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Re: Hate Thread

I have peacocks by my house. They may not be as dangerous as coyotes, but they are assholes. They have attacked my car door for no apparent reason. They have attempted to attack my car door for no apparent reason while I was moving at thirty miles an hour.

Maybe I'm not being fair to peacocks as a whole. Maybe I managed to insult this one peacock some how.
Re: Hate Thread

I saw a camel spider chase a man through the streets of KAF once.

Yet another reason Copper f'ing hates spiders. Or hates f'ing spiders. Take your pick.

And oi, peacocks. Do they really make that "I'm being murdered" sort of scream (or was it just something that sounded like "Help!" I don't recall...)?
Re: Hate Thread

Fuckers sound like they're wounded. Apparently that's their mating call.
Re: Hate Thread

Animals? Oh God I have black bears and turkeys everywhere. The black bears, while they aren't the aggressive bloodthirsty beasts like their cousin grizzly bears are, loooooove going through your trash and make a right mess every trash day. It's annoying as hell since i have to get up early and clean it all up before the trash guy gets here.

And turkeys may seem pretty harmless, but these guys are assholes too. They travel in HUGE groups and love to mimic some "Animals x-ing" sign. They block traffic all the time. And when you try to provoke them out, they either don't listen or get pissed at you. Thankfully they don't attack you, but I swear they can give you the meanest stink eye ever while they waddle away.
Re: Hate Thread

If we're talking about shitty animals now, allow me to express my undying hatred for geese. There's a pond right behind where I live and geese like to congregate there when they're in the area. They make a ton of noise and leave their shit everywhere when they leave. It's like a frat party, except instead of empty plastic cups they leave shit.

Not only that, but they are also assholes. Occasionally, I get one who's being a territorial douchebag and tries to run me out of my backyard. They also hate my black lab for some unspecified reason. You know the chickens in the Zelda games that swarm you if you piss them off? Geese do that to my dog if I let her out when they are around.
Re: Hate Thread

One time on a class trip to the zoo, they just let a peacock wander around the park. We were on a back path through a garden type deal and found one blocking our path, as if daring us to pass. It chased the first person to try as pass :eek:
Re: Hate Thread

I. Hate. Humidity. The air is almost unbreathable at this point. How do you Americans deal with that?
Re: Hate Thread

I. Hate. Humidity. The air is almost unbreathable at this point. How do you Americans deal with that?

Central air conditioning and AC window units. If that's not enough, kiddie pool with ice-water. When all else fails, SKI TRIP!

Or you could just get yourself grandparents who have a pool in their backyard and spend every day going over and hopping into it.
Re: Hate Thread

One time on a class trip to the zoo, they just let a peacock wander around the park. We were on a back path through a garden type deal and found one blocking our path, as if daring us to pass. It chased the first person to try as pass :eek:

Peacocks have never been mean to me when I went to the zoo.

Animals must hate you guys.

Animals that I hate:

Children. Why the hell do we have these things anyway?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I'm forced to watch little children at a pool every friday. Hey parents, some girls can be too young for 2 pieces. God it's creepy.

On a related note, I stayed to the side to watch a soccer game that a single girl was playing in with a bunch of boys and she was wearing a bright blue shirt and stood out, so I kept cheering her on, accidentally referring to her as "La blue girl" until I remembered what the hell la blue girl is.

I'm surprised I haven't been fired more often.
Re: Hate Thread

On a related note, I stayed to the side to watch a soccer game that a single girl was playing in with a bunch of boys and she was wearing a bright blue shirt and stood out, so I kept cheering her on, accidentally referring to her as "La blue girl" until I remembered what the hell la blue girl is.

There, that'll cover you at least once.
Re: Hate Thread

Well, considering my accent/speech impediment, it might have sounded like I was saying "lil" which really is how I came to start calling her that.
Re: Hate Thread

Children. Why the hell do we have these things anyway?

Continuation of the human species. Have a creature to love. Tax returns.

Arn't you glad yer parents decided to have one?