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Re: Hate Thread

sailing season?

my dad was an olympic sailor.
Re: Hate Thread

sailing season?

my dad was an olympic sailor.

Suprisingly, even though I live like a stone's throw away from the ocean, I've never been sailing .-. Have you ever been Nunu?

@Wonderboy: You've got to remember though Wonderboy... Usually, with women, you've got to multi task a lil >< Seems impossible, I know. but there's an easy fix! Ask her to study with you. Take your lunch break at work with her. Heck, If It comes down to It, Invite her over to cuddle at night! That way, you get your sleep, AND you make her more happy and involved (Trust me, the later is more important If you want the relationship to last >.> ).
Re: Hate Thread

Hehe, she's not allowed to sleep over on school nights sadly... Oh, and Nunu, she's the competitive sailor of us, I just sail for fun. She sails in the European Laser championships.
Re: Hate Thread

Hehe, she's not allowed to sleep over on school nights sadly... Oh, and Nunu, she's the competitive sailor of us, I just sail for fun. She sails in the European Laser championships.

You don't let her sleep over on weekdays?o,0
Re: Hate Thread

+Rep for you good sir, and no, as you probably figured, that rule is her mothers. I suppose that's the downside of having a 17yo girlfriend.

Now for some more hate from me... I hate that I learned basic Python for my early courses in physics and math. I was then told that Python was of no use, and told to learn matlab. Now, more than a year since I last used Python, it is an integral part of our physics work-kit, and because I was assured I would never use it, I've let those skills rot.

Relearning... Yay.
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck Microsoft peripherals. Specifically, the freebie tiny mouse I have. Cuts out every 10-20 minutes for about 1-2 minutes.

Fuck my (previously) nice mouse for fucking up and forcing me to use a shitty back-up mouse.

And fuck my step-dad for... well, a multitude of reasons, but mostly for treating me like a know-nothing pre-teen when it comes to technical problems.
Re: Hate Thread

I say that about pretty much everything about Microsoft myself Kusanagi, even though I have an X-box I still say it. But I hate Apple even more so, I say fuck them in their asses until they're bloody.

But about the last thing, I can't say much about my stepdad being that way, but my real mother is. She thinks that just because she's pretty much twice my age that she knows much more than me about everything there is, even when it's clear she doesn't. One of my aunts is even worse than that. Every time I give my opinion in my family, or if my brother does, either one of our suggestions or anything like that are just thrown in the trash as if we don't know what we're talking about at all. It's stupid because my brother is pretty much a genius, and while I'm not one or even near being that smart myself I'm still a might sight smarter than most if not all of the rest of my family are.
Re: Hate Thread

Aaaand that's why I moved out at the age of eighteen...

edit: Although now more than ever I realize that living alone sucks. Being sick literally is a pain - albeit fortunately not in the ass, so at least there's that...
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate cutting my hand open with the needle nose pliers I was using to work with my chainmaille
Re: Hate Thread

I hate continuous rain.

Don't get me wrong, I like the occasional rain and all, but it feels like it's been raining for a month with a few breaks.
Re: Hate Thread

Goddammit, there's a .hack fighting game for the PS3 and it hasn't been released outside of Japan.
Re: Hate Thread

*perk* Really? Although this doesn't surprise me. Give it time, though. They did a Persona fighting game. Maybe they'll do this one, too. Then again, Persona = Atlus = Awesome. Don't think the .hack series has that connection.
Re: Hate Thread

The .hack game, as far as I can tell, came boxed with the movie last year. So it's not looking good about it being released outside of Japan. Wish it would though as it has loads of characters from each series.
Re: Hate Thread

Apparently having made a thread relating to finding the origins to hentai is grounds for me being some sort of hentai master, as I got a PM requesting exactly that sorta thing. Seriously people, just USE. THE. THREAD. -,-;
Re: Hate Thread

but... you are the hentai master!
Re: Hate Thread

hey i was just reading your user title.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how when I went to continue my game of "the Walking Dead", my save file decided I was suddenly all the way back at episode 1, hence removing all my decisions. Yeah... that's a piss off.