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Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when im taking medicine for a sickness and forget that 2 hours later i already took the pills and i take even more. Then im higher than a kite for a loong time.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when Chargers have a hard-on for me in L4D2.

"Those 5 chargers in a row 5 minutes ago made me realize just how fucked we are."
(or something like that)

Go around a corner? Charger.
Jump into the sewer? Charger.
Right before I jump into the sewer? ... okay, that was a Jockey.
As soon as I climb OUT of the sewer? Charger.
Jump off the broken bridge? Charger.
Go into an alley? Charger.
Go into a house? Charger.
Made it to the end of the bridge? Charger.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate the inability to go work my way through this forum at a convenient speed.
Re: Hate Thread

Fucking snow and ice, making my work even more of a pain in the ass than it already is

Also, I really don't like people taking their hentai too seriously. I have a friend like that. Once decided to troll him a bit by directly translating the things they say in some of the doujinshi he likes from english to finnish via messenger (it was really awkward-sounding). I swear, if we'd been in the same room, he would've probably strangled me to death, such were the comments I got back from him
Re: Hate Thread

I hear you Toxic... I hear ya.
Re: Hate Thread

Fucking snow and ice, making my work even more of a pain in the ass than it already is

Also, I really don't like people taking their hentai too seriously. I have a friend like that. Once decided to troll him a bit by directly translating the things they say in some of the doujinshi he likes from english to finnish via messenger (it was really awkward-sounding). I swear, if we'd been in the same room, he would've probably strangled me to death, such were the comments I got back from him

Ha, I knew a person like that with anime about 4-5 years ago. My friends and I took great pleasure in trolling him all the time.
Re: Hate Thread

I hear you Toxic... I hear ya.


seriously, every time I log in, I have to open every thread I want to read in it's own tab or window, and I can go listen to music and make a sandwich or something so I can come back to see which threads actually loaded, and which just stopped trying and remain a white page.

It used to just be a lag effect so that they're all slow, but at some point you receive all pages. How I can load 4 pages, have the 3rd one load immediately, the second one load in five minutes, and the first and fourth not respond, boggles me.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't know, but its been doing it to me as well. Randomly.

But I hate shitty reviews for games, typically coming from reader reviews. Look at the following two examples.

One gave a 0, and the other a 3. I'm interested in Two Worlds II but wasn't a fan of the first game, so of course I go and see what they're saying to help with a purchasing decision... except the reason the game got such low scores due to these two reviews, was because it was pushed back. What the fuck? That tells me absolutely nothing about the game except that you pour your hate into a game because it wasn't out when you wanted it to be.

"I hate this game because it didn't come out today, so I'll buy Dead Space 2 instead".

Seriously, fuck off, don't waste my time when I'm looking for actual information and not some whiny little fucks sob story. Yes it's okay not to be happy when a game is pushed back, but to go online and put a review up saying its a crap game because its not out yet is fucking ridiculous.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm tempted to say that I hate it when games are pushed back, but I won't.

I hate it when I have delicious Pizza, and I'm full. I want to eat that goddamn pizza so much, that pure rage boils through my blood and makes my food digest faster, but it's still not fast enough! I want to eat my goddamn pizza, it's delicious and I want it, but I literally have no space left down my puny stomach and minuscule maw, so I have to wait, wanting to taste that nice slice of awesome.

And when I finally think I'm hungry again, it's just wishful thinking, because after like two bites I'm full again. FFFFFFF-
Re: Hate Thread

Stuff you said...

Don't worry, there's a whole bunch of people who are patient, and hopefully outnumber the idiots... There's even people who will wait almost 14 years for a game...

Do I really have to put a picture of the game? You can figure it out...
Re: Hate Thread

I'm tempted to say that I hate it when games are pushed back, but I won't.

I hate it when I have delicious Pizza, and I'm full. I want to eat that goddamn pizza so much, that pure rage boils through my blood and makes my food digest faster, but it's still not fast enough! I want to eat my goddamn pizza, it's delicious and I want it, but I literally have no space left down my puny stomach and minuscule maw, so I have to wait, wanting to taste that nice slice of awesome.

And when I finally think I'm hungry again, it's just wishful thinking, because after like two bites I'm full again. FFFFFFF-

Solution: Throw up.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm tempted to say that I hate it when games are pushed back, but I won't.

Now, I dislike games getting pushed back as much as the next person, but it doesn't make me hate the game...
Re: Hate Thread

It does have an impact thought.

If Fable 3 had been released on PC when it was released on xbox, I'd own it.

I no longer have any intention of buying it.

Still, i wouldn't give it a horrific review simply due to this.
Re: Hate Thread

It does have an impact thought.

If Fable 3 had been released on PC when it was released on xbox, I'd own it.

I no longer have any intention of buying it.

Still, i wouldn't give it a horrific review simply due to this.

Indeed... do you hate the game, or do you just have no incentive to buy it now?
Re: Hate Thread

Indeed... do you hate the game, or do you just have no incentive to buy it now?

Just from what I've heard, and my experience with Fable II, don't think I'll enjoy it all that much.
Re: Hate Thread

I wasn't sure whether I want to put this in the rant thread, the wonder, truth, and fear thread or the movie talkie thread, but I figure this thread sums up my feelings quite nicely.

Dear Hollywood,

WTF? Why?
Re: Hate Thread

Dear Hollywood,

WTF? Why?

They must have made more money on the first one than they thought they would.
Or they at least broke above even (no matter how small of an amount it is).

Either way, I must concur on the 'WTF'.

For shame, Hollywood. I am disappoint.
Re: Hate Thread

Why are you guys even surprised by this? This is Hollywood, a bunch of jackals that think of easy cash before good film making.

Really, this is something we'll all be able to ignore and let slide off into nothing... I mean I forgot about the first one entirely. However, what does bug me about this film is that Jon Huertas is in it.

Why Esposito?! WHY?
Re: Hate Thread

Was sleeping in, woken up by the phone, ran to answer, it stops ringing right as I get there...