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Re: Hate Thread

Re: Hate Thread

I hate Seth from Street Fighter IV. The level 9 CPU in Brawl were less cheap than Seth on Easy difficulty. And I'd like to think that's saying a whole damn lot.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that EVERY SINGLE game I tried to join today in L4D2 and TF2 was a private server with the admin being a total dick. I'm sorry your balls have yet to drop and that it's apparently been 10 years since when puberty usually ends, but do you really have to have to turn on god mode and make the opposing team fly all over the map when it turns out you suck major ass at the game? At the very least, half the time the team the admin was on gave up and left/stayed at the spawn.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how comic books have changed, I mean half the time I can't even get past the first few pages at the newstand before it's hit Twilight level rage inducing angst. And now I learn that spider-man, one of the few heroes who hadn't completely gone all screwed up emo finally did it! Aunt May is about to die, kinda expected since she's gotta be in her 90s now, so what does Peter do? He makes a deal with the devil, litterally! Mephisto is all mad that they have a happy marriage and Peter trades him that so the old bat can live a few more years and hey that little girl you've been seeing the entire arc begging you not to do it? Thats a vision of your future daughter who will now me -unmade- because you're getting satan retconned back to before you married and never will! At least MJ had the brains to ask Mephisto to leave her memory intact so she can remember that Peter was willing to trade his life, her life and their future with their daughter for 3 more years tops with an old lady! And they wonder why comic sales aren't so great lately?! Kids under the age of 12 would have nightmares over the crap that goes on in them now and half the people my age don't want to read them because they see them as too friggin depressing!

This doesn't apply to something like watchmen, that was designed and always meant for adults and had a decent story behind it and I'm not calling for a return of the days of Adam West batman, I'd just like the middle ground I grew up with around the level of the animated batman, it was kinda gritty and you had your studies on how people can go mad like Two Face and the Joker but they didn't go completely overboard with it and you had your hopefuls like Mr. Freeze which I'm really hoping that they include him in one of the new live batman movies (played by Patrick Stewart), they're getting darker and could use a little glimmer of hope.

I mean when our superheroes are losing hope and their will to go on what does that say about us?

*takes a deep breath and pants*
Re: Hate Thread

And now I learn that spider-man, one of the few heroes who hadn't completely gone all screwed up emo finally did it! Aunt May is about to die, kinda expected since she's gotta be in her 90s now, so what does Peter do? He makes a deal with the devil, litterally! Mephisto is all mad that they have a happy marriage and Peter trades him that so the old bat can live a few more years and hey that little girl you've been seeing the entire arc begging you not to do it? Thats a vision of your future daughter who will now me -unmade- because you're getting satan retconned back to before you married and never will! At least MJ had the brains to ask Mephisto to leave her memory intact so she can remember that Peter was willing to trade his life, her life and their future with their daughter for 3 more years tops with an old lady!

I refuse to believe that they're talking about Spiderman. Spiderman would never do something like that, not after all the shit he's had to go through. If that's truly the direction they've decided to take it, the Spiderman series is officially dead in my eyes unless they use magic bullshit to have Spiderman weasel his way out of losing his marriage.
Re: Hate Thread

Have you read current DC? Because that's a helluva lot worse. Essentially, Evil Zombie Green Lanterns (called black lanterns) are taking over the universe and eradicating all life in the universe at the behest of something called Necron. Most of the mainstream DC superheroes have already been converted, including the entirety of the relevant members of the Justice League, like Superman and the Martian Manhunter, thanks to a zombie Batman.

So, all of the actually powerful DC characters are now undead black lanterns, Batman has been miraculously resurrected but has no idea what the hell is going on, and a legion of invincible zombie superheroes with power rings controlled by an all-powerful demonic creature hellbent on the annihilation of all life in the universe are on the loose. Not only that, but all of the people that could have conceivably done something about it are already zombies. So, I'm guessing that DC is going to take this opportunity to shove some more of the flimsy, bland, annoying, and retarded new superheroes down our throats when they save the day. That, or have Batman miraculously do something to save the day, even though there is no conceivable reason that the clause that allowed zombie Batman to turn all of the other superheroes wouldn't work on him.

