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Re: Hate Thread

In the army we were required to have sexual harassment and equal opportunity training once every quarter, yet were only required to have rifle qualification once a year. Even if you serve in a combat arms unit which in the US army has no females, granted our support units do. It still doesn't make much sense though.
Re: Hate Thread

Does anything that bureaucrats decide make sense?
Re: Hate Thread

I agree, trying to ignore problems only makes them worse.
Re: Hate Thread

Imagine a world where the people told not to use those words did as they were told.

There was actually a movement to have the words nigger and faggot banned in usage.

Think about it. Racism, sexism, all those ism's will always exist. So what happens the next time an "-ist" comes along and says "faggot" or "nigger" after years of people not using it. How much stronger is it?

Nigger is NOTHING like it used to be 40 years ago because people, especially young african-americans, throw it around in unoffensive context/satirical manner. It's also funny how anyone who tells me I shouldn't say gay or faggot, not referring to orientation, IS STRAIGHT. All gay people I see, I ask them the question and they say "go to town with it, use it til its good and dead" and spam the words themselves in any conversation.

One of my friends yelled at me cuz I said gay when I died in a video game. It's ridiculous. Any straight person who tells you that you can't use gay or fag in a non-orientation context, tell them they're a homophobe because they're just trying to keep the word strong and keep it used against people who are homosexual. Also tell them they're fucking retarded for not knowing how language works. Fun fact, not a single word that means homosexual now, (perhaps except the ones for women and completely derogatory terms like "pillowbiter") meant homosexual in the first place, including "homosexual"
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Re: Hate Thread

The main point everybody's forgetting is that racism is funny.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah but you can't tell PC people that.

I have to defend my right to be funny by calling somebody a nigger and then explaining why it makes sense for me to use it in another context and try to label it with some form of social justice
Re: Hate Thread

The main point everybody's forgetting is that racism is funny.

Racism isnt funny
When the tabble is turned... you feel low, worthless, unwanted. A horrid feeling, that is spawn from hate. That makes more hate, witch is a very evil thing.
Re: Hate Thread

Racism IS funny from an outside perspective. To think that there are people who still believe that one race is superior to another as opposed to judging individuals both saddens and amuses me.
It's the same way you laugh at a small child first learning math who says 2+2=5.
Re: Hate Thread

My contribution to the race issue.
Re: Hate Thread

Racism isnt funny
When the tabble is turned... you feel low, worthless, unwanted. A horrid feeling, that is spawn from hate. That makes more hate, witch is a very evil thing.

I think racism against me is hilarious (and yes, I do come in contact with it as a white in a town with what MUST be an 80% Hispanic population). The stereotypes make me lol so hard.

Stereotypes make for GREAT comedic material.
Re: Hate Thread

I actually decked a guy once because he was going on and on and ON and ON AND ON about how all black people do is steal, how all mexicans are only good for stealing our jobs, and how all women are good for is cooking.
And no, he wasn't joking, 9001% sure of it.
Also, everyone there (including me) might have been just a little tipsy... just a little... >.>

While I find racists funny as hell, I find racism to be a touchy subject. While I know it won't truly go away, there are different degrees of it.

There's the casual racist, like my grandma, who tolerates people of different race, but will show signs of racism in their speech, like 'Wow, lots of dark skinned people were at >insert place here<'.

Then there's the ones who talk shit within a certain group, but never do anything.

Then you've got your ones who pick one target because he looks like he won't do shit.

Finally, there are the full blown cuntmuffins, like the KKK, or these 'White Power' Nazi-wannabe fucktards.

I'm sure I'm missing groups, but these are the ones I've experienced.
Re: Hate Thread

Everyone is a casual racist to some degree Puppy. Like the song i linked to says, "No one's really colorblind" unless you're actually physically blind that is...

I pride myself on being tolerant, but the next little black girl (And i mean a little kid) that tells me i enslaved her people is going to get a fist to the face and then a lesson in History about part of "my people" the Native Americans, who still live on reservations. *grumbles*
Re: Hate Thread

Oh, I know, and I know that I myself am racist to a small degree. I just hate those who spread the racism like the 3rd and 4th groups I mentioned.
Also, there are more types of groups, and each group has subsections, but I'm too lazy to write THAT tree out >.<

Oh, and Chibi, as well as anyone else who needs apologies:
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Re: Hate Thread

There's the casual racist, like my grandma, who tolerates people of different race, but will show signs of racism in their speech, like 'Wow, lots of dark skinned people were at >insert place here<'.

Hey, thats me you're talking about! Though I'll admit it now, if I ever see a group of black people sitting around a table in KFC eating I end up bursting out laughing and I have to walk back out. It's happened several times so far.

Also, expect a big post of hate from be during the weekend.
Re: Hate Thread

You gonna have a bad weekend, I take it? :p
Re: Hate Thread

Nope, on the contrary, it's looks to be a good weekend cos I get to have a lie in. It's been a bad week. Why? Because I've had overtime every single frikkin' day. And it looks to get worse too. Just this week I've worked over an extra day in overtime, granted it means I get the equivalent of an extra days pay, but it also means I get less time to myself and the internet.
Re: Hate Thread

*huggles oni*
buy me something nice for christmas hey?
Re: Hate Thread

I'm currently harboring hatred for both public transit in my area, and Taxi operators. Both are just cheesing me off as of late.

*wanders off to counter the hate in the love thread*