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God damn furries

Re: God damn furries

i've known you for a long time now shadow, you come and go and every time you do anything you make a fuss about it.

now your encouraging people to neg rep you and playing around like a troll assuming that everyone hates you.

Its not just this thread, i take everything into account not just this thread.
Re: God damn furries

Hahahahah. :3 I beat both of you, Ava and Nunu to the punch line for posting xD. Also, Shades is doing reverse pyschological warfare Nunu... He wants people to rep + him just so they can say they pissed him off..... Or that's just my conspiracy theories....

What is the best conspiracy theory out there? Is nunu a tentacle monster? Is Aika really alive? Is there monkey's on this site*? *Attempts to derail topic and makes it painfully obvious.*
Re: God damn furries

Personally I Find that theory of your Nunu flawed horribly I come and go because I do not feel welcomed nor needed with all the traffic older users that fell out can feel out of place. But for the most part is always been my own insane Paranoia that brings this about. Secoundly as I have stated and will always state Please neg rep me all you want fags if you think that will somehow make you more powerful and so mighty. I don't care about rep nor will I ever care about the rep system other then commenting on some peoples high reps or when I wish to express my like of someone who has just joined the forum because new forum users need that extra boost to feel secure here. I on the other hand know ware I stand with all the little forum goers here. You want to ban me for my behavior in this thread? You can claim what ever but honestly man you don't know shit about me nothing In this thread was serious from the get go I will make sure to add more smilies sence people don't know how to take poor wit and shitty sarcasm.
Re: God damn furries

I don't know what to think of shadow, considering I had always pegged him as someone incapable of putting together a rational post, but I'd have to try and endure the pain of reading and understanding anyway in case it had to do with the subject at hand, but rarely ever did, but now shows he doesn't lack such linguistic skills and can actually formulate a coherent thought, which just makes my attempts to comprehend him in the past that much more futile. However, that does of course point out the fact that he ACTUALLY IS posting correctly now, despite there still being an obvious problem of content.

So tell me, what is the discussion that was intended to be born of this thread? And was it one that wasn't already brought up in another thread or couldn't have been put elsewhere? Of course, we do tend to spam ourselves, but we're usually decent enough to have offtopic posts inside of a single thread, not no-topic threads floating around the forum. But take spam however you will, I've always been a bit of a stickler for the neat and clean.
Re: God damn furries

The point of the thread was nothing more then a joke about furry porn on a new video site that is all I expected to discuss the video it self and the other videos offered by the site.

No I'm not very good at it I never have been. But I wanted to share with the community that I once called family the site I found.
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Re: God damn furries

Don't get me wrong, I only see your actions as personal inconveniences at best, I never neg-repped you.
I don't hate you. I just used to hate reading you. I think you've gotten a lot better, and I think everything's cool now, we just defuse this shit
Re: God damn furries

I am better because I have Intergrated the Piget Spell check into all my programs and because dispite all my trolling I have always seen my self as one who stays on the good side of the law. Again Toxic rep doesn't matter to me it amuses me when people neg rep me thats all. Its also why Nunu's Sudden outburst hurt me far more then any fag with a neg rep ever could. It seemed to come out of no ware.
Re: God damn furries

As much as I enjoy reading all of this, I have to say that I feel a little depressed.


Anyway, can I be the first to request lockage? There's really nothing to be gained from this other than laughing at furries and arguing with Shadow. Doing either should make you feel unclean and ashamed of yourself.
Re: God damn furries

Dark, think about this. You either find it erotic because it was rape or because it was furry.

You're in a bad position here.
Re: God damn furries

I.... Wait, what?
Re: God damn furries

We could discuss the site as a hole if you want personally browsing threw the site was rather amusing for me
Re: God damn furries

Curses that means more people like me then dislike me what should I do... Hmmm maybe ethnic jokes...

So a White guy walks into a outreach center... No wait thats what I do for a job hmmm... So this Indian guy is working at this Quicky mart near me and hes all like is there anything else you might need? and I'm all like No- HOLY SHIT THERE IS!

So I go and run to grab some milk and then leave and he all like Have a nice day and and all like You to.

So does everyone hate me again?

ILU Shadow. <3 The situation makes it fairly hard to decipher, so I'll add that that is an honest compliment.
Re: God damn furries

GAWDDAMNED SPLOICO- I mean furries. Or weird costume fetishists more like it.
Re: God damn furries

Well if chibi's posted here that means clearly this thread is Win now then ware is my Chicken Nog?