Also, this is the mainstream DC storyline, not a one-shot or alternate reality like Marvel Zombies.
Re: Hate Thread

And this, children, is why I generally dont read comics. That, and for most of them they cross over into each other so you have to start reading other comics to see what happened. And even when it comes to torrenting the comics and whatnot thats too much to read.
Re: Hate Thread

The problem becomes: These characters have been around for ages. Anytime they try and change things half the fans take a crap. Any time they don't change things when the opportunity arises the other half of the fans take a crap. The only way they manage anything is either by inches or because it's so incomprehensibly thick that no one knows what to say.

That bit on Spidey is old, and it happened (literally, it seems) because the new editor at Marvel hates marriage. The Black Lantern thing is not as old, and sounded neat when I had first heard about it, but now it seems like they're just pulling shit out of the air.

Solution: Read other books. Image puts out quite a few books, like the Walking Dead and Invincible. Kick-Ass is one I've been meaning to get to, and gathered enough attention to get it's own movie almost immediately after it started releasing. Alternate solution: Treat any turn of events you disagree with as though it occurred in an alternate universe or some shit. That happens all the time, right?
Re: Hate Thread

Walking Dead is amazing. It turned kinda weird for a while after they found the other big group of people, but now it's right back on track. Especially now that the annoying wife is dead.
Re: Hate Thread

Ahyeah, "One more day." My only exposure to that was the I-Mockery article. I haven't read a Spider-Man in ages and I'm kind of glad I have only a fond attachment for the character himself, not the books.

Re: Hate Thread

Hey Tass, watch the spoiler there for those who haven't read Walking Dead. Which is a great series I concur.

So I'm simply saying that comics are not going downhill... just two companies are. Image has already been mentioned (they also do Spawn), but what about Top cow with "Witchblade" and "the Darkness". Vertigo has done the "Y: The Last Man" series, and there's also Zenescope doing the "Grimm Fairy Tales" books, and their own version of Alice in Wonderland.

So just because the two big companies that have kept the same characters since WWII are suddenly unable to find story lines does not mean that comics are bad these days.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the people that keep linking to another site instead of posting an ACTUAL DESCRIPTION for the game they posted. I don't mind the link, it's just that if they can't be arsed to at least make an attempt to describe the game in their own words, it makes me think it's not worth my time to download, especially if it's in multiple parts.
Re: Hate Thread

Agreed. I ignore such posts unless it's a game I'm looking for. Sort of wish I had a way to throw it in the spam folder or at least filter it to the bottom of the list. Too bad forums aren't quite like email.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who think all metal is good metal, and act like they know music when they don't know squat. I especially hate those people who rave on and on about Dragonforce. They aren't that fucking good. The only good songs they have are their ballads. Matter of fact, I hate most music aside from Metal.
Re: Hate Thread

You gotta give them a little leeway. While there are better power metal bands(like Avantasia and Sonata Arctica and...), it's still better than listening My Chemical Romance and saying that it's metal. Dragonforce is easy to listen to and in the end it brings more people to listen to good metal.

I hate mainstream rap music.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who think all metal is good metal, and act like they know music when they don't know squat. I especially hate those people who rave on and on about Dragonforce. They aren't that fucking good. The only good songs they have are their ballads. Matter of fact, I hate most music aside from Metal.

See, I agree with you, but you've got to give them credit: Not only are they one of the most successful power metal bands in the states since Iron Maiden, but a lot of people that start listening to them branch out into other power metal bands.

And yes, they certainly are better than crap like MCR.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm in a weird place musically right now, as I've no real fondness for rap or the surrounding culture but greatly enjoy some of the word play that comes out of it. So I listen to a great deal of music I wouldn't otherwise for the sake of catching a clever line or two, or to be surprised by a reference I'd thought I'd never hear. The got a mention at one point, and that's when I started listening to it.

Mostly I just don't give a shit though; that's the secret to my success.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when I mean to write something and then I can't find translation. I was trying to find translation for word "maihinnousukenkä"(it's the kind of shoes used in the military) and the only translation I could find was "amphibious shoe". Great job, everybody!
Re: Hate Thread

There is actually quite a few different types of boots in the military, though they are usually just called combat boots. I don't really know what the Finnish army uses specifically if that's what you mean though.