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Re: Hate Thread

It's hard to un-learn something that we all learned when we were so young.

I hate long-distance relationships. I suppose I shouldn't complain though, as it's only until fall.
Re: Hate Thread

It's hard to un-learn something that we all learned when we were so young.

I hate long-distance relationships. I suppose I shouldn't complain though, as it's only until fall.

Oh man... You have no idea.
Long distance is just .... Horrible, especially when you couldn't trust who you where with, and terrified even when talking to her.
Ugh, now I've got that in my mind again, God Fucking Damnit.
Re: Hate Thread

Whoops, sorry about that...

I really shouldn't call it that, I suppose. We each live in different states, and attend university in a third state. So it's just for the summer.
Re: Hate Thread

Whoops, sorry about that...

I really shouldn't call it that, I suppose. We each live in different states, and attend university in a third state. So it's just for the summer.

Oh that's alright, I just hate her now, and now I get violent tendencies when ever I see yellow buses =D

Yes, I bitch about my crappy relationships every now and then, because I hate acknowledging that it's over, because it was really pretty shit, and I never got over either of em' fully, just because of how unexpected one was, and just how terribly manipulative the other one was.

I just realised nobody must know what I'm talking about, I'll shut up now.
Re: Hate Thread

I've been in a steady relationship for the past 8-10 years. Five of them were living five hundred miles away from her. If I can do a long distance relationship for that long, anybody can. Don't lose hope - it's rough, but take comfort in the knowledge that others have been through worse and survived =)

I hate when bands change their style. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for progression to new sounds, new styles, and new themes in a band. It shows they have foresight and even more talent than just rehashing all their old stuff. It also draws in more people that would then listen to their older stuff, so they should progress in this way. The reason I hate it is when I don't like the new style. I get all excited about the new cd, and then I don't like it, even though they're one of my favorite groups, and it's massive, crushing disappointment. I guess I wish I were less picky about my music. There's so few groups that I genuinely enjoy, and typically there's a subset in that group's music that I don't like - because of this progression thing. Oh well, such is life.
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Re: Hate Thread

I actually do better in distance relationships than I do in the others.

I hate trying to figure out the words for the start of a story or chapter. I have no problem once I get past the start, but sometimes it's just so darn difficult to ge past that opening.
Re: Hate Thread

Only long distance relationship I had was one I made up as a practical joke once. :rolleyes:

I've had the chance to start a few with people over the internet, but I'm not going to start off a relationship that way. If one starts at home and shifts to that, sure, but I'm not going to get romantically attracted to someone I may not meet in person for years.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my step-dad. If something doesn't get done the second he says to get it done, he goes ape-shit; and, of course, if you ask him to do something, it can take him years - literally - to get around to doing it.
Re: Hate Thread

Your stepdad and my dad should go bowling together.
Re: Hate Thread

Nah, it'd take too long to get them to go bowling together. We'll have to find some other way to get them in the same room at the same time. Does your dad like Garfield comics? We could use that to lure them into the same room. Then I'll rig the ceiling to colla-- I mean, yeah, they'll have lots of fun.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate this fucking cold and rainy weather we've been having. There's no way to get yourself to do anything in this grey, dreary atmosphere.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate this fucking cold and rainy weather we've been having. There's no way to get yourself to do anything in this grey, dreary atmosphere.

You can have our sunny weather if you want it. Makes me drowsy as all hell so I'm even less motivated to do anything.
Re: Hate Thread

You can have our sunny weather if you want it. Makes me drowsy as all hell so I'm even less motivated to do anything.

I'd be all over complaining about the weather(it's 25 C and sunny outside and I only have black t-shirts), but it's better than cold.
Re: Hate Thread

I love the cold though. Cant stand the heat, even if there's a slight increase in temperature I end up sweating my balls off.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that my laptop is in the docket for tomorrow.


I'm paying and I want my baby back NOW. *spoiled* It died... Sunday. And I've been nearly a week without it, it's driving me bonkers.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh, you'll find me bitching about the heat pretty soon. However the weather is going to be, it's going to be WRONG.
Re: Hate Thread

I love the cold though. Cant stand the heat, even if there's a slight increase in temperature I end up sweating my balls off.

I've spent enough time shivering for a lifetime. I can't even remember how many friday evenings I've spent walking to the camp, putting up the tent and making firewood and trying to make fire from wet sticks all the while being tired and cold to the bone.
Re: Hate Thread

There's a reason I don't go camping.

My philosophy on weather is: You can always put more layers on to get comfortable in cold weather. In hot weather, there's only so much you can take off, and even then you're probably still going to be uncomfortable. Cold weather ftw.
Re: Hate Thread

There's always colder water to swim in, but you can only put on so many layers of clothing and still be mobile...
Re: Hate Thread
