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Re: Hate Thread

As I've said once or twice in the chat, is capcha enabled? That might help.
Re: Hate Thread

I really hate UTIs ;_;

because they hurt like a biiiitch.

And I hate taking antibiotics too.

Because they give me yeast infections and then I itch like crazy. Fucking hell. ;_;

You have been warned. If you highlight it and give me neg rep for being gross, I posted it in a light color and added spoiler tags for a REASON. Bah.
Re: Hate Thread

Thanks for sharing Chibs.
Re: Hate Thread

If you don't mind me asking, how did you get it?
Re: Hate Thread

It's like my stepmom said, If I had fun getting it, then it's okay to deal with the pain once and a while xD

still hate them though.

Also hate that "morning after I drank wine" taste in my mouth. Eurgh,
Re: Hate Thread

Don't drink so much then I guess. I've never had issues the next morning after having a glass or two of wine.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah that's pretty much why sex underwater is a bad idea. Also taking a quick shower afterward helps, not just for underwater sex but whenever you have sex.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah that's pretty much why sex underwater is a bad idea. Also taking a quick shower afterward helps, not just for underwater sex but whenever you have sex.

We didn't have that much fun. rofl.
Re: Hate Thread

You know what else is a bad idea? Sex on the beach. It looks awesome in the movies, but once sand gets in a certain places it pretty much ruins the sex and forces you to shower before resuming said sex. I much prefer the Japanese "jelly baths" where you pour powder in the bathtub and it basically turns into thick gelatin for sex. It's wonderful -- like having sex in a vat of lubricant.
Re: Hate Thread

WOW! Oh Obviously there was someone there with you.

I'm sorry chibs, I saw fun in a jacuzzi and for some reason I didn't even imagine. I was thinking, "I don't really know jacuzzis, but can't only guys do that?"
Re: Hate Thread

Ye made it seem like ye did.

"Sorta funtime" = sex now? I figured sex was a lot of fun. -shrug- MY BAD. Next time I'll say "Almost fun" or "Not quite fun" to try and make sure people understand.

Or hell, maybe I'll just post in big bold letters that we didn't have sex in the tub.


I hate when people seem to deliberately misunderstand.
Re: Hate Thread

"sorta funtime" comes across as a coy way of saying it.

As in "I sorta kinda accidentally told him everything"
Re: Hate Thread

-raises an eyebrow- since when have I been coy about splattering my business all over the place?

Also, i hate sunburns. Because afterwards come the peeling and the itching OH GOD THE ITCHING.
Re: Hate Thread

I honestly can't figure out what you mean by 'sorta fun' if not sex, especially involving your particular condition. That's okay though, at this point I've decided that I'm probably better off not knowing.
Re: Hate Thread

i still say I thought you just fucked the tub