcomes at least), a potentially essential plot point for Dragon Age 3.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Sin, you're getting worked up again. You're blindly stating a fact that is not a fact. Arrival is not a "True" ending. It is an ALTERNATIVE ending. Once it's done and overwith, nothing's changed in the plot line. Most people feel the need to state it as a "True" ending because of the content, when in fact, it is merely an alternative ending. Having played through and delved into the plot of this add-on, I can safely state the above statements. I'd state why, but I'd be "spoiling" everything, which apparently causes a massive fucking stink around here.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Sin, you're getting worked up again. You're blindly stating a fact that is not a fact. Arrival is not a "True" ending. It is an ALTERNATIVE ending. Once it's done and overwith, nothing's changed in the plot line. Most people feel the need to state it as a "True" ending because of the content, when in fact, it is merely an alternative ending. Having played through and delved into the plot of this add-on, I can safely state the above statements. I'd state why, but I'd be "spoiling" everything, which apparently causes a massive fucking stink around here.

I'm sorry but that is complete and utter bullshit. Mass Effect 3 continues on
with Shepard on trial due to events in Arrival
, which in the eyes of anyone who isn't a massive retard, indicates that Arrival is indeed the "true" ending to Mass Effect 2. An alternative ending implies one that isn't the "true" or "canon" ending, possibly a bad or comical ending but never the proper ending that the developers set out for.

Anyway, for those who aren't blinded by idiocy (and don't mind some spoilers, mostly on how the game starts and some stuff about returning characters which I think I've already mentioned anyway) a link. There is another link directing you to the original place that the poster got the info from in that post as well.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, seeing as I am now confronted with evidence counteracting my earlier statements, I gladly retract them and bow out of the conversation.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Guys, you're complaining about ME2, but didn't BiowEAr (no, that's not a typo) pull this shit before? What about Witch Hunt for Dragon Age Origins? It actually explains why the Warden has disappeared (in one of the outcomes at least), a potentially essential plot point for Dragon Age 3.

I complained about that too.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, seeing as I am now confronted with evidence counteracting my earlier statements, I gladly retract them and bow out of the conversation.

That evidence was already presented and on the table.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Guys, you're complaining about ME2, but didn't BiowEAr (no, that's not a typo) pull this shit before? What about Witch Hunt for Dragon Age Origins? It actually explains why the Warden has disappeared (in one of the outcomes at least), a potentially essential plot point for Dragon Age 3.

Was wondering when that was going to get mentioned.

From what I've come to understand, too, regardless of your choices made in DA:O and what goes on in Witch Hunt, they still don't answer the *big* question that left everyone hanging, opting to focus on the one path instead. Then again, I haven't played through my copy of it yet, so I can't righty say how true that is or not.

Of course, the Bioware writers have gone on record stating that there is no "canon" playthrough of DA:O. Any one, with any choices made, can be considered canon.

As for those that want to know what goes on in DLC and don't have access/want to pay, there's always youtube (if they don't take shit down.)