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Re: Hate Thread

And yet, I still win because you haven't been able to say shit about what my post. So what if I have anger issues? I have a successful job, I have an apartment, I can feed myself, I'm pretty much set. Hey, you want excitement, go kill yourself doing whatever, I could give a shit less.

You win unless we can figure out how you're wrong? Let's see what I can do... (Also, "about what my post".)

Alright, here we go.

Are you fucking serious? You're telling me to get some HELP? For what I posted on a fucking online forum? I have an idea. YOU SHOULD GET SOME FUCKING HELP. BECAUSE YOU HAVE FUCKING MENTAL PROBLEMS. Yeah, I posted it. So? Doesn't mean that I truly meant it. Seriously? You took my "I hate laughter" thing to be the truth? How can anyone "hate" laughter? You can pretend and write bullshit about hating it, sure, but if you really, honestly hate laughter, there's something fucking wrong with you!

Reading your post prior, the only meaning I can take from it is what you posted. I can think of no reasonable alternate explanation for a post in a thread about things we hate giving an almost reasoned argument for the hatred of laughter. It's fucking hard to hear sarcasm through the internet. Maybe if you tried italics instead of caps you'd achieve better results, but even then it'd be hard to tell.

Newsflash: THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH ME. If there was, I'd be smart enough not to join a forum like this, and I would certainly not be able to realize that I could type a post like this because I'd actually be typing about even more reasons why I hate laughter.

Wrong can mean any number of things, and it is entirely possible that your desire to whack the metaphoric beehive with an equally metaphoric stick may be an indication of problems. Lately most of your posts have had some bit in them LIKE THIS, WHETHER IT WAS WARRANTED OR NOT. I don't know if you're messing with us and, while I can't speak for every one, it's hard for me to tell.

One more fucking retarded reason with your shitty post, but that what I said was it, because believe me, I could go on you stupid fuck, but anyway: Do you really want something "big" to happen in your life? Do you honestly believe if you don't MAKE something happen, something will happen anyway? You're an idiot, and you deserve to burn in hell for thinking that. There's no man in the sky. YOU have to make something big happen. You live a boring life? So? Make it exciting. Go to a city. Do something fun. Shit, I dunno. Recently I just went to Boston and Philadelphia, and it was one of the defining moments in my life because I went with friends and we looked at all these really awesome landmarks. That was "exciting". Why don't you do that? You say you work. Take some time off. Go have fun.

This is the choice of every person for themself. You lead your exciting life, let Obe lead his how he chooses. There's no need to be a douchenozzle because you disagree.

Also, don't ever take my posts in this thread seriously again, unless you want me to beat the shit out of you. Because that would be a big point for both of our lives. You'd be half dead, and I'd be satisfied that I got my anger out through my fists.

I'ma ignore this bit, it fairly well speaks for itself.

I have an idea. Look back at your post. I mean, "try being more optimistic about life"? That's just plain ol' STUPID.

It's a valid strategy, and one of the best for maintaining you mental health. It's been proven by scientists and shit, even laughing has positive health benefits. Go figure.
Re: Hate Thread

. . . Quit feeding the Troll, children.
Re: Hate Thread

Exactly, we have to fight the troll with it's one weakness.


If we hug and kiss Momi as much as possible, he'll melt from prolonged exposure to kindness.
Re: Hate Thread

Can't forget the milk
Re: Hate Thread

Has anybody else been having issues with rapidshare recently.... its like for the past week or so I get speeds of 200-300kbs but with random pauses every few seconds. like someone is playing a movie but hits the spacebar every few seconds. which of course makes something that is supposed to have 8 minutes left actually take at least three times as long.
Re: Hate Thread

See, this is why I don't use Rapidshare. Its nickname, Rapidshit, is soooooo fitting. Mediafire is way more reliable. Hell, it lets you run PARALLEL downloads! Even without paying!
Re: Hate Thread

i hate not having a real job...

Monies are important D:
Re: Hate Thread

See, this is why I don't use Rapidshare. Its nickname, Rapidshit, is soooooo fitting. Mediafire is way more reliable. Hell, it lets you run PARALLEL downloads! Even without paying!

I use MegaUpload.
Re: Hate Thread

Can you run parallel downloads with it without paying?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate dogs.
Re: Hate Thread

what's wrong with dogs? I love dogs. In fact I love canines.

Except little dogs... but they're weird little fucks.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate "sharp" dogs, you know those trained fucks. You can't outrun 'em, and if there's more than 2 you don't really have a chance of fighting them either.


But I love all kinds of little furry creatures. (Not that way you sick fucks.) Dogs, cats, puppies, mice... All soooooooo cute! "(^_^)"

Hmm, I wonder why some people think I'm gay.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't mind canines in general(I actually like wolves), but dogs are basically a corrupted version of wolves. Imagine if someone made a copy of you, except that copy of you would like the kind of people you despise AND it would be just plain uglier and dumber than you. That's dogs, basically.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't mind canines in general(I actually like wolves), but dogs are basically a corrupted version of wolves. Imagine if someone made a copy of you, except that copy of you would like the kind of people you despise AND it would be just plain uglier and dumber than you. That's dogs, basically.

But what if you despise everyone already? And dogs are cute. Unless, as Sin says, they are those stupid, pointless little dogs. Furry hockey pucks is what they are.
Re: Hate Thread

See, this is why I don't use Rapidshare. Its nickname, Rapidshit, is soooooo fitting. Mediafire is way more reliable. Hell, it lets you run PARALLEL downloads! Even without paying!

Agreed. MU lets you run parallel downloads for free though. I don't think it's supposed to but it does.

Hooker said:
I hate dogs.

Quoted for truth. Dogs suck.